#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Divvy Data Analysis # **View on:** [nbviewer](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/chrisluedtke/divvy-data-analysis/blob/master/notebook.ipynb), [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/chrisluedtke/divvy-data-analysis/blob/master/notebook.ipynb) # # ![animation](https://github.com/chrisluedtke/divvy-data-analysis/blob/master/img/divvy_day.gif?raw=true) #
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# # **Contents** # * [Data-Sourcing](#Data-Sourcing) # * [Exploration](#Exploration) # * [Merge-Station-Coordinates](#Merge-Station-Coordinates) # * [Farthest-Ridden-Bike](#Farthest-Ridden-Bike) # * [Calculate-Distances](#Calculate-Distances) # * [Exploration-with-Distance](#Exploration-with-Distance) # * [Check-Daylight-Savings](#Check-Daylight-Savings) # * [Animated-Plot](#Animated-Plot) # * [Perception-of-Circle-Size](#Perception-of-Circle-Size) # * [Dualmap](http://localhost:8889/notebooks/GitHub/divvy-data-analysis/notebook.ipynb#Dualmap) # In[1]: import os get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import folium import folium.plugins import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import divvydata from nb_utils.colors import linear_gradient, polylinear_gradient from nb_utils.data_processing import my_melt, add_empty_rows from nb_utils.geospatial import haversine from nb_utils.mapping import (create_map, gen_maps_by_group, render_html_map_to_png) pd.options.display.max_columns = None plt.style.use('seaborn') sns.set_context('talk', rc={'figure.figsize':(10, 7)}) # ## Data Sourcing # Data from: https://www.divvybikes.com/system-data # In[2]: help(divvydata.get_historical_data) # In[3]: help(divvydata.StationsFeed) # In[16]: # rides, stations = divvydata.get_historical_data( # years=[str(yr) for yr in range(2013,2019)], # rides=True, # stations=True # ) # In[15]: # rides.to_pickle('data/rides.pkl') # stations.to_pickle('data/stations.pkl') # In[8]: rides = pd.read_pickle('data/rides.pkl') # drop unused cols to save space rides = rides.drop(columns=['from_station_name', 'to_station_name']) print(rides.shape) rides.head() # In[9]: stations = pd.read_pickle('data/stations.pkl') stations = stations.rename(columns={'latitude':'lat', 'longitude':'lon'}) print(stations.shape) stations.head() # ## Exploration # In[7]: rides.isna().sum() # In[11]: # How many times has each bike been ridden? bike_use = rides['bikeid'].value_counts() print(bike_use.describe().to_string()) sns.distplot(bike_use) plt.title('Rides per Bike'); # In[12]: # Count of bikes released per month frst_use = (rides.groupby('bikeid')['start_time'].min() .dt.to_period("Q") .rename('first_use_quarter')) quarterly_counts = frst_use.value_counts() all_dates = pd.date_range(start=rides.start_time.min().date(), end=rides.start_time.max().date(), freq='Q').to_period("Q") all_dates = pd.Series(index=all_dates, data=0) all_dates.update(quarterly_counts) all_dates.plot(kind='bar', width=1, title='Bikes released per month'); # In[13]: # # color bike usage by quarter first ridden # bike_use_q = rides[['bikeid']].merge(frst_use, left_on='bikeid', # right_index=True, how='left') # bike_use_q = bike_use_q.sort_values('first_use_quarter') # top8_qs = frst_use.value_counts().index[:8] # bike_use_q = bike_use_q.loc[bike_use_q['first_use_quarter'].isin(top8_qs)] # bike_use_grpd = bike_use_q.groupby('first_use_quarter') # for group_name, group_df in bike_use_grpd: # group_df = group_df['bikeid'].value_counts() # sns.distplot(group_df) # plt.xlim([0, 5000]) # plt.title(f'{group_name} bikes') # plt.show(); # In[14]: # Count of quarterly rides (rides['start_time'].groupby([rides.start_time.dt.to_period("Q")]) .count() .plot.bar(width=1)); # In[15]: print('Trip Duration (Minutes)') print(rides.tripduration.divide(60).describe().to_string()) sns.distplot(rides.loc[rides.tripduration < rides.tripduration.quantile(.95), 'tripduration'].divide(60)) plt.title('Trip Duration (Minutes)'); # In[19]: rides.tripduration.sum() / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 #years # In[20]: sum_duration_bike = (rides.groupby('bikeid')['tripduration'].sum() .divide(60).divide(60)) print('Bike Use (Hours)') print(sum_duration_bike.describe().to_string()) # ## Merge Station Coordinates # In[4]: # Stations have moved (stations.drop_duplicates(['id', 'lat', 'lon'])['id'] .value_counts() .plot.hist(title='Station Instances')); # Unfortunately, Divvy kept the same station ID while physically moving those stations around. This adds a lot of complexity to route analysis. # # One solution would be to round lat/lon coordinates to some [degree of precision](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal_degrees#Precision), and then remove duplicates on rounded position. While that may seem to reduce the problem, there would be no way to determine whether a station initially at position A, moved to position B, and then back to position A. # # Another approach is to calculate the rolling difference of lat/lon coordinates and filter out differences below a desired precision. Let's do that. # In[5]: fix_stns = stations.copy() fix_stns = fix_stns.sort_values(['id', 'as_of_date']) fix_stns['dist_m'] = np.concatenate( fix_stns.groupby('id') .apply(lambda x: haversine( x['lat'].values, x['lon'].values, x['lat'].shift().values, x['lon'].shift().values)).values ) # In[6]: # NaNs are first instance, so keep those mask = fix_stns.dist_m.isna() | (fix_stns.dist_m > 30) fix_stns.loc[mask, 'id'].value_counts().plot(kind='hist', title='Reduced Station Instances'); # We can assess the problem by plotting stations that have moved: # In[7]: df = fix_stns.loc[fix_stns.id.duplicated(keep=False)] m = folium.Map(location=[df.lat.mean(), df.lon.mean()], tiles='CartoDB dark_matter', zoom_start=12) for g_k, g_df in df.groupby('id'): total_dist = g_df.dist_m.sum() if total_dist < 10: continue text = (f"Station {g_df.id.values[0]}
" f"{int(total_dist)} m") folium.PolyLine( locations=list(zip(g_df.lat, g_df.lon)), tooltip=text, color="#E37222", weight=3 ).add_to(m) folium.plugins.Fullscreen( position='topright', force_separate_button=True ).add_to(m) m.save('maps/stations_moved.html') m # In[10]: rides['end_date'] = rides['end_time'].dt.date day_aggs = (rides.groupby(['to_station_id', 'end_date']) .agg({'from_station_id':'median', 'tripduration':'mean', 'end_time':'count'}) .rename(columns={'from_station_id':'trip_origin_median', 'tripduration':'trip_duration_mean', 'end_time':'trip_counts'})) # In[11]: stn_id = 414 min_date, max_date = '2015-12-31', '2016-06-30' grouped = fix_stns.groupby('id') cols = ['as_of_date', 'dist_m', 'lat', 'lon'] print(grouped.get_group(stn_id)[cols].to_string(index=False)) stn_aggs = day_aggs.loc[stn_id] dates = pd.DataFrame(data={k:0 for k in stn_aggs}, index=pd.date_range(min_date, max_date)) dates.update(stn_aggs) for col in ['trip_duration_mean', 'trip_counts']: plt.bar(x=dates.index, height=dates[col]) plt.xlim(min_date, max_date) plt.title(col) plt.show(); # #### TODO # * subtract daily average of all active stations # * pick a few nearby stations -- should observe that durations change after a move # * monitor the set of station origins, should change # # From here I would create a lookup table for stations that have moved. The rows would span each day the station was active, and I would merge with my `rides` table on a `ride_id_date` key. # # But for now, I'll average each duplicated station's lat/lon positions to make things easy. # In[8]: stations = (fix_stns.groupby('id')['lat', 'lon'].mean()) # In[9]: # Merge Station Coordinates rides = (rides.merge(stations.rename(columns={'lat':'from_lat', 'lon':'from_lon'}), left_on='from_station_id', right_index=True, how='left') .merge(stations.rename(columns={'lat':'to_lat', 'lon':'to_lon'}), left_on='to_station_id', right_index=True, how='left')) # ## Calculate Distances # In[11]: rides['dist'] = haversine(rides.from_lat, rides.from_lon, rides.to_lat, rides.to_lon) # In[12]: rides['taxi_dist'] = (haversine(rides.from_lat, rides.from_lon, rides.from_lat, rides.to_lon) + haversine(rides.to_lat, rides.to_lon, rides.from_lat, rides.to_lon)) # In[32]: # rides.to_pickle('data/rides_with_dist.pkl') # ## Exploration with Distance # In[12]: rides = pd.read_pickle('data/rides_with_dist.pkl') # In[13]: rides[['dist', 'taxi_dist']].divide(1000).describe() # In[14]: sum_dist = rides.dist.sum() m_to_moon = 384401000 print(round(sum_dist / m_to_moon / 2, 1), 'trips to the moon and back') # In[15]: (rides.dist.loc[(1 < rides.dist) & (rides.dist < rides.dist.quantile(.99))] .divide(1000) .plot.hist(bins=100, title='Distance per Ride (kilometers)')); # In[16]: # sum distance ridden, km dist_sum = rides.groupby('bikeid')['dist'].sum().divide(1000) dist_sum.plot.hist(bins=100, title='Distance ridden per bike (kilometers)'); # In[17]: print(dist_sum.sort_values(ascending=False).head().to_string()) # ## Farthest Ridden Bike # In[3]: rides = pd.read_pickle('data/rides_with_dist.pkl') # In[18]: # Path of the farthest ridden bike df = (rides.loc[(rides.bikeid==410)] .sort_values('start_time')) df['start_q'] = df.start_time.dt.to_period("Q").astype(str) # In[21]: date_range = (pd.date_range(df['start_time'].min().date(), df['start_time'].max().date()) .to_period("Q").astype(str).unique()) colors = [ '#fe0000', #red '#fdfe02', #yellow '#011efe', #blue ] gradient = polylinear_gradient(colors, len(date_range)) date_colors = pd.Series(index=date_range, data=gradient, name='date_color') df = df.merge(date_colors, left_on='start_q', right_index=True, how='left') # In[27]: m = folium.Map(location=[df.from_lat.mean(), df.from_lon.mean()], tiles='CartoDB dark_matter', zoom_start=13) for q_group, q_df in df.groupby('start_q'): points = [] from_locs = list(zip(q_df.from_lat, q_df.from_lon)) to_locs = list(zip(q_df.to_lat, q_df.to_lon)) for from_i, to_i, in zip(from_locs, to_locs): points.append(from_i) points.append(to_i) folium.PolyLine( points, weight=1, color=q_df.date_color.values[0], tooltip=q_group.replace('Q', ' Q') ).add_to(m) folium.plugins.Fullscreen( position='topright', force_separate_button=True ).add_to(m) m.save('maps/longest_ridden_rainbow.html') m # ## Check Daylight Savings # # The time component of my analysis is very important. If DST were a problem, a large number of rows could be +/- 1 hour off. # # Sanity check: # In[ ]: rides = pd.read_pickle('data/rides_with_dist.pkl') # In[50]: dst_start = { # clock 1:59AM to 3:00AM '2013':'03-10', '2014':'03-09', '2015':'03-08', '2016':'03-13', '2017':'03-12', '2018':'03-11', } for yy, mm_dd in dst_start.items(): uh_oh = rides.loc[(f'{yy}-{mm_dd} 01:59:59' < rides['start_time']) & (rides['start_time'] < f'{yy}-{mm_dd} 03:00:00')] if not uh_oh.empty: print(uh_oh) # In[52]: # DST End, clock 1:59AM to 1:00AM rides.loc[(rides.end_time < rides.start_time), ['start_time', 'end_time', 'tripduration']] # ## Animated Plot # # Seeking animated plot where: # * circles positioned at stations # * **size** represents station usage # * **color** represents type of use (gaining bikes or losing bikes). # In[ ]: rides = pd.read_pickle('data/rides_with_dist.pkl') # In[39]: # subsample to get a working flow before applying to large dataset # rides = rides.sample(10000) # In[40]: # reshape DataFrame from 'ride' orientation to 'station interaction' orientation rides[['from_station_id', 'start_time', 'to_station_id', 'end_time']].head() # In[41]: stn_agg = my_melt(rides) # In[42]: stn_agg.head() # In[43]: # actually 'half hour' stn_agg['hour'] = (stn_agg.time.dt.hour + stn_agg.time.dt.minute // 30 * 0.5) # stn_agg['dow'] = stn_agg.time.dt.dayofweek stn_agg['month'] = stn_agg.time.dt.to_period('M') # Here I assume if the station was used any time in a month, # then it was active/available for that entire month stn_days = (stn_agg.groupby('station_id')['month'] .nunique() .multiply(30) .rename('days_active')) # pivot to get arrival and departure count columns id_cols = ['station_id', 'lat', 'lon', 'hour'] stn_agg = (stn_agg.pivot_table(index=id_cols, columns='type', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0) .reset_index() .merge(stn_days, left_on='station_id', right_index=True)) stn_agg['total_use'] = stn_agg.arrival + stn_agg.departure stn_agg['avg_use'] = stn_agg.total_use.divide(stn_agg.days_active, fill_value=0) stn_agg['pt_departures'] = stn_agg.departure.divide(stn_agg.total_use, fill_value=0.5) # stn_agg.to_pickle('data/station_aggregates.pkl') # In[3]: stn_agg = pd.read_pickle('data/station_aggregates.pkl') # In[5]: stn_agg.head() # In[6]: ## sanity checks # (set(rides.to_station_id) | set(rides.from_station_id)) - set(stn_agg.station_id) # (set(rides.to_station_id) | set(rides.from_station_id)) - set(stations.index) # In[7]: stn_agg.pt_departures.plot.hist(bins=50, title='dot color range'); # In[8]: stn_agg.avg_use.plot.hist(bins=50, title='dot size range'); # ### Perception of Circle Size # # If we directly map the radius of each station dot to the average use of the station, a dot of radius 2 will appear non-linearly larger than a dot of radius 1. However, if we set the **area** of the dot to the average use, I would argue that the average user would not perceive the the second dot as twice as large as the first. I could not find any empirical discussion on this. # # https://eagereyes.org/blog/2008/linear-vs-quadratic-change # # In my tests, a circle radius 60 is about the largest I would like a cirlce to appear, otherwise it obscures other information. # In[9]: def radius(x): '''radius when radius defined by station interactions''' return x * 2.19 def area(x): '''radius when area defined by station interactions''' return ((x / np.pi) ** (1/2)) * 20 def between(x): return x ** (58/100) * 8.7 x_vals = np.linspace(0, 27, 100) plots = pd.DataFrame({'x_vals':x_vals, 'radius': [radius(x) for x in x_vals], 'area': [area(x) for x in x_vals], 'between': [between(x) for x in x_vals]}) plots.plot.line(x='x_vals', xlim=(0,27), ylim=(0,60)) plt.xlabel('N Station Interactions') plt.ylabel('Circle Radius on Plot'); # In[10]: stn_agg.loc[stn_agg.station_id==664].head() # In[11]: def expand_and_interpolate(df): # expand by every half hour and fill with zeros steps = 24 * 2 hours = pd.Series(np.linspace(0, 24, steps, endpoint=False), index=[1]*steps, name='hour') df = add_empty_rows(df=stn_agg, fill_series=hours, constants=['station_id', 'lat','lon', 'days_active']) df['pt_departures'] = df['pt_departures'].fillna(0.50) df = df.fillna(0) # expand by every 2 minutes and fill with interpolation steps = 24 * 2 * 15 hours = pd.Series(np.linspace(0, 24, steps, endpoint=False).round(3), index=[1]*steps, name='hour') df = add_empty_rows(df=df, fill_series=hours, constants=['station_id', 'lat','lon', 'days_active']) # add hour 24 that matches hour 0 df = (df.append(df.loc[df['hour']==df['hour'].min()] .assign(hour=24)) .sort_values(['station_id', 'hour'])) df[['avg_use', 'pt_departures']] = df[['avg_use', 'pt_departures']].interpolate() return df def get_percent_depart_gradient(): # Generate color gradient for each percentage pt_departures strt_color = "#18f0da" #blue, gathering bikes mid_color = "#e6e6e6" #gray end_color = "#f06e18" #orange, "radiating" bikes start_pos = 25 mid_width = 5 steps = int((100 - start_pos * 2 - mid_width) / 2) + 1 color_list = ([strt_color] * start_pos + linear_gradient(strt_color, mid_color, steps) + [mid_color] * mid_width + linear_gradient(mid_color, end_color, steps) + [end_color] * start_pos) gradient = pd.Series(data=color_list, index=np.linspace(0, 1, 101, endpoint=True).round(2), name='color') return gradient # In[12]: stn_agg_interp = expand_and_interpolate(df=stn_agg) gradient = get_percent_depart_gradient() stn_agg_interp['pt_departures_rd'] = stn_agg_interp['pt_departures'].round(2) stn_agg_interp = (stn_agg_interp.drop(columns='color', errors='ignore') .merge(gradient, left_on='pt_departures_rd', right_index=True, how='left')) stn_agg_interp['radius'] = stn_agg_interp.avg_use.apply(between) # In[15]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo2', 'create_map') # In[38]: create_map(stn_agg_interp.loc[stn_agg_interp.hour==17]) # In[39]: gen_maps_by_group(stn_agg_interp, group_label='hour', height_px=1350, width_px=int(1350*1.777), preview=True) # From here I use `gen_maps_by_group` to generate `.html` maps for each frame of the animation, then `render_maps_dir_to_pngs` to iterate over the maps to `.png`. # In[ ]: maps_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'maps') output_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'maps/pngs') # In[44]: help(render_html_map_to_png) # ## Dualmap # In[40]: def add_to_dualmap(df, m, add_to): for i, r in df.iterrows(): if r.avg_use < 0.01: continue popup_txt=(f'
Station {r.station_id}

' f'Avg Uses: {round(r.avg_use,1)}
' f'Departures: {round(r.pt_departures*100)}%') folium.CircleMarker( location=(r.lat, r.lon), radius=r.radius, color=r['color'], weight=0.5, popup=folium.Popup(popup_txt, max_width=500), fill=True).add_to(add_to) return m m = folium.plugins.DualMap( location=(41.89, -87.63), tiles="CartoDB dark_matter", zoom_start=14) m = add_to_dualmap(stn_agg_interp.loc[stn_agg_interp.hour==8], m, m.m1) m = add_to_dualmap(stn_agg_interp.loc[stn_agg_interp.hour==17], m, m.m2) m.save('maps/am_v_pm.html') m