#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # `Cortix` 2019 **07Aug2019** # # # Droplet Swirl Example # * This is part of the [Cortix](https://cortix.org)-on-[Jupyter-Notebook](https://github.com/dpploy/cortix-nb) examples. # * You must be in a Jupyter Notebook server to run this notebook. # * Select each of the cells below and run them sequentially (use the run button, `>|` on the tool bar or use the `Cell` option on the menu bar). # * Alternatively, on the menu bar run all cells: `Cell -> Run All`. # # $ # \newcommand{\Amtrx}{\boldsymbol{\mathsf{A}}} # \newcommand{\Bmtrx}{\boldsymbol{\mathsf{B}}} # \newcommand{\Smtrx}{\boldsymbol{\mathsf{S}}} # \newcommand{\xvec}{\boldsymbol{\mathsf{x}}} # \newcommand{\vvar}{\boldsymbol{v}} # \newcommand{\fvar}{\boldsymbol{f}} # \newcommand{\Power}{\mathcal{P}} # \newcommand{\bm}[1]{{\boldsymbol{#1}}} # $ # --- # ## Table of Contents # * [Introduction](#intro) # - [Droplet motion model](#dropletmodel) # - [Vortex motion model](#vortexmodel) # * [Write a Cortix run file](#runfile) # * [Verify the network connectivity](#net) # * [Run the network simulation](#run) # * [Results inspection through Cortix](#inspect) # - [Results: All droplets](#dataplot) # - [Results: Individual droplets](#droplet) # --- # ## Introduction # This Cortix use-case simulates the motion of a swarm of droplets in a vortex stream. # It consists of two modules, namely, a `Droplet` module used to model the droplet dynamics, # and a `Vortex` module used to model the effects of the surrounding air on the falling # droplets. The `Droplet` module is instantiated as many times as there are droplets in # the simulation while a single `Vortex` module is connected to all `Droplet` # instances. The communication between modules entails a two-way data exchange between # the `Vortex` module and the `Droplet` modules, where `Droplet` sends # its position to `Vortex` and `Vortex` returns the air velocity to `Droplet` at the given position. # ### Droplet motion model # The equation of motion of a spherical droplet can be written as: # \begin{equation*} # m_\text{d}\,d_t\bm{v} = \bm{f}_\text{d} + \bm{f}_\text{b} , # \end{equation*} # where # \begin{equation*} # \bm{f}_\text{d} = c_\text{d} A \, \rho_\text{f}\, # \frac{||\bm{v} - \bm{v}_\text{f}||}{2}\,(\bm{v} - \bm{v}_\text{f}) , # \end{equation*} # is the form drag force on the droplet, # \begin{equation*} # \bm{f}_\text{b} = (m_\text{d} - m_\text{f})\,g \hat{z} , # \end{equation*} # is the buoyancy force on the droplet, # \begin{equation*} # c_\text{d}(Re) = # \begin{cases} # \frac{24}{Re} & Re < 0.1\\ # \Bigl(\sqrt{\frac{24}{Re}} + 0.5407\Bigr)^2 & 0.1 \leq Re < 6000 \\ # 0.44 & Re \geq 6000 # \end{cases} # \end{equation*} # is the drag coefficient as a function of Reynold's number, # $Re=\frac{\rho_\text{f}\,||\bm{v}||\,d}{\mu_\text{f}}$. # The mass of the droplet and its displaced fluid mass are denoted $m_d$ and $m_f$, # respectively. Droplet diameter, $d$, dynamic viscosity, $\mu_\text{f}$, and # mass density, $\rho_\text{f}$, of the surrounding air are provided. # ### Vortex motion model # Here we simply use an imposed vortex circulation in analytical form given by its # tangential component of velocity # \begin{equation*} # v_\theta(r,z,t) = \Bigl(1 - e^{\frac{-r^2}{8\,r_c^2}}\Bigr) # \frac{\Gamma}{2\pi\, \max(r,r_c)} f(z) \, \bigl|\cos(\mu\,t)\bigr|, # \end{equation*} # and its vertical component # \begin{equation*} # v_z(z,t) = v_h \, f(z) \, \bigl|\cos(\mu\,t)\bigr|, # \end{equation*} # where # \begin{equation*} # f(z) = e^{\frac{-(h - z)}{\ell}} # \end{equation*} # is a vertical relaxation factor, $r_c$ is the vortex core radius, # $\Gamma = \frac{2\pi R}{v_\theta |_{r = R}}$ is the vortex circulation, # $R$ is the vortex outer radius, # $h$ is the height of the vortex, and # $\ell$ is the relaxation length of $v_z$. # ## Write the run context # In[1]: # Import various packages; must have the Cortix repository installed import scipy.constants as const import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Leave this block here for Azure try: import cortix except ImportError: print('Installing the "cortix" package...') print('') get_ipython().system('pip install cortix') import cortix from cortix.src.cortix_main import Cortix from cortix.src.network import Network # Import the example modules from cortix.examples.droplet_swirl.vortex import Vortex from cortix.examples.droplet_swirl.droplet import Droplet # In[2]: # Create a Cortix object with Python multiprocessing swirl = Cortix(use_mpi=False,splash=True) swirl.network = Network() swirl_net = swirl.network # Set parameters in SI units n_droplets = 15 end_time = 3*const.minute time_step = 0.2 # In[3]: # Create the application network # Vortex module (single) vortex = Vortex() swirl_net.module(vortex) vortex.show_time = (True,1*const.minute) vortex.end_time = end_time vortex.time_step = time_step vortex.plot_velocity() for i in range(n_droplets): # Droplet modules (multiple) droplet = Droplet() swirl_net.module(droplet) droplet.end_time = end_time droplet.time_step = time_step droplet.bounce = False # allow droplets to bounce off the ground droplet.slip = False # allow droplets to slip on the ground (otherwise will stick) droplet.save = True # Save the simulation data for post-processing swirl_net.connect( [droplet, 'external-flow'], [vortex, vortex.get_port('fluid-flow:{}'.format(i))], 'bidirectional') # ## Verify the network connectivity # In[4]: # View the Cortix network created swirl_net.draw() # ## Run network simulation # In[5]: # Run the simulation! swirl.run() # ## Results inspection through Cortix # ### All droplets # In[15]: '''All droplets' trajectory''' from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt position_histories = list() for m in swirl_net.modules[1:]: position_histories.append( m.liquid_phase.get_quantity_history('position')[0].value ) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='3d') ax.set_title('Droplet Trajectories') ax.set_xlabel('x') ax.set_ylabel('y') ax.set_zlabel('z') for p in position_histories: x = [u[0] for u in p] y = [u[1] for u in p] z = [u[2] for u in p] ax.plot(x,y,z) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [10,10] plt.show() # Trajectories of all droplets released from random positions at 500-m altitude. Multiprocessing parallel run with number of processes corresponding to all modules: all `Droplet` modules, 1 `Vortex` module, # and 1 Cortix master process. # In[14]: '''All droplets' speed''' fig = plt.figure(2) plt.xlabel('Time [min]') plt.ylabel('Speed [m/s]') plt.title('All Droplets') for m in swirl_net.modules[1:]: speed = m.liquid_phase.get_quantity_history('speed')[0].value plt.plot(list(speed.index/60), speed.tolist()) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,5] plt.grid() plt.show() # In[8]: '''All droplets' radial position''' fig = plt.figure(3) plt.xlabel('Time [min]') plt.ylabel('Radial Position [m]') plt.title('All Droplets') for m in swirl_net.modules[1:]: radial_pos = m.liquid_phase.get_quantity_history('radial-position')[0].value plt.plot(list(radial_pos.index/60), radial_pos.tolist()) plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,5] plt.grid() plt.show() # ### Individual droplet modules # In[9]: '''Droplet 1 Module State''' droplet_1 = swirl_net.modules[2] (speed_quant,time_unit) = droplet_1.liquid_phase.get_quantity_history('speed') print('time unit = ',time_unit) print('speed unit = ',speed_quant.unit) speed = speed_quant.value speed.plot(title='Droplet 1: Speed vs Time') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,5] plt.grid() plt.show() # In[10]: (radial_position_quant,time_unit) = droplet_1.liquid_phase.get_quantity_history('radial-position') print('time unit = ',time_unit) print('rad. pos. unit = ',radial_position_quant.unit) rad_pos = radial_position_quant.value rad_pos.plot(title='Droplet 1: Radial Position vs Time') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,5] plt.grid() plt.show() # # Droplet at Scale # # Below is a graph of the number of droplets in the system vs the elapsed time of the corresponding simulation. # This scaling experiment uses randomly positioned droplets at altitude of 500 m. Therefore the work for each run is not exactly the same since time integration of the trajectories use time adaptivity and some trajectories take more work to complete than others. However the plot below shows the trend of the one-to-all communication bottlenect with increasing number of droplet modules. # # **Data collected courtesy of the Idaho National Labs HPC center (https://hpc.inl.gov)** # In[13]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Droplet number vs Simulation runtimes droplet_run_times = [(250, 127), (500, 168), (1000, 346), (2000, 1660), (3000, 2659.24)] # Calculate the average runtime per droplet drops_per_sec = [x/y for (x,y) in droplet_run_times] avg_drop_per_sec = sum(drops_per_sec) / len(drops_per_sec) print("Average number of droplets handled per second: %.2f" % avg_drop_per_sec) plt.plot([x for (x, y) in droplet_run_times], [y for (x, y) in droplet_run_times]) plt.title("Simulation Runtime vs Number of Droplets") plt.xlabel("Number of Droplets (MPI processes or Cores)") plt.ylabel("Simulation Runtime (s)") plt.grid() plt.savefig("droplet_trend.png") plt.show() # In[ ]: