#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In this notebook, we show how the computational of the fixpoints of qualitative regulatory networks can be done with different methods, which should give equivalent results, using *GINsim* and *Pint*. # ### Model loading # # We load a simple model available on http://ginsim.org/node/41 # In[1]: from colomoto_jupyter import tabulate # for displaying list of fixpoints import ginsim # In[2]: th17 = ginsim.load("http://ginsim.org/sites/default/files/Th_17.zginml") # ### Computation of fixpoints with bioLQM # In[3]: import biolqm # In[4]: th17_lqm = ginsim.to_biolqm(th17) # In[5]: fps_lqm = biolqm.fixpoints(th17_lqm) tabulate(fps_lqm) # ### Computation of fixpoints with Pint # In[6]: import pypint # In[7]: th17_an = biolqm.to_pint(th17_lqm) # In[8]: fps_an = pypint.fixpoints(th17_an) tabulate(fps_an) # ### Display fixpoint using GINsim # In[9]: ginsim.show(th17, fps_lqm[1]) # or fps_an[1] # In[ ]: