#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

GAN comparison on Kaggle Credit Card Fraud Data

# Cody Nash
# Development Notebook #
# # This notebook accompanies the Toptal blog found here.
# # #

Table of Contents

# Setup
# Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
# xgboost fraud detection
# Classification of fraud data
# GAN setup and training
# Compare GAN Output
# Generated Data Testing
# Summary of Training Data
# DRAGAN testing

Blog Figures:

# Figure 3: Data Distributions by Feature and Class
# Figure 5: Comparison of GAN Outputs
# Figure 6: Accuracy of Generated Data Detection
# Figure 7: Differences in Critic Loss
# Figure 8: Effects of Additional Data


# # Table of contents #

# # - Load libraries # - Load common functions # - Load stored datasets # - Use linux for xgboost and tensorflow # In[1]: # Load libraries and check memory import psutil ; print(list(psutil.virtual_memory())[0:2]) import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plt.style.use('ggplot') import xgboost as xgb import pickle import gc gc.collect() print(list(psutil.virtual_memory())[0:2]) # In[2]: # Load custom functions import GAN_171103 # For reloading after making changes import importlib importlib.reload(GAN_171103) from GAN_171103 import * # In[3]: # Load engineered dataset from EDA section data = pickle.load(open('data/' + 'credicard.engineered.pkl','rb')) # data columns will be all other columns except class data_cols = list(data.columns[ data.columns != 'Class' ]) label_cols = ['Class'] print(data_cols) print('# of data columns: ',len(data_cols)) # In[4]: # Put columns in order of importance for xgboost fraud detection (from that section) # sorted_cols = ['V14', 'V4', 'V12', 'V10', 'V26', 'V17', 'Amount', 'V7', 'V21', 'V28', 'V20', 'V3', 'V18', 'V8', 'V13', 'V22', 'V16', 'V11', 'V19', 'V27', 'V5', 'V6', 'V25', 'V15', 'V24', 'V9', 'V1', 'V2', 'V23', 'Class'] # sorted_cols = ['V14', 'V4', 'V12', 'V10', 'Amount', 'V26', 'V17', 'Time', 'V7', 'V28', 'V21', 'V19', 'V8', 'V3', 'V22', 'V20', 'V25', 'V11', 'V6', 'V16', 'V27', 'V5', 'V18', 'V9', 'V1', 'V2', 'V15', 'V23', 'V24', 'V13', 'Class'] sorted_cols = ['V14', 'V4', 'V10', 'V17', 'Time', 'V12', 'V26', 'Amount', 'V21', 'V8', 'V11', 'V7', 'V28', 'V19', 'V3', 'V22', 'V6', 'V20', 'V27', 'V16', 'V13', 'V25', 'V24', 'V18', 'V2', 'V1', 'V5', 'V15', 'V9', 'V23', 'Class'] data = data[ sorted_cols ].copy() # In[5]: # Add KMeans generated classes to fraud data - see classification section for more details on this import sklearn.cluster as cluster train = data.loc[ data['Class']==1 ].copy() algorithm = cluster.KMeans args, kwds = (), {'n_clusters':2, 'random_state':0} labels = algorithm(*args, **kwds).fit_predict(train[ data_cols ]) print( pd.DataFrame( [ [np.sum(labels==i)] for i in np.unique(labels) ], columns=['count'], index=np.unique(labels) ) ) fraud_w_classes = train.copy() fraud_w_classes['Class'] = labels # In[6]: # Function to create toy spiral dataset (looks like swiss roll) def create_toy_spiral_df( n, seed=0): np.random.seed(seed) toy = np.array([ [ (i/10+1) * np.sin(i), -(i/10+1) * np.cos(i) ] for i in np.random.uniform(0,3*np.pi,size=n) ]) toy = pd.DataFrame( toy, columns=[ ['v'+str(i+1) for i in range(2)] ]) return toy # toy = create_toy_spiral_df(1000) # plt.scatter( toy['v1'], toy['v2'] ) ; # In[7]: # Function to create toy dataset of multiple groups of normal distributions in n dimensions def create_toy_df( n, n_dim, n_classes, seed=0): toy = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ ['v'+str(i+1) for i in range(n_dim)] + ['Class'] ]) toy_cols = toy.columns np.random.seed(seed) for class0 in range(n_classes): center0s = np.random.randint(-10,10,size=n_dim)/10 var0s = np.random.randint(1,3,size=n_dim)/10 temp = np.array([[class0]]*n) for dim0 in range(n_dim): temp = np.hstack( [np.random.normal(center0s[dim0],var0s[dim0],n).reshape(-1,1), temp] ) toy = pd.concat([toy,pd.DataFrame(temp,columns=toy_cols)],axis=0).reset_index(drop=True) return toy # toy = create_toy_df(n=1000,n_dim=2,n_classes=2,seed=0) # plt.scatter(toy[toy.columns[0]],toy[toy.columns[1]],c=toy['Class'], alpha=0.2) ; #

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

# # Table of contents #

# In[8]: # Load the credit card data # Original data available from: # https://www.kaggle.com/dalpozz/creditcardfraud data = pd.read_csv("data/creditcard.csv.zip") print(data.shape) print(data.columns) data.head(3) # In[9]: # data columns will be all other columns except class label_cols = ['Class'] data_cols = list(data.columns[ data.columns != 'Class' ]) print(data_cols) print('# of data columns: ',len(data_cols)) # In[10]: # 284315 normal transactions (class 0) # 492 fraud transactions (class 1) data.groupby('Class')['Class'].count() # In[11]: # Total nulls in dataset (sum over rows, then over columns) data.isnull().sum().sum() # In[12]: # Duplicates? Yes normal_duplicates = sum( data.loc[ data.Class==0 ].duplicated() ) fraud_duplicates = sum( data.loc[ data.Class==1 ].duplicated() ) total_duplicates = normal_duplicates + fraud_duplicates print( 'Normal duplicates', normal_duplicates ) print( 'Fraud duplicates', fraud_duplicates ) print( 'Total duplicates', total_duplicates ) print( 'Fraction duplicated', total_duplicates / len(data) ) # In[13]: # 'Time' is seconds from first transaction in set # 48 hours worth of data # Let's convert time to time of day, in hours print( 'Last time value: {:.2f}'.format( data['Time'].max() / 3600 ) ) data['Time'] = ( data['Time'].values / 3600 ) % 24 plt.hist( [ data.loc[ data['Class']==0, 'Time'], data.loc[ data['Class']==1, 'Time'] ], normed=True, label=['normal','fraud'], bins=np.linspace(0,24,25)) plt.legend() plt.show() # Looks like normal transactions have a bias towards 8am to midnight # Fraud has spikes at 2-3am and noon # In[14]: # several columns heavily skewed, 'Amount' the highest (besides Class) data.skew() # In[15]: # Minimum 'Amount' is 0 # 0's account for 0.6% of the data set print( data['Amount'].min() ) print( np.sum( data['Amount']==0 ) ) # print( np.sum( data['Amount']<0.01 ) ) print( np.sum( data['Amount']==0 ) / len(data) ) # In[16]: # Looks like all 'Amount' values are rounded to the hundredths (0.01) place data['Amount'].mod(0.01).hist() ; # In[17]: # Some values are much more frequent than others # 0.00 comes in 12th in the list print( data.Amount.value_counts().head(15) ) # In[18]: # Log transform amount values to give more normal distribution plt.figure(figsize=(14,5)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.hist(data['Amount'], bins=40) plt.title('Original Amount Distribution') plt.subplot(1,2,2) d0 = np.log10( data['Amount'].values + 1 ) # d0 = np.log1p( data['Amount'].values ) / np.log(10) plt.hist( d0, bins=40 ) plt.title('Log10(x+1) Transformed Amount Distribution') plt.show() # In[19]: # Use log transformed data data['Amount'] = d0 # In[21]: # Center and scale all data, only using the middle 99.8%, so outliers don't pull too much. # First generate the percentile data for each feature percentiles = pd.DataFrame( np.array([ np.percentile( data[i], [ 0.1, 99.9 ] ) for i in data_cols ]).T, columns=data_cols, index=['min','max'] ) percentile_means = \ [ [ np.mean( data.loc[ (data[i]>percentiles[i]['min']) & (data[i]percentiles[i]['min']) & (data[i]

Figure 3: Data Distributions by Feature and Class

# Table of contents # In[27]: # Plot the data by each feature axarr = [[]]*len(data_cols) columns = 4 rows = int( np.ceil( len(data_cols) / columns ) ) f, fig = plt.subplots( figsize=(columns*3.5, rows*2) ) f.suptitle('Data Distributions by Feature and Class', size=16) for i, col in enumerate(data_cols[:]): axarr[i] = plt.subplot2grid( (int(rows), int(columns)), (int(i//columns), int(i%columns)) ) axarr[i].hist( [ data.loc[ data.Class == 0, col ], data.loc[ data.Class == 1, col ] ], label=['normal','fraud'], bins=np.linspace( np.percentile(data[col],0.1), np.percentile(data[col],99.9), 30 ), normed=True ) axarr[i].set_xlabel(col, size=12) axarr[i].set_ylim([0,0.8]) axarr[i].tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10) if i == 0: legend = axarr[i].legend() legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('white') if i%4 != 0 : axarr[i].tick_params(axis='y', left='off', labelleft='off') else: axarr[i].set_ylabel('Fraction',size=12) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0,1,0.95]) # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax # plt.savefig('plots/Engineered_Data_Distributions.png') plt.show() # In[28]: # Save engineered dataset for use in analysis # Save as pickle for faster reload pickle.dump(data, open('data/' + 'credicard.engineered.pkl','wb')) # In[26]: # # Save as csv for human readability - much slower save # data.to_csv('data/' + 'credicard.engineered.csv.zip') #

xgboost fraud detection

# # Table of contents #

# # - Here we'll use the xgboost algorithm to detect fraud cases # In[56]: # define the columns we want to test on, in case we want to use less than the full set test_cols = data.columns # test_cols = data.columns[ data.columns != 'Amount' ] print(len(test_cols)) print(test_cols) # In[57]: # Define some custom metric functions for use with the xgboost algorithm # https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/demo/guide-python/custom_objective.py from sklearn.metrics import recall_score, precision_score, roc_auc_score def recall(preds, dtrain): labels = dtrain.get_label() return 'recall', recall_score(labels, np.round(preds)) def precision(preds, dtrain): labels = dtrain.get_label() return 'precision', precision_score(labels, np.round(preds)) def roc_auc(preds, dtrain): labels = dtrain.get_label() return 'roc_auc', roc_auc_score(labels, preds) # In[58]: # Set up the test and train sets np.random.seed(0) n_real = np.sum(data.Class==0) # 200000 n_test = np.sum(data.Class==1) # 492 train_fraction = 0.7 fn_real = int(n_real * train_fraction) fn_test = int(n_test * train_fraction) real_samples = data.loc[ data.Class==0, test_cols].sample(n_real, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) test_samples = data.loc[ data.Class==1, test_cols].sample(n_test, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) train_df = pd.concat([real_samples[:fn_real],test_samples[:fn_test]],axis=0,ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) # train_df = pd.concat([real_samples[:fn_test],test_samples[:fn_test]],axis=0,ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) test_df = pd.concat([real_samples[fn_real:],test_samples[fn_test:]],axis=0,ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) print( 'classes 0, 1: ', n_real, n_test ) print( 'train, test: ', len(train_df), len(test_df) ) X_col = test_df.columns[:-1] y_col = test_df.columns[-1] dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_df[X_col], train_df[y_col], feature_names=X_col) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(test_df[X_col], test_df[y_col], feature_names=X_col) # In[60]: # Run the xgboost algorithm, maximize recall on the test set results_dict = {} xgb_params = { # 'max_depth': 4, 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'eval_metric': 'auc', # auc, error # 'tree_method': 'hist' # 'grow_policy': 'lossguide' # depthwise, lossguide } xgb_test = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain, num_boost_round=100, verbose_eval=False, early_stopping_rounds=20, evals=[(dtrain,'train'),(dtest,'test')], evals_result = results_dict, feval = recall, maximize=True # feval = roc_auc, maximize=True ) y_pred = xgb_test.predict(dtest, ntree_limit=xgb_test.best_iteration+1) y_true = test_df['Class'].values print( 'best iteration: ', xgb_test.best_iteration ) print( recall( y_pred, dtest ) ) print( precision( y_pred, dtest ) ) print( roc_auc( y_pred, dtest ) ) # print( 'Accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(SimpleAccuracy(y_pred, y_true)) ) SimpleMetrics( np.round(y_pred), y_true) # In[61]: # Let's look at how the metrics changed on the train and test sets as more trees were added for i in results_dict: for err in results_dict[i]: plt.plot(results_dict[i][err], label=i+' '+err) plt.axvline(xgb_test.best_iteration, c='green', label='best iteration') plt.xlabel('iteration') # plt.ylabel(err) plt.title('xgboost learning curves') plt.legend() plt.grid() ; # In[62]: # Plot feature importances fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) xgb.plot_importance(xgb_test, max_num_features=10, height=0.5, ax=ax); # In[65]: # Generate list of features sorted by importance in detecting fraud # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/613183/sort-a-python-dictionary-by-value import operator x = xgb_test.get_fscore() sorted_x = sorted(x.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # print( 'Top eight features for fraud detection: ', [ i[0] for i in sorted_x[:8] ] ) sorted_cols = [i[0] for i in sorted_x] + ['Class'] print( sorted_cols ) # In[64]: # Plot all of the training data with paired features sorted by importance # This takes a while colors = ['red','blue'] markers = ['o','^'] labels = ['real','fraud'] alphas = [0.7, 0.9] columns = 4 rows = int( np.ceil( len(data_cols) / columns / 2 ) ) plt.figure( figsize=(columns*3.5, rows*3) ) plt.suptitle('XGBoost Sorted Data Distributions ', size=16) train = train_df.copy() for i in range( int(np.floor(len(sorted_x)/2)) )[:]: col1, col2 = sorted_x[i*2][0], sorted_x[i*2+1][0] # print(i,col1,col2) plt.subplot(rows,columns,i+1) for group, color, marker, label, alpha in zip( train.groupby('Class'), colors, markers, labels, alphas ): plt.scatter( group[1][col1], group[1][col2], label=label, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, edgecolors=color, facecolors='none' ) plt.xlabel(col1, size=12) plt.ylabel(col2, size=12) plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=10) if i == 0: plt.legend(fontsize=12, edgecolor='black') plt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0,1,0.95]) # xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax # plt.savefig('plots/XGB_Sorted_Data_Distributions.png') plt.show() # In[47]: # Lets look at the effect of the ratio of normal:fraud data in the dataset on recall and roc_auc # We'll use cross validation to see if differences are significant np.random.seed(0) n_real = np.sum(data.Class==0) # 200000 n_test = np.sum(data.Class==1) # 492 real_samples = data.loc[ data.Class==0, test_cols].sample(n_real, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) test_samples = data.loc[ data.Class==1, test_cols].sample(n_test, replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) X_col = data.columns[:-1] y_col = data.columns[-1] test_data=[] # for i in [1]: # for i in [0.1,0.5,1,2,10]: for i in np.logspace(-1,2,8): print(i) train_df = pd.concat([real_samples[:int(n_test*i)],test_samples[:n_test]],axis=0,ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_df[X_col], train_df[y_col], feature_names=X_col) results = xgb.cv(xgb_params, dtrain, nfold=5, num_boost_round=100, early_stopping_rounds=10, seed=0, feval=recall) test_data.append(list([i]) + list(results.tail(1).index) + list(results.tail(1).values[0])) test_data = pd.DataFrame(test_data, columns=list(['ratio','best'])+list(results.columns)) test_data # In[52]: # Recall decreases as more normal data is added # metric = 'auc' metric = 'recall' # xs = test_data['ratio'].values xs = np.log10(test_data['ratio'].values) ys = test_data['test-'+metric+'-mean'].values stds = test_data['test-'+metric+'-std'].values plt.plot(xs,ys,c='C1') plt.plot(xs,ys+stds,linestyle=':',c='C2') plt.plot(xs,ys-stds,linestyle=':',c='C2') plt.xlabel('log10 ratio of normal:fraud data') plt.ylabel(metric) # plt.ylim([0.96,1.01]) plt.show() #


# # Table of contents # In[ ]: # load clustering libraries import sklearn.cluster as cluster # In[67]: # hdbscan not in kaggle/python at present get_ipython().system('pip install hdbscan') import hdbscan # In[66]: # Set up training set to consist of only fraud data train = data.loc[ data['Class']==1 ].copy() print( pd.DataFrame( [ [np.sum(train['Class']==i)] for i in np.unique(train['Class']) ], columns=['count'], index=np.unique(train['Class']) ) ) # train = pd.get_dummies(train, columns=['Class'], prefix='Class') label_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if 'Class' in i ] data_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if i not in label_cols ] train_no_label = train[ data_cols ] # In[68]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', '\n# TSNE is an interesting method to map higher dimensional data into two dimensions\n# http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.manifold.TSNE.html\n\n# Note TSNE map may not be what you might think:\n# https://distill.pub/2016/misread-tsne/\n\n# Create multiple projections to compare results from different random states\n\nfrom sklearn.manifold import TSNE\n\nprojections = [ TSNE(random_state=i).fit_transform(train_no_label) for i in range(3) ]\n') # In[69]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', "\n# Now we'll compare some different clustering algorithms\n# https://github.com/scikit-learn-contrib/hdbscan/blob/master/docs/comparing_clustering_algorithms.rst\n\nalgorithms = [ \n# [ 'KMeans', cluster.KMeans, (), {'random_state':0} ],\n [ 'KMeans', cluster.KMeans, (), {'n_clusters':2, 'random_state':0} ],\n# [ 'KMeans 3', cluster.KMeans, (), {'n_clusters':3, 'random_state':0} ],\n# [ 'Agglomerative', cluster.AgglomerativeClustering, (), {} ],\n [ 'Agglomerative', cluster.AgglomerativeClustering, (), {'linkage': 'ward', 'n_clusters': 3} ],\n# [ 'Agg. Ave 3', cluster.AgglomerativeClustering, (), {'linkage': 'average', 'n_clusters': 3} ],\n# [ 'Agg. Complete 3', cluster.AgglomerativeClustering, (), {'linkage': 'complete', 'n_clusters': 3} ],\n# [ 'DBSCAN', cluster.DBSCAN, (), {'eps':0.025} ],\n# [ 'HDBSCAN', hdbscan.HDBSCAN, (), {} ],\n [ 'HDBSCAN', hdbscan.HDBSCAN, (), {'min_cluster_size':10, 'min_samples':1, } ],\n# [ 'HDBSCAN 2 10', hdbscan.HDBSCAN, (), {'min_cluster_size':2, 'min_samples':10, } ],\n# [ 'HDBSCAN 10 10 ', hdbscan.HDBSCAN, (), {'min_cluster_size':10, 'min_samples':10, } ],\n]\n\nrows = len(algorithms)\ncolumns = 4\nplt.figure(figsize=(columns*3, rows*3))\n\nfor i, [name, algorithm, args, kwds] in enumerate(algorithms):\n print(i, name)\n\n labels = algorithm(*args, **kwds).fit_predict(train_no_label)\n# labels = algorithm(*args, **kwds).fit_predict(projections[0])\n \n# print( pd.DataFrame( [ [np.sum(labels==i)] for i in np.unique(labels) ], columns=['count'], index=np.unique(labels) ) )\n \n colors = np.clip(labels,-1,9)\n colors = [ 'C'+str(i) if i>-1 else 'black' for i in colors ]\n \n plt.subplot(rows,columns,i*columns+1)\n plt.scatter(train_no_label[data_cols[0]], train_no_label[data_cols[1]], c=colors)\n plt.xlabel(data_cols[0]), plt.ylabel(data_cols[1])\n plt.title(name)\n\n for j in range(3):\n plt.subplot(rows,columns,i*columns+1+j+1)\n plt.scatter(*(projections[j].T), c=colors) \n plt.xlabel('x'), plt.ylabel('y')\n plt.title('TSNE projection '+str(j+1),size=12)\n \n# break\n\nplt.suptitle('Comparison of Fraud Clusters', size=16)\nplt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0,1,0.95])\nplt.savefig('plots/Fraud_Cluster_Diagram.png')\nplt.show()\n") # In[70]: # Now pick a set of labels and add to the dataset algorithm = cluster.KMeans args, kwds = (), {'n_clusters':2, 'random_state':0} labels = algorithm(*args, **kwds).fit_predict(train_no_label) # labels = algorithm(*args, **kwds).fit_predict(projections[0]) print( pd.DataFrame( [ [np.sum(labels==i)] for i in np.unique(labels) ], columns=['count'], index=np.unique(labels) ) ) fraud_w_classes = train.copy() fraud_w_classes['Class'] = labels # In[76]: # Let's see which features are most useful for detecting differences between the classes: dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(fraud_w_classes[data_cols], fraud_w_classes['Class'], feature_names=data_cols) xgb_params = { 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'eval_metric': 'auc', # allows for balanced or unbalanced classes } xgb_test = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain, num_boost_round=10) # limit to ten rounds for fast evaluation import operator x = xgb_test.get_fscore() sorted_x = sorted(x.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) print( 'Top eight features: ', [ [i[0],i[1]] for i in sorted_x[:8] ] ) #

GAN setup and training

# # Table of contents # # Resources: # # https://github.com/wayaai/GAN-Sandbox #
# http://blog.richardweiss.org/2017/07/21/conditional-wasserstein-gan.html # # # Conversion of Waya.ai GAN and WGAN # - Remove convolutional layers # - Remove ResNeXt # - Add simple dense networks # - Convert WGAN back to simple GAN # - Use common functions as much as possible # # # For these functions I've passed the arguments as lists because it was easy to implement. # # Standard solutions (because they are more stable) include using keyword dictionaries or objects, but those create a larger code base. # # In[78]: # reloading the libraries and setting the parameters import GAN_171103 import importlib importlib.reload(GAN_171103) # For reloading after making changes from GAN_171103 import * rand_dim = 32 # 32 # needs to be ~data_dim base_n_count = 128 # 128 nb_steps = 500 + 1 # 50000 # Add one for logging of the last interval batch_size = 128 # 64 k_d = 1 # number of critic network updates per adversarial training step k_g = 1 # number of generator network updates per adversarial training step critic_pre_train_steps = 100 # 100 # number of steps to pre-train the critic before starting adversarial training log_interval = 100 # 100 # interval (in steps) at which to log loss summaries and save plots of image samples to disc learning_rate = 5e-4 # 5e-5 data_dir = 'cache/' generator_model_path, discriminator_model_path, loss_pickle_path = None, None, None # show = False show = True # train = create_toy_spiral_df(1000) # train = create_toy_df(n=1000,n_dim=2,n_classes=4,seed=0) train = fraud_w_classes.copy().reset_index(drop=True) # fraud only with labels from classification # train = pd.get_dummies(train, columns=['Class'], prefix='Class', drop_first=True) label_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if 'Class' in i ] data_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if i not in label_cols ] train[ data_cols ] = train[ data_cols ] / 10 # scale to random noise size, one less thing to learn train_no_label = train[ data_cols ] # In[79]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', '\n# Training the vanilla GAN and CGAN architectures\n\nk_d = 1 # number of critic network updates per adversarial training step\nlearning_rate = 5e-4 # 5e-5\narguments = [rand_dim, nb_steps, batch_size, \n k_d, k_g, critic_pre_train_steps, log_interval, learning_rate, base_n_count,\n data_dir, generator_model_path, discriminator_model_path, loss_pickle_path, show ]\n\nadversarial_training_GAN(arguments, train_no_label, data_cols ) # GAN\nadversarial_training_GAN(arguments, train, data_cols=data_cols, label_cols=label_cols ) # CGAN\n') # In[80]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', '\n# Training the WGAN and WCGAN architectures\n\nk_d = 5 # train critic to optimal state each time\nlearning_rate = 1e-4 # 5e-5\narguments = [rand_dim, nb_steps, batch_size, \n k_d, k_g, critic_pre_train_steps, log_interval, learning_rate, base_n_count,\n data_dir, generator_model_path, discriminator_model_path, loss_pickle_path, show ]\n\nadversarial_training_WGAN(arguments, train_no_label, data_cols=data_cols ) # WGAN\nadversarial_training_WGAN(arguments, train, data_cols=data_cols, label_cols=label_cols ) # WCGAN\n') # In[ ]: # %%time # # for continued training # import GAN_1711103 # import importlib # importlib.reload(GAN_171103) # For reloading after making changes # from GAN_171103 import * # last_step = 1000 # prefix = 'WGAN' # # data_dir = 'cache lr mix base 128 act mix 171026/' # data_dir = 'cache/' # # Choose your learning rate # # learning_rate = 1e-5 # first 10k # # learning_rate = 1e-5 # 10-15k # # learning_rate = 1e-6 # 15-20k # generator_model_path = data_dir + prefix + '_generator_model_weights_step_' + str(last_step) + '.h5' # discriminator_model_path = data_dir + prefix + '_discriminator_model_weights_step_' + str(last_step) + '.h5' # loss_pickle_path = data_dir + prefix + '_losses_step_' + str(last_step) + '.pkl' # nb_steps = 4000 # arguments = [rand_dim, nb_steps, batch_size, # k_d, k_g, critic_pre_train_steps, log_interval, learning_rate, base_n_count, # data_dir, generator_model_path, discriminator_model_path, loss_pickle_path, show ] # # Choose your training algorithm # # adversarial_training_GAN(arguments, train_no_label, data_cols=data_cols, starting_step=last_step+1 ) # GAN # # adversarial_training_GAN(arguments, train, data_cols=data_cols, label_cols=label_cols, starting_step=last_step+1 ) # CGAN # # adversarial_training_WGAN(arguments, train_no_label, data_cols=data_cols, starting_step=last_step+1 ) # WGAN # adversarial_training_WGAN(arguments, train, data_cols=data_cols, label_cols=label_cols, starting_step=last_step+1 ) # WCGAN # In[82]: # For reloading loss data from pickles prefix = 'WCGAN' step = 500 [combined_loss, disc_loss_generated, disc_loss_real, xgb_losses] = pickle.load( open(data_dir+prefix+'_losses_step_'+str(step)+'.pkl','rb')) # In[84]: # plt.plot( xgb_losses[:] ) ; w = 10 plt.plot( pd.DataFrame(xgb_losses[:]).rolling(w).mean() ) ; # In[85]: # Look for the step with the lowest xgboost accuracy, and the lowest step saved (every 100) best_step = list(xgb_losses).index( xgb_losses.min() ) * 10 print( best_step, xgb_losses.min() ) xgb100 = [ xgb_losses[i] for i in range(0, len(xgb_losses), 10) ] best_step = xgb100.index( min(xgb100) ) * log_interval print( best_step, min(xgb100) ) # In[86]: # Look for the step with the lowest critic loss, and the lowest step saved (every 100) delta_losses = np.array(disc_loss_real) - np.array(disc_loss_generated) best_step = list(delta_losses).index( delta_losses.min() ) print( best_step, delta_losses.min() ) delta100 = [ delta_losses[i] for i in range(0, len(delta_losses), 100) ] best_step = delta100.index( min(delta100) ) * log_interval print( best_step, min(delta100) ) # In[87]: # plt.plot( (np.array(disc_loss_real) - np.array(disc_loss_generated)) ) w = 50 # plt.plot( list(range(0,5001,1)), pd.rolling_mean((np.array(disc_loss_real) - np.array(disc_loss_generated)),w) ) plt.plot( pd.DataFrame(disc_loss_real[:]).rolling(w).mean() - pd.DataFrame(disc_loss_generated[:]).rolling(w).mean() ) ; # plt.xlim([9000,10000]) # plt.ylim([0.03,0.05]) # In[88]: # Let's look at some of the generated data # First create the networks locally and load the weights import GAN_171103 import importlib importlib.reload(GAN_171103) # For reloading after making changes from GAN_171103 import * seed = 17 train = fraud_w_classes.copy().reset_index(drop=True) # fraud only with labels from classification # train = pd.get_dummies(train, columns=['Class'], prefix='Class', drop_first=True) label_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if 'Class' in i ] data_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if i not in label_cols ] train[ data_cols ] = train[ data_cols ] / 10 # scale to random noise size, one less thing to learn train_no_label = train[ data_cols ] data_dim = len(data_cols) label_dim = len(label_cols) with_class = False if label_dim > 0: with_class = True np.random.seed(seed) # define network models # generator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = define_models_CGAN(rand_dim, data_dim, label_dim, base_n_count, type='Wasserstein') # generator_model.load_weights('cache/WCGAN_generator_model_weights_step_4800.h5') generator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = define_models_CGAN(rand_dim, data_dim, label_dim, base_n_count) generator_model.load_weights('cache/CGAN_generator_model_weights_step_500.h5') # with_class = False # train = train_no_label # label_cols = [] # # generator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = define_models_GAN(rand_dim, data_dim, base_n_count, type='Wasserstein') # # generator_model.load_weights('cache/WGAN_generator_model_weights_step_4800.h5') # generator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = define_models_GAN(rand_dim, data_dim, base_n_count) # generator_model.load_weights('cache/GAN_generator_model_weights_step_5000.h5') # In[89]: # Now generate some new data test_size = 492 # Equal to all of the fraud cases x = get_data_batch(train, test_size, seed=i+j) z = np.random.normal(size=(test_size, rand_dim)) if with_class: labels = x[:,-label_dim:] g_z = generator_model.predict([z, labels]) else: g_z = generator_model.predict(z) # In[93]: # Check using the same functions used during GAN training print( CheckAccuracy( x, g_z, data_cols, label_cols, seed=0, with_class=with_class, data_dim=data_dim ) ) PlotData( x, g_z, data_cols, label_cols, seed=0, with_class=with_class, data_dim=data_dim ) # In[94]: # Now we can train and test an xgboost classifier on our generated data real_samples = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=data_cols+label_cols) test_samples = pd.DataFrame(g_z, columns=data_cols+label_cols) real_samples['syn_label'] = 0 test_samples['syn_label'] = 1 training_fraction = 0.5 n_real, n_test = int(len(real_samples)*training_fraction), int(len(test_samples)*training_fraction) train_df = pd.concat([real_samples[:n_real],test_samples[:n_test]],axis=0) test_df = pd.concat([real_samples[n_real:],test_samples[n_test:]],axis=0) # X_col = test_df.columns[:-(label_dim+1)] X_col = test_df.columns[:-1] y_col = test_df.columns[-1] dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_df[X_col], train_df[y_col], feature_names=X_col) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(test_df[X_col], feature_names=X_col) y_true = test_df['syn_label'] # dtrain = np.vstack( [ x[:int(len(x)/2)], g_z[:int(len(g_z)/2)] ] ) # dlabels = np.hstack( [ np.zeros(int(len(x)/2)), np.ones(int(len(g_z)/2)) ] ) # dtest = np.vstack( [ x[int(len(x)/2):], g_z[int(len(g_z)/2):] ] ) # dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(dtrain, dlabels, feature_names=data_cols+label_cols) # dtest = xgb.DMatrix(dtest, feature_names=data_cols+label_cols) # y_true = dlabels xgb_params = { 'max_depth': 4, 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'eval_metric': 'auc', # allows for balanced or unbalanced classes } xgb_test = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain, num_boost_round=10) y_pred = np.round(xgb_test.predict(dtest)) print( '{:.2f}'.format(SimpleAccuracy(y_pred, y_true)) ) # In[95]: # Let's look at how the discrimnator scored real and generated data, visualized along every feature y_pred0 = xgb_test.predict(dtest) for i in range(0,len(X_col)-1, 2): f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6,2) ) axarr[0].scatter( test_df[:n_real][X_col[i]], test_df[:n_real][X_col[i+1]], c=y_pred0[:n_real], cmap='plasma' ) axarr[0].set_title('real') axarr[0].set_ylabel(X_col[i+1]) axarr[1].scatter( test_df[n_real:][X_col[i]], test_df[n_real:][X_col[i+1]], c=y_pred0[n_real:], cmap='plasma' ) axarr[1].set_title('test') axarr[1].set_xlim(axarr[0].get_xlim()), axarr[1].set_ylim(axarr[0].get_ylim()) for a in axarr: a.set_xlabel(X_col[i]) plt.show() # In[99]: # Now we can compare the real and generated data by class, along every feature colors = ['red','blue'] markers = ['o','^'] labels = ['real','fraud'] class_label = 'Class' for i in range(0,len(X_col), 2): col1, col2 = i, i+1 if i+1 >= len(X_col): continue f, axarr = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6,2) ) for group, color, marker, label in zip( test_df[:n_real].groupby(class_label), colors, markers, labels ): axarr[0].scatter( group[1][X_col[col1]], group[1][X_col[col2]], label=label, c=color, marker=marker, alpha=0.2) axarr[0].legend() axarr[0].set_title('real') axarr[0].set_ylabel(X_col[col2]) for group, color, marker, label in zip( test_df[n_real:].groupby(class_label), colors, markers, labels ): axarr[1].scatter( group[1][X_col[col1]], group[1][X_col[col2]], label=label, c=color, marker=marker, alpha=0.2) axarr[1].set_xlim(axarr[0].get_xlim()), axarr[1].set_ylim(axarr[0].get_ylim()) axarr[1].legend() axarr[1].set_title('generated') ; for a in axarr: a.set_xlabel(X_col[col1]) plt.show() # In[100]: # Evaluate performance on validation set SimpleMetrics(y_pred,y_true) # In[101]: # Plot feature importances used for identifying generated data fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8)) xgb.plot_importance(xgb_test, max_num_features=20, height=0.5, ax=ax); #

Compare GAN Output

# # Table of contents #

# # # It may be best to restart the notebook, run the setup section, and then run this section # # In[8]: # Set up the training dataset train = fraud_w_classes.copy().reset_index(drop=True) # fraud only with labels from classification train = pd.get_dummies(train, columns=['Class'], prefix='Class', drop_first=True) label_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if 'Class' in i ] data_cols = [ i for i in train.columns if i not in label_cols ] train[ data_cols ] = train[ data_cols ] / 10 # scale to random noise size, one less thing to learn train_no_label = train[ data_cols ] data_dim = len(data_cols) label_dim = len(label_cols) # In[9]: # Generate empty models rand_dim = 32 base_n_count = 128 model_names = ['GAN','CGAN','WGAN','WCGAN'] with_classes = [False, True, False, True] type0s = [None, None, 'Wasserstein', 'Wasserstein'] models = {} for model_name, with_class, type0 in zip(model_names, with_classes, type0s ): if with_class: generator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = \ define_models_CGAN(rand_dim, data_dim, label_dim, base_n_count, type=type0) else: generator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = \ define_models_GAN(rand_dim, data_dim, base_n_count, type=type0) models[model_name] = [ model_name, with_class, type0, generator_model ] # In[10]: # Setup parameters seed = 17 test_size = 492 # number of fraud cases np.random.seed(seed) z = np.random.normal(size=(test_size, rand_dim)) x = get_data_batch(train, test_size, seed=seed) real_samples = pd.DataFrame(x, columns=data_cols+label_cols) labels = x[:,-label_dim:] # colors = ['C1','C9'] # colors = ['xkcd:plum', 'xkcd:navy'] colors = ['red','blue'] markers = ['o','^'] class_labels = ['Class 1','Class 2'] col1, col2 = 'V17', 'V10' base_dir = 'cache lr mix base 128 act mix 171026/' #

Figure 5: Comparison of GAN outputs

# Table of contents # In[11]: # model_steps = [500, 5000] # model_steps = [ 0, 100, 200, 500, 1000 ] model_steps = [ 0, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000] rows = len(model_steps) columns = 5 axarr = [[]]*len(model_steps) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,rows*3)) for model_step_ix, model_step in enumerate( model_steps ): print(model_step) axarr[model_step_ix] = plt.subplot(rows, columns, model_step_ix*columns + 1) for group, color, marker, label in zip( real_samples.groupby('Class_1'), colors, markers, class_labels ): plt.scatter( group[1][[col1]], group[1][[col2]], label=label, marker=marker, edgecolors=color, facecolors='none' ) plt.title('Actual Fraud Data') plt.ylabel(col2) # Only add y label to left plot plt.xlabel(col1) xlims, ylims = axarr[model_step_ix].get_xlim(), axarr[model_step_ix].get_ylim() if model_step_ix == 0: legend = plt.legend() legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('white') for i, model_name in enumerate( model_names[:] ): [ model_name, with_class, type0, generator_model ] = models[model_name] generator_model.load_weights( base_dir + model_name + '_generator_model_weights_step_'+str(model_step)+'.h5') ax = plt.subplot(rows, columns, model_step_ix*columns + 1 + (i+1) ) if with_class: g_z = generator_model.predict([z, labels]) gen_samples = pd.DataFrame(g_z, columns=data_cols+label_cols) for group, color, marker, label in zip( gen_samples.groupby('Class_1'), colors, markers, class_labels ): plt.scatter( group[1][[col1]], group[1][[col2]], label=label, marker=marker, edgecolors=color, facecolors='none' ) else: g_z = generator_model.predict(z) gen_samples = pd.DataFrame(g_z, columns=data_cols) plt.scatter( gen_samples[[col1]], gen_samples[[col2]], label=class_labels[0], marker=markers[0], edgecolors=colors[0], facecolors='none' ) plt.title(model_name) plt.xlabel(data_cols[0]) ax.set_xlim(xlims), ax.set_ylim(ylims) plt.suptitle('Comparison of GAN outputs', size=16) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0.075,0,1,0.95]) # Adding text labels for traning steps vpositions = np.array([ i._position.bounds[1] for i in axarr ]) vpositions += ((vpositions[0] - vpositions[1]) * 0.35 ) for model_step_ix, model_step in enumerate( model_steps ): fig.text( 0.05, vpositions[model_step_ix], 'training\nstep\n'+str(model_step), ha='center', va='center', size=12) # plt.savefig('plots/Comparison_of_GAN_outputs.png') #

Generated Data Testing

# # Table of contents # In[20]: # Setup xgboost parameters xgb_params = { # 'max_depth': 4, 'objective': 'binary:logistic', 'random_state': 0, 'eval_metric': 'auc', # auc, error # 'tree_method': 'hist' # 'grow_policy': 'lossguide' # depthwise, lossguide } # https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/demo/guide-python/custom_objective.py from sklearn.metrics import recall_score, precision_score, roc_auc_score def recall(preds, dtrain): labels = dtrain.get_label() return 'recall', recall_score(labels, np.round(preds)) def precision(preds, dtrain): labels = dtrain.get_label() return 'precision', precision_score(labels, np.round(preds)) def roc_auc(preds, dtrain): labels = dtrain.get_label() return 'roc_auc', roc_auc_score(labels, preds) # In[21]: # Define model parameters seed = 17 np.random.seed(seed) data_dim = len(data_cols) label_dim = len(label_cols) base_dir = 'cache lr mix base 128 act mix 171026/' rand_dim = 32 base_n_count = 128 # In[22]: # defined training set parameters train_fraction = 0.7 X_col = data.columns[:-1] y_col = data.columns[-1] folds = 5 # In[28]: # Function to make cross folds with different amounts of an additional dataset added def MakeCrossFolds( g_z_df=[] ): np.random.seed(0) train_real_set, test_real_set = [], [] train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set = [], [] real_samples = data.loc[ data.Class==0 ].copy() fraud_samples = data.loc[ data.Class==1 ].copy() # n_temp_real = 10000 n_temp_real = len(real_samples) for seed in range(folds): np.random.seed(seed) fraud_samples = fraud_samples.sample(len(fraud_samples), replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) # shuffle # n_train_fraud = int(len(fraud_samples) * train_fraction) n_train_fraud = 100 train_fraud_samples = fraud_samples[:n_train_fraud].reset_index(drop=True) # test_fraud_samples = fraud_samples[n_train_fraud:].reset_index(drop=True) n_test_fraud = 148 # 30% left out test_fraud_samples = fraud_samples[-n_test_fraud:].reset_index(drop=True) if len(g_z_df)==0: g_z_df = fraud_samples[n_train_fraud:-n_test_fraud] # for adding real data, if no generated n_g_z = len(g_z_df) train_fraud_samples = train_fraud_samples.append(g_z_df).reset_index(drop=True) real_samples = real_samples.sample(len(real_samples), replace=False).reset_index(drop=True) # shuffle temp_real_samples = real_samples[:n_temp_real] n_train_real = int(len(temp_real_samples) * train_fraction) train_real_samples = temp_real_samples[:n_train_real].reset_index(drop=True) # with margin test_real_samples = temp_real_samples[n_train_real:].reset_index(drop=True) # with margin train_real_set.append( train_real_samples ) test_real_set.append( test_real_samples ) train_fraud_set.append( train_fraud_samples ) test_fraud_set.append( test_fraud_samples ) print( n_train_fraud ) for i in [ fraud_samples, g_z_df, train_fraud_samples, test_fraud_samples ]: print( len(i) ) for i in [ real_samples, train_real_samples, test_real_samples ]: print( len(i) ) # [ [ len(i) for i in j ] for j in [train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set] ] return n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set # In[29]: # function to run an xgboost classifier on different cross-folds with different amounts of data added def Run_CV_Xgb(n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set): test_data=[] # for i in [1]: # for i in [1,2,5,10,20]: # for i in np.logspace(0,np.log10(11),num=5): # for i in np.logspace(0,np.log10(11),num=3): for i in np.logspace(0,np.log10((492-148)/100),num=5): print('# additional generated data tested: {}'.format (int(n_train_fraud*(i-1)) ) ) for k in range(folds): train_df = pd.concat( [ train_real_set[k], train_fraud_set[k][:int(n_train_fraud*i)] ], axis=0,ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) test_df = pd.concat( [ test_real_set[k], test_fraud_set[k] ], axis=0,ignore_index=True).reset_index(drop=True) dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_df[X_col], train_df[y_col], feature_names=X_col) dtest = xgb.DMatrix(test_df[X_col], test_df[y_col], feature_names=X_col) results_dict = {} xgb_test = xgb.train(xgb_params, dtrain, num_boost_round=100, verbose_eval=False, early_stopping_rounds=10, evals=[(dtrain,'train'),(dtest,'test')], evals_result = results_dict ) y_pred = xgb_test.predict(dtest, ntree_limit=xgb_test.best_iteration+1) y_true = test_df['Class'].values results = [k, i, xgb_test.best_iteration, recall( y_pred, dtest )[1], precision( y_pred, dtest )[1], roc_auc( y_pred, dtest )[1] ] # print(results) test_data.append(results) test_data = pd.DataFrame(test_data, columns=['k', 'ratio','best','recall','precision','auc']) return test_data # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', "\n# Generate and test data with untrained model\n\ngenerator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = define_models_CGAN(rand_dim, data_dim, label_dim, base_n_count, type='Wasserstein')\ngenerator_model.load_weights( base_dir + 'WCGAN_generator_model_weights_step_0.h5')\n\ntest_size = 492\nx = get_data_batch(fraud_w_classes, test_size, seed=0)\nz = np.random.normal(size=(test_size, rand_dim))\nlabels = x[:,-label_dim:]\ng_z = generator_model.predict([z, labels])\n\n\n# The labels for the generate data will all be 1, as they are supposed to be fraud data\ng_z_df = pd.DataFrame( np.hstack( [g_z[:,:len(data_cols)], np.ones((len(g_z),1))] ), columns=data.columns )\n\nn_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set = MakeCrossFolds(g_z_df)\n \nt_0 = Run_CV_Xgb(n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set)\n") # In[114]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', "\n# Generate and test data with trained model\n\ngenerator_model, discriminator_model, combined_model = define_models_CGAN(rand_dim, data_dim, label_dim, base_n_count, type='Wasserstein')\ngenerator_model.load_weights( base_dir + 'WCGAN_generator_model_weights_step_4800.h5')\n\ntest_size = 492\nx = get_data_batch(fraud_w_classes, test_size, seed=0)\nz = np.random.normal(size=(test_size, rand_dim))\nlabels = x[:,-label_dim:]\ng_z = generator_model.predict([z, labels])\n\n\n\n# The labels for the generate data will all be 1, as they are supposed to be fraud data\ng_z_df = pd.DataFrame( np.hstack( [g_z[:,:len(data_cols)], np.ones((len(g_z),1))] ), columns=data.columns )\n\nn_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set = MakeCrossFolds(g_z_df)\n \nt_4800 = Run_CV_Xgb(n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set)\n") # In[115]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', '\n# Generate and test data with additional real data\n\nn_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set = MakeCrossFolds()\n \nt_real = Run_CV_Xgb(n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set)\n') # In[120]: # # Save the testing data # # Run using the WCGAN trained after 0 steps # pickle.dump( t_0, open('cache/additional untrained generated fraud data test.pkl','wb')) # # Run using the WCGAN trained after 4800 steps # pickle.dump( t_4800, open('cache/additional generated fraud data test.pkl','wb')) # # Run using the real data # pickle.dump( t_real, open('cache/additional real fraud data test.pkl','wb')) # In[30]: # Reload the testing data t_0 = pickle.load(open('cache/additional untrained generated fraud data test.pkl','rb')) t_4800 = pickle.load(open('cache/additional generated fraud data test.pkl','rb')) t_real = pickle.load(open('cache/additional real fraud data test.pkl','rb')) #

Figure 8: Effects of Additional Data on Fraud Detection

# # Table of contents # In[31]: # Plot the testing data labels = ['WCGAN\ntrained 0 steps','WCGAN\ntrained 4800 steps','Actual Fraud Data'] metric = 'recall' plt.figure(figsize=(12,3)) for i, [label, test_data] in enumerate(zip(labels, [t_0, t_4800, t_real])): xs = [ n_train_fraud * (i[0]-1) for i in test_data.groupby('ratio') ] ys = test_data.groupby('ratio')[metric].mean().values stds = 2 * test_data.groupby('ratio')[metric].std().values plt.subplot(1,3,i+1) plt.axhline(ys[0],linestyle='--',color='red') plt.plot(xs,ys,c='C1',marker='o') plt.plot(xs,ys+stds,linestyle=':',c='C2') plt.plot(xs,ys-stds,linestyle=':',c='C2') if i==0: plt.ylabel(metric) plt.xlabel('# additional data') plt.title(label,size=12) # plt.xlim([0,11]) # plt.ylim([0.55,.85]) plt.ylim([0.6,1.0]) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0,1,0.9]) plt.suptitle('Effects of additional data on fraud detection', size=16) # plt.savefig('plots/Effects of addtional data on fraud detection.png') plt.show() #

Summary of Training Data

# # Table of contents #

# # In[32]: # Load the saved loss data from each model # base_dir = 'cache/' base_dir = 'cache lr mix base 128 act mix 171026/' suffix = '_step_5000' GAN_losses = pickle.load(open(base_dir + 'GAN_losses'+suffix+'.pkl','rb')) # GAN_losses = [combined_loss, disc_loss_real, disc_loss_generated, xgb_losses] CGAN_losses = pickle.load(open(base_dir + 'CGAN_losses'+suffix+'.pkl','rb')) WGAN_losses = pickle.load(open(base_dir + 'WGAN_losses'+suffix+'.pkl','rb')) WCGAN_losses = pickle.load(open(base_dir + 'WCGAN_losses'+suffix+'.pkl','rb')) # In[34]: # Find best xgb scores overall and saved (every 100 steps) data_ix = 3 data_sets = [ GAN_losses[data_ix], CGAN_losses[data_ix], WGAN_losses[data_ix], WCGAN_losses[data_ix]] labels = [ 'GAN','CGAN','WGAN','WCGAN' ] for label, data_set in zip( labels, data_sets ): best_step = list(data_set).index( np.array(data_set).min() ) * 10 print( '{: <5} step {: <4}: {:.4f}'.format( label, best_step, np.array(data_set).min() ) ) xgb100 = [ data_set[i] for i in range(0, len(data_set), 10) ] best_step = xgb100.index( min(xgb100) ) * 100 print( '{: <5} step {: <4}: {:.4f}\n'.format( label, best_step, np.array(xgb100).min() ) ) # print( best_step, min(xgb100) ) # In[35]: # Look at the unsmoothed losses data_fields = ['combined_losses_', 'real_losses_', 'generated_losses_', 'xgb_losses'] sampling_intervals = [ 1, 1, 1, 10 ] labels = [ 'GAN','CGAN','WGAN','WCGAN' ] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] for data_ix in range(len(data_fields)): data_sets = [ GAN_losses[data_ix], CGAN_losses[data_ix], WGAN_losses[data_ix], WCGAN_losses[data_ix]] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) for data, label, linestyle in zip(data_sets, labels, linestyles): plt.plot( np.array(range(0,len(data)))*sampling_intervals[data_ix], data, label=label, linestyle=linestyle ) plt.ylabel(data_fields[data_ix]) plt.xlabel('training step') plt.legend() plt.show() # In[36]: # Look at the smoothed losses data_fields = ['combined_losses_', 'real_losses_', 'generated_losses_', 'xgb_losses'] sampling_intervals = [ 1, 1, 1, 10 ] labels = [ 'GAN','CGAN','WGAN','WCGAN' ] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] w = 100 for data_ix in range(len(data_fields)): data_sets = [ GAN_losses[data_ix], CGAN_losses[data_ix], WGAN_losses[data_ix], WCGAN_losses[data_ix]] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) for data, label, linestyle in zip(data_sets, labels, linestyles): plt.plot( np.array(range(0,len(data)))*sampling_intervals[data_ix], pd.DataFrame(data).rolling(w).mean(), label=label, linestyle=linestyle ) plt.ylabel(data_fields[data_ix]) plt.xlabel('training step') plt.legend() plt.show() #

Figure 6: Accuracy of Generated Data Detection

# # Table of contents # In[37]: # Create a figure for the smoothed xgboost losses data_fields = ['combined_losses_', 'real_losses_', 'generated_losses_', 'xgb_losses'] sampling_intervals = [ 1, 1, 1, 10 ] labels = [ 'GAN','CGAN','WGAN','WCGAN' ] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'] w = 50 data_ix = 3 data_sets = [ GAN_losses[data_ix], CGAN_losses[data_ix], WGAN_losses[data_ix], WCGAN_losses[data_ix]] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) for data, label, linestyle in zip(data_sets, labels, linestyles): plt.plot( np.array(range(0,len(data)))*sampling_intervals[data_ix], pd.DataFrame(data).rolling(w).mean(), label=label, linestyle=linestyle ) plt.ylabel(data_fields[data_ix]) plt.xlabel('training step') legend = plt.legend() legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('white') plt.title('Accuracy of generated data detection') plt.ylabel('xgboost accuracy') plt.tight_layout() ; # plt.savefig('plots/GAN_accuracy.png') #

Figure 7: Differences in Critic Loss

# # Table of contents # In[38]: # Create a figure for the critic losses for the WGAN and WCGAN w = 50 data_ix0 = 2 data_ix1 = 1 data_fields = ['combined_losses_', 'real_losses_', 'generated_losses_', 'xgb_losses'] i1, i2 = 2, 3 i2 += 1 labels = [ 'GAN','CGAN','WGAN','WCGAN' ][i1:i2] data_sets0 = [ GAN_losses[data_ix0], CGAN_losses[data_ix0], WGAN_losses[data_ix0], WCGAN_losses[data_ix0]][i1:i2] data_sets1 = [ GAN_losses[data_ix1], CGAN_losses[data_ix1], WGAN_losses[data_ix1], WCGAN_losses[data_ix1]][i1:i2] linestyles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'][i1:i2] plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) for data0, data1, label, linestyle in zip(data_sets0, data_sets1, labels, linestyles): plt.plot( range(0,len(data0)), pd.DataFrame( np.array(data0)-np.array(data1) ).rolling(w).mean(), label=label, linestyle=linestyle ) plt.title('Difference between critic loss (EM distance estimate)\non generated samples and real samples') plt.xlabel('training step') plt.ylabel('Gen - Real Critic Loss') legend = plt.legend() legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('white') # plt.savefig('plots/Delta_critic_loss_plot.png') #

DRAGAN Training

# # Table of contents #

# # This section is less developed, and may contain more errors that average # # A number of errors in the wiseodd code?: # - xavier initializer # - calculation of gradient penalties # # Resources: #
# https://github.com/kodalinaveen3/DRAGAN #
# https://github.com/wiseodd/generative-models #
# https://github.com/wiseodd/generative-models/blob/master/GAN/improved_wasserstein_gan/wgan_gp_tensorflow.py #
# https://github.com/igul222/improved_wgan_training/blob/master/gan_toy.py # # In[39]: # Load engineered dataset from EDA section data = pickle.load(open('data/' + 'credicard.engineered.pkl','rb')) # Put columns in order of importance for xgboost fraud detection, from the xgboost section sorted_cols = ['V14', 'V4', 'V10', 'V17', 'Time', 'V12', 'V26', 'Amount', 'V21', 'V8', 'V11', 'V7', 'V28', 'V19', 'V3', 'V22', 'V6', 'V20', 'V27', 'V16', 'V13', 'V25', 'V24', 'V18', 'V2', 'V1', 'V5', 'V15', 'V9', 'V23', 'Class'] data = data[ sorted_cols ].copy() # data columns will be all other columns except class data_cols = list(data.columns[ data.columns != 'Class' ]) data_dim = len(data_cols) # label_cols = ['Class'] train = data.loc[ data.Class == 1, data_cols ].copy().reset_index(drop=True) train[ data_cols ] = train[ data_cols ] / 10 with_class = False show = True data_dir = 'cache/' cache_prefix = 'DRAGAN' label_cols = [] log_interval = 100 z_dim = 32 X_dim = data_dim # In[40]: # Load (and/or reload functions) import GAN_171103 import importlib importlib.reload(GAN_171103) # For reloading after making changes from GAN_171103 import * # In[41]: # Start with a clean tensorflow graph every time tf.reset_default_graph() # In[42]: # Define the DRAGAN network mb_size = 128 # 128 # minibatch size h_dim = 128 # 128 # hidden layer dim lambda0 = 10 learning_rate = 1e-4 # 1e-4 global_seed = 0 [ D_solver, disc_cost, D_loss_real, D_loss_fake, X, X_p, z, G_solver, gen_cost, G_sample ] = \ define_DRAGAN_network( X_dim=X_dim, h_dim=h_dim, z_dim=z_dim, learning_rate=learning_rate, mb_size=mb_size, seed=global_seed ) ; # In[43]: # Set the tensorflow session, set seeds, create a saver function, and glance at the length of the operation set for the graph sess = tf.Session() np.random.seed(global_seed) tf.set_random_seed(global_seed) sess.graph.seed = global_seed sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) # saver = tf.train.Saver(theta_D + theta_G , max_to_keep=10000) # 20 Mb+ for all, 1.5 Mb for thetas only saver = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=10000 ) # 20 Mb+ for all, 1.5 Mb for thetas only # saver.save(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix + '_model_step_0' ) # saver.save(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix + '-initial_values' ) saver.save(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix ) combined_loss, disc_loss_generated, disc_loss_real, xgb_losses = [], [], [], [] best_xgb = 0.7 print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', "\n# Now we train the DRAGAN\n# We'll xgboost test it at intervals\n# We'll also save the graph weights and losses at intervals as well\n\nfor it in range(0, 50000+1):\n \n X_mb = get_data_batch(train, mb_size, seed=it)\n X_mb_p = get_perturbed_batch(X_mb) # DRAGAN\n\n _, D_loss_curr, d_l_r, d_l_g = sess.run(\n [D_solver, disc_cost, D_loss_real, D_loss_fake],\n feed_dict={X: X_mb, X_p: X_mb_p, z: sample_z(mb_size, z_dim)}\n )\n\n _, G_loss_curr = sess.run(\n [G_solver, gen_cost],\n feed_dict={z: sample_z(mb_size, z_dim)}\n )\n\n disc_loss_real.append(d_l_r)\n disc_loss_generated.append(d_l_g)\n combined_loss.append(G_loss_curr)\n \n if it % 100 == 0:\n test_size = 492 # The total number of fraud cases\n x = get_data_batch(train, test_size, seed=it)\n g_z = sess.run(G_sample, feed_dict={z: sample_z(test_size, z_dim)})\n xgb_loss = CheckAccuracy( x, g_z, data_cols, label_cols, seed=0, with_class=with_class, data_dim=data_dim )\n xgb_losses.append(xgb_loss)\n if xgb_loss < best_xgb: \n best_xgb = xgb_loss\n saver.save(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix, global_step=it, write_meta_graph=False )\n \n if it % log_interval == 0:\n print('Iter: {}; D loss: {:.4}; G_loss: {:.4}; xgb_loss: {:.4}'\n .format(it, D_loss_curr, G_loss_curr, xgb_loss))\n if show:\n PlotData( x, g_z, data_cols, label_cols, seed=0, with_class=with_class, data_dim=data_dim ) \n \n saver.save(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix, global_step=it, write_meta_graph=False )\n\n pickle.dump([combined_loss, disc_loss_generated, disc_loss_real, xgb_losses], \n open( data_dir + cache_prefix + '_losses_step_{}.pkl'.format(it) ,'wb'))\n \n") # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', "\n# for continued training\n\nfor it in range(50001, 100001):\n \n X_mb = get_data_batch(train, mb_size, seed=it)\n X_mb_p = get_perturbed_batch(X_mb) # DRAGAN\n\n _, D_loss_curr, d_l_r, d_l_g = sess.run(\n [D_solver, disc_cost, D_loss_real, D_loss_fake],\n feed_dict={X: X_mb, X_p: X_mb_p, z: sample_z(mb_size, z_dim)}\n )\n\n _, G_loss_curr = sess.run(\n [G_solver, gen_cost],\n feed_dict={z: sample_z(mb_size, z_dim)}\n )\n\n disc_loss_real.append(d_l_r)\n disc_loss_generated.append(d_l_g)\n combined_loss.append(G_loss_curr)\n \n if it % 100 == 0:\n test_size = 492 # mb_size\n x = get_data_batch(train, test_size, seed=it)\n g_z = sess.run(G_sample, feed_dict={z: sample_z(test_size, z_dim)})\n xgb_loss = CheckAccuracy( x, g_z, data_cols, label_cols, seed=0, with_class=with_class, data_dim=data_dim )\n xgb_losses.append(xgb_loss)\n# if xgb_loss < best_xgb: best_xgb = xgb_loss\n \n if it % log_interval == 0:\n print('Iter: {}; D loss: {:.4}; G_loss: {:.4}; xgb_loss: {:.4}'\n .format(it, D_loss_curr, G_loss_curr, xgb_loss))\n if show:\n PlotData( x, g_z, data_cols, label_cols, seed=0, with_class=with_class, data_dim=data_dim ) \n \n saver.save(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix, global_step=it, write_meta_graph=False )\n\n pickle.dump([combined_loss, disc_loss_generated, disc_loss_real, xgb_losses], \n open( data_dir + cache_prefix + '_losses_step_{}.pkl'.format(it) ,'wb'))\n \n") # In[170]: # # For checking if you graph operations list has changed while you weren't looking # print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) # In[171]: # # We should be able to import the graph and weights this way, we just need to redefine whatever operation we want to peform # tf.reset_default_graph() # sess = tf.Session() # print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) # saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(data_dir + cache_prefix + '.meta') # print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) # In[49]: # Or we can just define the network like we did before and just load the weights # That way we already have all the operations defined # So, to load stored graph, with operations defined locally: tf.reset_default_graph() sess = tf.Session() print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) [ D_solver, disc_cost, D_loss_real, D_loss_fake, X, X_p, z, G_solver, gen_cost, G_sample ] = \ define_DRAGAN_network( X_dim=X_dim, h_dim=h_dim, z_dim=z_dim, learning_rate=learning_rate, mb_size=mb_size, seed=global_seed ) ; sess = tf.Session() np.random.seed(global_seed) tf.set_random_seed(global_seed) sess.graph.seed = global_seed sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer()) saver = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=10000 ) # 20 Mb+ for all, 1.5 Mb for thetas only print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) # In[50]: # To load saved weights and test saver.restore(sess, data_dir + cache_prefix + '-45400' ) print( len( sess.graph.get_operations() ) ) g_z = sess.run(G_sample, feed_dict={z: sample_z(test_size, z_dim)}) # g_z # In[51]: # %%time # We can test the generated data using the functions from the 'GAN Data Testing' Section # You'll need to load the functions from that section for this to work # The labels for the generate data will all be 1, as they are supposed to be fraud data g_z_df = pd.DataFrame( np.hstack( [g_z[:,:len(data_cols)], np.ones((len(g_z),1))] ), columns=data.columns ) n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set = MakeCrossFolds(g_z_df) t_DRAGAN = Run_CV_Xgb(n_train_fraud, train_real_set, test_real_set, train_fraud_set, test_fraud_set) # In[57]: # Looks like still no increase in recall t_DRAGAN.groupby('ratio')[['recall']].aggregate(['mean','std']) # In[44]: # To load saved losses prefix = 'DRAGAN' [combined_loss, disc_loss_generated, disc_loss_real, xgb_losses] = pickle.load(open(data_dir+prefix+'_losses_step_100000.pkl','rb')) # In[45]: # Let's look at the xgboost losses w = 1 plt.plot( pd.DataFrame(xgb_losses[:]).rolling(w).mean() ) ; # plt.savefig('plots/171031_xgb_loss_DRAGAN_lr1e-4_mb128_hdim128.png') # In[46]: # Let's look at the smoothed xgboost losses w = 20 plt.plot( pd.DataFrame(xgb_losses[:]).rolling(w).mean() ) ; # plt.savefig('plots/171031_xgb_loss_DRAGAN_lr1e-4_mb128_hdim128.png') # In[47]: # Let's find the best xgboost loss best_step = xgb_losses.index( np.array(xgb_losses).min() ) * 100 print( best_step, np.array(xgb_losses).min() ) xgb100 = [ xgb_losses[i] for i in range(0, len(xgb_losses), 1) ] best_step = xgb100.index( min(xgb100) ) * log_interval print( best_step, min(xgb100) ) # In[48]: # Let's look at training losses # plt.plot( (np.array(disc_loss_real) - np.array(disc_loss_generated)) ) w = 1000 # plt.plot( list(range(0,5001,1)), pd.rolling_mean((np.array(disc_loss_real) - np.array(disc_loss_generated)),w) ) plt.plot( pd.DataFrame(disc_loss_real[:]).rolling(w).mean() - pd.DataFrame(disc_loss_generated[:]).rolling(w).mean() ) ; # plt.ylim([-0.005,0.015]) # plt.xlim([50000,110000]) # plt.ylim([-0.001,0.002])