#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Python Notebooks for MXNet # # The outline of python notebooks. # # ## Tutorials # # - [MNIST](./tutorials/mnist.ipynb): Recognize handwritten digits with multilayer perceptrons and convolutional neural networks # - [Recognize image objects](./tutorials/predict_imagenet.ipynb) with pre-trained model on the full Imagenet dataset that containing more than 10M images and over 10K classes # - [Char-LSTM](./tutorials/char_lstm.ipynb): Generates Obama's speeches with character-level LSTM. # - [Matrix Factorization](./tutorials/matrix_factorization.ipynb): Recommend movies to users. # # ## Basic Concepts # # - [NDArray](./basic/ndarray.ipynb): manipulating multi-dimensional array # - [Symbol](./basic/symbol.ipynb): symbolic expression for neural networks # - [Module](./basic/module.ipynb) : intermediate-level and high-level interface for neural network training and inference. # - [Loading data](./basic/data.ipynb) : feeding data into training/inference programs # - [Mixed programming](./basic/mixed.ipynb): developing training algorithms by using NDArray and Symbol together. # # # ## How Tos # # - [Use pretrained models for prediction and feature extraction](./how_to/predict.ipynb) # - [Use pretrainde models for fine-tune](./how_to/finetune.ipynb) # # In[ ]: