library(ggplot2) library(pse) library(deSolve) library(rootSolve) #### For jupyter notebook only options(jupyter.plot_mimetypes = 'image/png') #### oneRun <- function(X0, Y0, a, b, times, runsteady=TRUE){ ## parameters: initial sizes and competition coefficients parameters <- c(a = a, b = b) state <- c(X = X0, Y = Y0) ## The function to be integrated LV <- function(t, state, parameters){ with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), { dX = X*(1 - X - a*Y) dY = Y*(1 - Y - b*X) list(c(dX, dY)) }) } ## Integrating: runsteady to run untill convergence (be carefull using that!) ## Or the usual integration with the function ode if(runsteady){ out <- runsteady(y = state, times = times, func = LV, parms = parameters) return(out$y) # runsteady returns only final states } else{ out <- ode(y = state, times = times, func = LV, parms = parameters) return(out[nrow(out),-1]) # indexing to get final state values } } modelRun <- function ( { return(mapply(oneRun,[,1],[,2],[,3],[,4], MoreArgs=list(times=c(0,Inf), runsteady=TRUE))) } factors <- c("X0", "Y0", "a", "b") q <- c("qunif", "qunif", "qunif", "qunif") q.arg <- list(list(min=0, max=1), list(min=0, max=1), list(min=0, max=2), list(min=0, max=2)) myLHS <- LHS(model=modelRun, factors=factors, N=200, q=q, q.arg=q.arg, nboot=100) # use nboot=0 if do not need partial correlations plotecdf(myLHS, stack=TRUE, xlab="Population relative size") plotscatter(myLHS, add.lm=FALSE) plotprcc(myLHS) ## export a table with parameter values hypercube <- ## get.results exports the outputs hypercube <- cbind(hypercube, get.results(myLHS)) # appending columns of outputs to the hypercube matrix names(hypercube)[5:6] <- c("X", "Y") # cosmetic sum(hypercube$X>1e-6&hypercube$Y>1e-6) ## Create a logical variable to flag coexistence hypercube$coexistence <- hypercube$X>1e-6&hypercube$Y>1e-6 ## boxplots par(mfrow=c(2,2)) boxplot(X0~coexistence, data=hypercube, xlab="Coexistence", main="X0") boxplot(Y0~coexistence, data=hypercube, xlab="Coexistence", main="Y0") boxplot(a~coexistence, data=hypercube, xlab="Coexistence", main="a") boxplot(b~coexistence, data=hypercube, xlab="Coexistence", main="b") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(a~b, data=hypercube, type="n") ## to scale the plot for the whole parameter space points(a~b, data=hypercube, subset=hypercube$X>1e-6&hypercube$Y>1e-6, col="blue") points(a~b, data=hypercube, subset=!(hypercube$X>1e-6&hypercube$Y>1e-6), col="red") oneRun.sir <- function(S0, I0, R0, r, a, time=seq(0, 50, by = 0.01)){ ## parameters: transmission and recovering rates parameters <- c(r = r, a = a) ## initial population sizes: start with a single infected individual to test invasibility state <- c(S = S0, I = I0, R = R0) ## The function to be integrated sir <- function(t, state, parameters){ with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), { dS = -r*S*I dI = r*S*I - a*I dR = a*I list(c(dS, dI, dR)) }) } ## Integrating out <- ode(y = state, times = time, func = sir, parms = parameters) return(any(out[,3]>I0)) # returns a logical: any infected number larger than initial number? } modelRun.sir <- function ( { return(mapply(oneRun.sir,[,1], 1, 0,[,2],[,3])) } ## A string vector to name the parameters factors <- c("S0", "r", "a") ## The probability quantile function used to draw values of each parameter q <- c("qunif", "qunif", "qunif") ## A list of the parameters of the above probability distributions q.arg <- list(list(min=10, max=200), list(min=0.001, max=0.01), list(min=0, max=1)) myLHS <- LHS(model=modelRun.sir, factors=factors, N=200, q=q, q.arg=q.arg) ##Table of parameter combinations with hypercube <- ## adding the output for each combination with get.results hypercube$Spread <- get.results(myLHS) ## box plots parameter ~ occurence of spread (logical) par(mfrow=c(1,3)) boxplot(S0~Spread, data=hypercube, xlab="Disease spread", ylab="Initial number of susceptibles") boxplot(r~Spread, data=hypercube, xlab="Disease spread", ylab="Transmission rate") boxplot(a~Spread, data=hypercube, xlab="Disease spread", ylab="Recovering rate") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(a~r, data=hypercube, type="n") # to show all ranges of the parameters points(a~r, data=hypercube, subset=S0