#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Based on: # - https://github.com/bloomberg/bqplot/blob/master/examples/Applications/Wealth%20of%20Nations.ipynb # # This is basically the same notebook execpt the last couple of cells that use the Jupyter-flex layout controls # In[ ]: flex_title = "Wealth of Nations" flex_author = "built using jupyter-flex" flex_source_link = "https://github.com/danielfrg/jupyter-flex/blob/master/examples/wealth-of-nations.ipynb" # In[ ]: import os import numpy as np import pandas as pd from bqplot import ( LogScale, LinearScale, OrdinalColorScale, ColorAxis, Axis, Scatter, Lines, CATEGORY10, Label, Figure, Tooltip ) import ipywidgets as widgets from ipywidgets import HBox, VBox, IntSlider, Play, jslink # In[ ]: initial_year = 1800 # #### Cleaning and Formatting JSON Data # In[ ]: data = pd.read_json("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bqplot/bqplot/master/examples/Applications/Wealth%20Of%20Nations/nations.json") # In[ ]: def clean_data(data): for column in ['income', 'lifeExpectancy', 'population']: data = data.drop(data[data[column].apply(len) <= 4].index) return data def extrap_interp(data): data = np.array(data) x_range = np.arange(1800, 2009, 1.) y_range = np.interp(x_range, data[:, 0], data[:, 1]) return y_range def extrap_data(data): for column in ['income', 'lifeExpectancy', 'population']: data[column] = data[column].apply(extrap_interp) return data # In[ ]: data = clean_data(data) data = extrap_data(data) # In[ ]: income_min, income_max = np.min(data['income'].apply(np.min)), np.max(data['income'].apply(np.max)) life_exp_min, life_exp_max = np.min(data['lifeExpectancy'].apply(np.min)), np.max(data['lifeExpectancy'].apply(np.max)) pop_min, pop_max = np.min(data['population'].apply(np.min)), np.max(data['population'].apply(np.max)) # In[ ]: def get_data(year): year_index = year - 1800 income = data['income'].apply(lambda x: x[year_index]) life_exp = data['lifeExpectancy'].apply(lambda x: x[year_index]) pop = data['population'].apply(lambda x: x[year_index]) return income, life_exp, pop # #### Creating the Tooltip to display the required fields # # bqplot's native Tooltip allows us to simply display the data fields we require on a mouse-interaction. # In[ ]: tt = Tooltip(fields=['name', 'x', 'y'], labels=['Country Name', 'Income per Capita', 'Life Expectancy']) # #### Creating the Label to display the year # # Staying true to the d3 recreation of the talk, we place a Label widget in the bottom-right of the Figure (it inherits the Figure co-ordinates when no scale is passed to it). With enable_move set to True, the Label can be dragged around. # In[ ]: year_label = Label(x=[0.75], y=[0.10], default_size=46, font_weight='bolder', colors=['orange'], text=[str(initial_year)], enable_move=True) # #### Defining Axes and Scales # # The inherent skewness of the income data favors the use of a LogScale. Also, since the color coding by regions does not follow an ordering, we use the OrdinalColorScale. # In[ ]: x_sc = LogScale(min=income_min, max=income_max) y_sc = LinearScale(min=life_exp_min, max=life_exp_max) c_sc = OrdinalColorScale(domain=data['region'].unique().tolist(), colors=CATEGORY10[:6]) size_sc = LinearScale(min=pop_min, max=pop_max) # In[ ]: ax_y = Axis(label='Life Expectancy', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical', side='left', grid_lines='solid') ax_x = Axis(label='Income per Capita', scale=x_sc, grid_lines='solid') # #### Creating the Scatter Mark with the appropriate size and color parameters passed # # To generate the appropriate graph, we need to pass the population of the country to the size attribute and its region to the color attribute. # In[ ]: # Start with the first year's data cap_income, life_exp, pop = get_data(initial_year) # In[ ]: wealth_scat = Scatter(x=cap_income, y=life_exp, color=data['region'], size=pop, names=data['name'], display_names=False, scales={'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc, 'color': c_sc, 'size': size_sc}, default_size=4112, tooltip=tt, animate=True, stroke='Black', unhovered_style={'opacity': 0.5}) # In[ ]: nation_line = Lines(x=data['income'][0], y=data['lifeExpectancy'][0], colors=['Gray'], scales={'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc}, visible=False) # #### Creating the Figure # In[ ]: time_interval = 1 # In[ ]: fig = Figure(marks=[wealth_scat, year_label, nation_line], axes=[ax_x, ax_y], title='Health and Wealth of Nations', animation_duration=time_interval) # #### Using a Slider to allow the user to change the year and a button for animation # # Here we see how we can seamlessly integrate bqplot into the jupyter widget infrastructure. # In[ ]: year_slider = IntSlider(min=1800, max=2008, step=1, value=initial_year) # When the hovered_point of the Scatter plot is changed (i.e. when the user hovers over a different element), the entire path of that country is displayed by making the Lines object visible and setting it's x and y attributes. # In[ ]: def hover_changed(change): if change.new is not None: nation_line.x = data[data['name'] == wealth_scat.names[change.new]]['income'].values[0] nation_line.y = data[data['name'] == wealth_scat.names[change.new]]['lifeExpectancy'].values[0] nation_line.visible = True else: nation_line.visible = False wealth_scat.observe(hover_changed, 'hovered_point') # On the slider value callback (a function that is triggered everytime the value of the slider is changed) we change the x, y and size co-ordinates of the Scatter. We also update the text of the Label to reflect the current year. # In[ ]: def year_changed(change): wealth_scat.x, wealth_scat.y, wealth_scat.size = get_data(year_slider.value) year_label.text = [str(year_slider.value)] year_slider.observe(year_changed, 'value') # #### Add an animation button # In[ ]: play_button = Play(min=1800, max=2008, interval=time_interval) jslink((play_button, 'value'), (year_slider, 'value')) # #### Displaying the GUI # # Sidebar # In[ ]: lbl1 = widgets.Label("Controls") lbl2 = widgets.Label("Year") # In[ ]: VBox([lbl1, play_button, lbl2, year_slider]) # # App # In[ ]: fig # In[ ]: