import theano import theano.tensor as T from sklearn import decomposition import numpy as np from numpy import linalg import pandas as pd ## load data data2d = np.loadtxt('data/pca_2d/pcaData.txt').T print data2d.shape plot(data2d[:, 0], data2d[:, 1], 'bo') title('Raw data') print data2d.mean(axis = 0) print data2d.var(axis = 0) normalized_data = data2d - data2d.mean(axis = 0) # featurewise/columnwise DC removal print normalized_data.shape plot(normalized_data[:, 0], normalized_data[:, 1], 'bo') title('Normalized (feature-wise) data') ## remove DC - instance-wise NOT NCESSARY IN THIS EXAMPLE data2d = data2d - np.mean(data2d, axis = 1).reshape(-1, 1) plot(data2d[:, 0], data2d[:, 1], 'bo') ## find PCA basis ## SVD == Eigen-decomposition for sysmetric & positive definite matrices (covariance matrix) ## The PC directions will be the columns of U ## The PC vectors will be the PC directions from the CENTER of the normalized data U, S, V = linalg.svd(, normalized_data) / normalized_data.shape[0]) print U.shape, S.shape, V.shape center = data2d.mean(axis = 0) pc1, pc2 = U.T print pc1 plot(normalized_data[:, 0], normalized_data[:, 1], 'g.') plot([center[0], pc1[0]], [center[1], pc1[1]], 'b->') plot([center[0], pc2[0]], [center[1], pc2[1]], 'b->') title('PC of normalized data') print, pc2), ' dot product == 0 means they are othogonal!!' ## calcualte xRot - X projection on the PC xRot =, U) print xRot.shape plot(xRot[:, 0], xRot[:, 1], 'bo') title('xRot') ylim(-0.3, 0.5) xlim(-1, 1.1) ## dimension reduction by PCA ## by selecting only the first pc #xRot_pc1 = xRot[:, 1] = 0 # ignore the second PC ???? xRot_pc1 = xRot.copy() ## deep copy xRot_pc1[:, 1] = 0 #print xRot #print xRot_pc1 xHat =, U.T) print xHat.shape plot(xHat[:, 0], xHat[:, 1], 'bo') title('xHat') ## PCA WHITENING - NORMALIZE U by S matrix diagonal elements whitened_pcs = U / np.sqrt(S) print whitened_pcs print U whitened_X =, whitened_pcs) #whitened_X =, whitened_pcs), U.T) print whitened_X.shape plot(whitened_X[:, 0], whitened_X[:, 1], 'bo') ## ZCA WHITENING - NORMALIZE U by S matrix diagonal elements whitened_pcs = U / np.sqrt(S) print whitened_pcs print U whitened_Z =, whitened_pcs), U.T) print whitened_Z.shape plot(whitened_Z[:, 0], whitened_Z[:, 1], 'bo') ## load data from scipy import io images = io.loadmat('data/pca_exercise/IMAGES_RAW.mat')['IMAGESr'] print images.shape gray() """ fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 5, ncols = 2, figsize = (1 *2, 1 * 5)) axes = axes.flatten() for i in range(images.shape[2]): axes[i].imshow(images[:,:,i]) """ ## get random patches of 10000 x 12 x 12 patches = np.zeros((10000, 12, 12)) im_index = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 10, size = 10000) x_index = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 512 - 12, size = 10000) y_index = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 512 - 12, size = 10000) for i, (im, x, y) in enumerate(zip(im_index, x_index, y_index)): patches[i] = images[x:x+12, y:y+12, im] print patches.shape feats = patches.reshape(10000, -1) print feats.shape ## patchwise zero-mean of the data print feats.mean(axis = 1) normalized_feats = feats - feats.mean(axis = 1).reshape(-1, 1) print normalized_feats.shape print normalized_feats.mean(axis = 1) ## PCA cov_mat =, normalized_feats) / normalized_feats.shape[0] U, S, V = linalg.svd(cov_mat) print U.shape, S.shape, V.shape rot_feats =, U) rot_mat =, rot_feats) / rot_feats.shape[0] fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (3 * 2, 3 * 1)) axes[0].imshow(cov_mat, cmap = cm.jet) axes[0].set_title('cov before PC rotation') axes[1].imshow(rot_mat, cmap = cm.jet) axes[1].set_title('cov after PC rotation (diagonal)') ## find k to retain 90% and 99% variance explained_variance = S.cumsum() / S.sum() print explained_variance k90 = np.argwhere(explained_variance >= 0.9)[0][0] + 1 k99 = np.argwhere(explained_variance >= 0.99)[0][0] + 1 print k90, k99 ## get the ZCA rot_feats90 = rot_feats.copy() rot_feats90[:, k90:] = 0 rot_feats99 = rot_feats.copy() rot_feats99[:, k99:] = 0 #feats90 =, U.T) #feats99 =, U.T) print feats90.shape, feats99.shape ## plotting - the first 25 patches ## original figure() fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 3, figsize=(1 * 3, 1 * 3)) axes = axes.flatten() fig.suptitle('original') for i in xrange(9): axes[i].imshow(feats[i].reshape(12, 12), interpolation='none') axes[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[i].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ## 99% variation figure() fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 3, figsize=(1 * 3, 1 * 3)) axes = axes.flatten() fig.suptitle('99%') for i in xrange(9): axes[i].imshow(feats99[i].reshape(12, 12), interpolation='none') axes[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[i].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ## 90% variation figure() fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 3, figsize=(1 * 3, 1 * 3)) axes = axes.flatten() fig.suptitle('90%') for i in xrange(9): axes[i].imshow(feats90[i].reshape(12, 12), interpolation='none') axes[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[i].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ## ZCA whitening epsilon = 0.1 white_U = U / (np.sqrt(S) + epsilon) feats_zca =, white_U), U.T) print feats_zca.shape ## plotting - the first 25 patches ## original figure() fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 3, figsize=(1 * 3, 1 * 3)) axes = axes.flatten() fig.suptitle('original') for i in xrange(9): axes[i].imshow(feats[i].reshape(12, 12), interpolation='none') axes[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[i].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ## ZCA figure() fig, axes = subplots(nrows = 3, ncols = 3, figsize=(1 * 3, 1 * 3)) axes = axes.flatten() fig.suptitle('ZCA whitening -- enhanced edges') for i in xrange(9): axes[i].imshow(feats_zca[i].reshape(12, 12), interpolation='none') axes[i].get_xaxis().set_visible(False) axes[i].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ## covariance of pca whitening (with/without reguarlization) epsilon = 0. white_U = U / (np.sqrt(S) + epsilon) feats_pca =, white_U) figure(figsize = (4, 4)) imshow(, feats_pca) / feats_pca.shape[0], cmap = cm.jet) epsilon = 1. white_U = U / (np.sqrt(S) + epsilon) feats_pca =, white_U) figure(figsize = (4, 4)) imshow(, feats_pca) / feats_pca.shape[0], cmap = cm.jet)