#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Utilizing Scientific Python Tools for the Application of Data Science Techniques to High Impact Weather Prediction


David John Gagne II


University of Oklahoma/National Center for Atmospheric Research


April 13, 2015
2015 UCAR SEA Conference

Twitter: @DJGagneDos
Github: https://www.github.com/djgagne
# ##Acknowledgements # * OU Advisor: Amy McGovern # * NCAR Advisors: Sue Haupt and John Williams # * Severe Hail Analysis, Representation and Prediction (SHARP) Team: Nate Snook, Youngsun Jung, Jon Labriola # * Gridded Atmopsheric Forecast System (GRAFS) Team: Seth Linden, Gerry Wiener, Bill Petzke, Jared Lee # * CAPS: Ming Xue, Kevin Thomas, Keith Brewster, Yunheng Wang, Chris Cook # * NOAA: Jimmy Correia, Adam Clark, Michael Coniglio # ##WARNING: Do ~~NOT~~ Try This At Home! # * Goal: Demonstrate the power of Python Data Science tools # * Provide a sandbox for users to experiment with real weather data # * Presentation, source code, and data available at https://www.github.com/djgagne/ucar_sea_2015/ # * Requires standard Anaconda Python Distribution with netCDF4-python, Basemap, and IPython 3.0 # * If you have git installed: `git clone https://github.com/djgagne/ucar_sea_2015.git` # * Otherwise download the zip file: https://github.com/djgagne/ucar_sea_2015/archive/master.zip # ## Motivation # * High impact weather includes weather phenomena that cause large personal and/or economic losses # * Includes extreme weather disasters # * Hurricanes, tornadoes, __hail__, floods # * Also includes "normal" weather events with economic effects # * __Unforseen partly cloudy day causes unexpected fluctuations in solar power generation__ # * Mild, dry, weather closes ski resort early # ##Python and Data Science in High Impact Weather Prediction # * Bridge the gap from raw numerical weather prediction (NWP) model output and observations to actionable information # * Compiling historical model runs and observations # * Pre-processing data # * Applying statistical learning models to correct output and make derived products # * Visualizing results # #Interactive Demonstrations # * Hail Size Prediction # * Locating hail swaths with image processing techniques # * Solar Irradiance Prediction # * Train statistical learning models # * Validate model predictions # # Hail Size Prediction # * Current hail forecasts tend to be coarse in area and time # * Storm-scale models can produce high resolution simulations of hail-producing storms # * Storm-scale models do not produce best estimates of hail size or uncertainty # * Statistical learning models can provide calibrated size and uncertainty estimates # ##Python Libraries # # In[1]: # Useful general libraries get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import numpy as np from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap from collections import OrderedDict # Data Processing import pandas as pd from netCDF4 import Dataset # Custom image segmentation libraries from hail.EnhancedWatershedSegmenter import EnhancedWatershed from hail.Hysteresis import Hysteresis # ## Data: NOAA NSSL Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Maximum Estimated Size of Hail (MESH) # Radar-estimated hail size based on a 3D radar reflectivity mosaic with 1 km grid-spacing # In[2]: # Load MESH data and plot it with Dataset("data/MESH_4km_20140603-00:00_20140603-23:00") as mesh_file: lon = mesh_file.variables['lon'][:] lat = mesh_file.variables['lat'][:] mesh_data = mesh_file.variables['MESH'][:] mesh_hour = 22 bmap_hail = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l', llcrnrlon=-105, urcrnrlon=-92, llcrnrlat=40, urcrnrlat=45) plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) bmap_hail.drawstates() bmap_hail.drawlsmask() cont = plt.contourf(lon, lat, mesh_data[mesh_hour], np.arange(5,105,5), cmap="PuBuGn_r") cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation="horizontal",shrink=0.9,fraction=0.1, pad=0.01) title_obj = plt.title("MESH Swaths: June 3, 2014 {0:02d}00 UTC".format(mesh_hour), fontsize=20) # ##Image Segmentation # * Split image into distinct regions or objects based on intensity values # * Thresholding: objects are contiguous areas with intensities above a specified threshold # * Hysteresis: contiguous areas above a threshold containing at least 1 point above a second threshold # * Watershed: objects are "grown" from local maxima in layers until a minimum intensity is met # * Enhanced Watershed (Lakshmanan et al. 2009): Adds size criteria, buffer regions around objects, and other enhancements # ## Image Segmentation Process # In[47]: from skimage.measure import regionprops #Hysteresis (low threshold, high threshold) hyst = Hysteresis(5,10) # Enhanced Watershed (low threshold, # discretization interval, # discretization maximum, # size threshold, # number of watershed iterations) ew = EnhancedWatershed(5,1,100,100,50) labels = OrderedDict() labels['Hysteresis'] = hyst.label(gaussian_filter(mesh_data[22], 1)) print "Number of Hysteresis Objects:", labels['Hysteresis'].max() labels['Enhanced Watershed'] = ew.label(gaussian_filter(mesh_data[22],1)) print "Number of Enhanced Watershed Objects:", labels['Enhanced Watershed'].max() labels['Enhanced Watershed Size Filter'] = ew.size_filter(labels['Enhanced Watershed'], 50) print "Number of Size Filtered Objects:", labels['Enhanced Watershed Size Filter'].max() # ## Image Segmentation Examples # In[48]: # Plot objects cm = ListedColormap(np.random.random((50,3))) plt.figure(figsize=(14,6)) plt.subplot(2,2,1) bmap_hail.drawstates() plt.title("MESH", fontsize=20) cont = plt.contourf(lon, lat, mesh_data[22], np.arange(5,105,5), cmap="PuBuGn_r") sp = 2 for plot_name, image in labels.iteritems(): plt.subplot(2,2,sp) bmap_hail.drawstates() ht = plt.title(plot_name, fontsize=20) pcol = plt.contourf(lon, lat, np.ma.array(image, mask=image < 1), np.arange(image.max() + 1), cmap=cm) #Find centroids props = regionprops(image) centroids = np.round([prop.centroid for prop in props]).astype(int) plt.scatter(lon[centroids[:,0],centroids[:,1]], lat[centroids[:,0],centroids[:,1]], 10, 'r') sp += 1 # In[49]: # Red regions are objects, foothills regions are in orange pixels, quant_map = ew.quantize(gaussian_filter(mesh_data[22], 1)) marked = ew.find_local_maxima(gaussian_filter(mesh_data[22],1)) plt.figure(figsize=(30,15)) bmap_hail.drawstates() plt.contourf(lon, lat, marked,[-3,-2,0, 100],colors=['orange','white','red']) # ##Hysteresis vs. Enhanced Watershed # * Hysteresis # 1. Only 2 parameters to set # 2. Captures entirety of regions # 3. Can combine seemingly distinct objects # * Enhanced Watershed # 1. Captures different scales depending on size threshold # 2. Captures core of objects # 3. Can separate even adjacent objects # ##Solar Irradiance Prediction # * Solar power is providing a rapidly growing share of the electricity generated worldwide # * Electric grids are more vulnerable to irregular fluxations in solar energy generation # * Improved forecasting of solar irradiance leads to fewer surprises, cheaper solar energy # * Best forecasting methods combine NWP output with a statistical learning model # ## Gridded Atmospheric Forecast System (GRAFS) # * Best statistical forecasts come from 1 model fitted to 1 site with a long data record # * With rapid growth of new solar sites and distributed solar, harder to build up data record # * Solution: create a statistical learning model framework that learns from many stations and applies predictions to a grid # ##Loading Data # * NWP Output comes from downscaled NAM # * Observations are from MADIS pyranometers in the Southwest US # * Pandas library can be used to read csv files quickly and import data into a Data Frame # In[6]: solar_training_data = pd.read_csv("data/grafs_train_data.csv") solar_testing_data = pd.read_csv("data/grafs_test_data.csv") print solar_training_data.columns # In[7]: train_stations = solar_training_data['station'].unique() max_solar = np.zeros(train_stations.size) station_lats = np.zeros(train_stations.size) station_lons = np.zeros(train_stations.size) for ts, train_station in enumerate(train_stations): is_station = solar_training_data['station'] == train_station station_idxs = np.nonzero(is_station)[0] max_solar[ts] = solar_training_data['av_dswrf_sfc'][is_station].max() station_lons[ts] = solar_training_data['lon'][station_idxs[0]] station_lats[ts] = solar_training_data['lat'][station_idxs[0]] bmap = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='l', llcrnrlon=-125, urcrnrlon=-93, llcrnrlat=25, urcrnrlat=43) plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) bmap.drawstates() bmap.drawcoastlines() bmap.drawcountries() plt.title("Training Stations", fontsize=20) plt.scatter(station_lons, station_lats, 20,max_solar,cmap=plt.get_cmap('Reds')) # ##Statistical (Machine) Learning Models # * Scikit-learn provides a straightforward Python interface to many common statistical learning models # In[8]: from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_regression from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline # Linear regression from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge ridge = Pipeline([('anova',SelectKBest(f_regression,k=15)),('ridge',Ridge(alpha=1))]) # Random forest from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, max_features='sqrt', max_depth=6) # Gradient Boosting Regression Trees from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor gbr = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=100, learning_rate=0.1, loss='lad', max_depth=6) #K-Nearest Neighbors Regression from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor knr = Pipeline([('anova',SelectKBest(f_regression,k=15)), ('knn',KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors=10, weights='uniform'))]) # ## Fitting the Models # In[9]: input_columns = np.array(['valid_hour_pst', 'forecast_hour', 'asp', 'dem', 'slope','lat','lon', 'T_f', 'T_f_mean', 'T_f_max', 'T_f_min', 'T_f_median', 'T_f_correlate', 'T_f_gradient', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f_mean', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f_max', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f_min', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f_median', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f_correlate', 'av_dswrf_sfc_f_gradient', 'cloud_cover_f', 'cloud_cover_f_mean', 'cloud_cover_f_max', 'cloud_cover_f_min', 'cloud_cover_f_median', 'cloud_cover_f_correlate', 'cloud_cover_f_gradient']) output_column = 'av_dswrf_sfc' print "Fitting ridge" ridge.fit(solar_training_data[input_columns], solar_training_data[output_column]) print "Fitting random forest" rf.fit(solar_training_data[input_columns], solar_training_data[output_column]) print "Fitting gradient boosted regression" gbr.fit(solar_training_data[input_columns], solar_training_data[output_column]) print "Fitting KNR" knr.fit(solar_training_data[input_columns], solar_training_data[output_column]) # ## Ranking Input Features # Feature Importance quantifies the average increase in error caused by randomizing the values of an input feature. # In[10]: rf_var_importance_rankings = np.argsort(rf.feature_importances_)[::-1] gbr_var_importance_rankings = np.argsort(gbr.feature_importances_)[::-1] knr_var_names = knr.steps[0][1].get_support(indices=True) print "Random Forest".ljust(34) + " Gradient Boosting".ljust(35) for r, g in zip(rf_var_importance_rankings[:15],gbr_var_importance_rankings[:15]): print "{0}: {1:0.3f} | {2}: {3:0.3f}".format(input_columns[r].ljust(25), rf.feature_importances_[r], input_columns[g].ljust(25), gbr.feature_importances_[g]) # ## Comparing Model Error # In[11]: def mean_absolute_error(forecast, obs): return np.mean(np.abs(forecast - obs)) predictions = {} predictions['Ridge Regression'] = ridge.predict(solar_testing_data[input_columns]) predictions['Random Forest'] = rf.predict(solar_testing_data[input_columns]) predictions['Gradient Boosting'] = gbr.predict(solar_testing_data[input_columns]) predictions['KNR'] = knr.predict(solar_testing_data[input_columns]) print 'NAM'.ljust(20) + "{0:0.3f}".format(mean_absolute_error(solar_testing_data['av_dswrf_sfc_f'], solar_testing_data[output_column])) for model_name, preds in predictions.iteritems(): print model_name.ljust(20) + "{0:0.3f}".format(mean_absolute_error(preds, solar_testing_data[output_column])) # ## Visualizing Model Predictions # In[12]: plt.figure(figsize=(15,4)) m = 1 for model_name, preds in predictions.iteritems(): plt.subplot(1,len(predictions.keys()),m) plt.scatter(predictions[model_name], solar_testing_data[output_column],1,'k') plt.plot(np.arange(0,900,100),np.arange(0,900,100),'r--') plt.xlim(0,800) plt.ylim(0,800) plt.xlabel(model_name, fontsize=14) if m == 1: plt.ylabel("Obs", fontsize=14) m += 1 # ##Visualizing Station Error # In[13]: test_stations = solar_testing_data['station'].unique() station_errors = np.zeros((test_stations.size)) station_lats = np.zeros(test_stations.size) station_lons = np.zeros(test_stations.size) #Calculate the mean absolute error at each station for ts, test_station in enumerate(test_stations): is_station = solar_testing_data['station'] == test_station station_idxs = np.nonzero(is_station)[0] station_errors[ts] = mean_absolute_error(predictions['Gradient Boosting'][np.nonzero(is_station)], solar_testing_data.loc[is_station,output_column]) station_lons[ts] = solar_testing_data['lon'][station_idxs[0]] station_lats[ts] = solar_testing_data['lat'][station_idxs[0]] #Plot the station errors bmap = Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlon=-125, urcrnrlon=-93, llcrnrlat=25, urcrnrlat=43) plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) bmap.drawstates() bmap.drawcoastlines() bmap.drawcountries() plt.title("Gradient Boosting Regression Mean Absolute Error by Station", fontsize=18) plt.scatter(station_lons, station_lats, np.sqrt(station_errors) * 4,station_errors, vmin=station_errors.min(), vmax=np.percentile(station_errors,95), cmap='RdBu_r') plt.colorbar() # ## Individual Site Forecasts # * Visualize the time series of forecasts and observations # In[24]: def plot_station_errors(solar_testing_data, predictions, model_name, station_number): station_idxs = np.where(solar_testing_data['station']==station_number)[0] plt.plot(predictions[station_idxs],'ro-',label=model) plt.plot(solar_testing_data[output_column].values[station_idxs],'bo-',label='Obs') plt.ylim(0,700) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(station_idxs)), solar_testing_data['valid_hour_pst'].values[station_idxs]) plt.title(model_name, fontsize=16) #Stations are ordered by their gradient boosted regression error station_number = test_stations[np.argsort(station_errors)][-2] plt.figure(figsize=(15,6)) for m, model in enumerate(predictions.iterkeys()): plt.subplot(2, len(predictions.keys()) / 2, m + 1) if m % 2 == 0: plt.ylabel("Global Horizontal Irradiance") plot_station_errors(solar_testing_data, predictions[model], model, station_number) if m > 1: plt.xlabel("Valid Hour (PST)") # Forecast Observation # ## Summary # * Predicting high impact weather requires interpretation of large amounts of data # * Python and data science tools can ease every step of the data interpretation process # * Presentation, code, and data available at https://www.github.com/djgagne/ucar_sea_2015/ # * Please download the presentation and experiment with the data and code # * Questions? **Email**: dgagne@ucar.edu **Twitter**: @DJGagneDos