#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # tl;dr # # Cenpy now has the slickest interface of any census data wrangling package out there. Query for what you want, wherever you want, using the placename that you're interested in: # In[1]: from cenpy import products import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[2]: chicago = products.ACS(2017).from_place('Chicago, IL', level='tract', variables=['B00002*', 'B01002H_001E']) # In[3]: f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) chicago.dropna(subset=['B00002_001E'], axis=0).plot('B00002_001E', ax=ax, cmap='plasma') ax.set_facecolor('k') # Install it the prerelease candidate using: # # ``` # pip install --pre cenpy # ``` # # I plan to make a full 1.0 release in July. File bugs, rough edges, things you want me to know about, and interesting behavior at [https://github.com/cenpy-devs/cenpy](https://github.com/cenpy-devs/cenpy)! I'll also maintain a roadmap [here](https://github.com/cenpy-devs/cenpy/milestones). # # Cenpy 1.0.0 # # Cenpy started as an interface to explore and query the US Census API and return Pandas Dataframes. This was mainly intended as a wrapper over the basic functionality provided by the census bureau. I was initially inspired by `acs.R` in its functionality and structure. In addition to `cenpy`, a few other census packages exist out there in the Python ecosystem, such as: # # - [datamade/census](https://github.com/datamade/census) - "a python wrapper for the US Census API" # - [jtleider/censusdata](https://github.com/jtleider/censusdata) - "download data from Census API" # # And, I've also heard/seen folks use `requests` raw on the Census API to extract the data they want. # # All of the packages I've seen (including `cenpy` itself) involved a very stilted/specific API query due to the way the census API worked. Basically, it's difficult to construct an efficiently query against the census API without knowing the so-called "geographic hierarchy" in which your query fell: # # ![The Census Hierarchy](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cenpy-devs/cenpy/master/img/census_hierarchy.png) # The main census API does not allow a user to leave middle levels of the hierarchy vague: For you to get a collection of census tracts in a state, you need to query for all the *counties* in that state, then express your query about tracts in terms of a query about all the tracts in those counties. Even `tidycensus` in `R` [requires this in many common cases](https://walkerke.github.io/tidycensus/articles/basic-usage.html#geography-in-tidycensus). # # Say, to ask for all the blocks in Arizona, you'd need to send a few separate queries: # ``` # what are the counties in Arizona? # what are the tracts in all of these counties? # what are the blocks in all of these tracts in all of these counties? # ``` # This was necessary because of the way the hierarchy diagram (shown above) is structured. Blocks don't have a unique identifier outside of their own tract; if you ask for block `001010`, there might be a bunch of blocks around the country that match that identifier. Sometimes, this meant conducting a very large number of repetitive queries, since the packages are trying to build out a correct search tree hierarchy. This style of [tree search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search) is relatively slow, especially when conducting this search over the internet... # # So, if we focus on the geo-in-geo style queries using the hierarchy above, we're in a tough spot if we want to *also* make the API easy for humans to use. # # # Enter Geographies # # Fortunately for us, a *geographic information system* can figure out these kinds of nesting relationships without having to know each of the levels above or below. This lets us use very natural query types, like: # ``` # what are the blocks *within* Arizona? # ``` # There is a *geographic information system* that `cenpy` had access to, called the Tiger Web Mapping Service. These are ESRI Mapservices that allow for a fairly complex set of queries to extract information. But, in general, neither [`census`](https://github.com/datamade/census/pull/33) nor `censusdata` used the TIGER web map service API. Cenpy's `cenpy.tiger` was a [fully-featured wrapper around the ESRI Mapservice](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/dfolch/2440ba28c2ddf5192ad7#5.-Pull-down-the-geometry), but was mainly *not* used by the package itself to solve this tricky problem of building many queries to solve the `geo-in-geo` problem. # # Instead, `cenpy1.0.0` uses the TIGER Web mapping service to intelligently get *all* the required geographies, and then queries for those geographies in a very parsimonious way. This means that, instead of tying our user interface to the census's datastructures, we can have some much more natural place-based query styles. # # For instance # Let's grab all the tracts in Los Angeles. And, let's get the Race table, `P004`. # The new `cenpy` API revolves around *products*, which integrate the geographic and the data APIs together. For starters, we'll use the 2010 Decennial API: # In[5]: dectest = products.Decennial2010() # Now, since we don't need to worry about entering geo-in-geo structures for our queries, we can request race data for all the tracts in Los Angeles County using the following method: # In[6]: la = dectest.from_county('Los Angeles, CA', level='tract', variables=['^P004']) # And, making a pretty plot of the Hispanic population in LA: # In[7]: f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) la.plot('P004003', edgecolor='white', cmap='plasma', ax=ax, linewidth=.2) ax.set_facecolor('k') # How this *works* from a software perspective is a significant imporvement on how the other packages, like `cenpy` itself, work. # 1. Take the name the user provided and find a match `target` within a level of the census geography. *(e.g. match Los Angeles, CA to Los Angeles County)* # 2. **Using the Web Mapping Service,** find all the tracts that fall within our `target`. # 3. **Using the data API,** query for all the data about those tracts that are requested. # # Since the Web Mapping Service provides us all the information needed to build a complete geo-in-geo query, we don't need to use repeated queries. Further, since we are using *spatial querying* to do the heavy lifting, there's no need for the user to specify a detailed geo-in-geo hierarchy: using the [Census GIS](https://tigerweb.geo.census.gov/tigerwebmain/tigerweb_restmapservice.html), we can build the hierarchy for free. # Thus, this even works for grabbing `block` information over a very large area, such as the Austin, TX MSA: # In[8]: aus = dectest.from_msa('Austin, TX', level='block', variables=['^P003', 'P001001']) # In[9]: f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) aus.plot('P003003',cmap='plasma', linewidth=0, ax=ax) ax.set_facecolor('k') # Or, for example, a case that's difficult to deal with: census geographies that span two states. Let's just grab all the tracts in the Kansas City consolidated statistical area, regardless of which state they fall into: # In[11]: ks = dectest.from_csa('Kansas City', level='tract', variables=['P001001']) # In[12]: f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) ks.plot('P001001', ax=ax, cmap='plasma', linewidth=0) ax.set_facecolor('k') # ## A bit of the weeds # # Thus, now `cenpy` has a very simple interface to grab just the data you want and get out of your way. But, there are a few additional helper functions to make it simple to work with data. # # For instance, it's possible to extract the boundary of the *target* boundary using the `return_bounds` argument: # In[13]: ma, ma_bounds = dectest.from_state('Massachusetts', return_bounds=True) # In[14]: f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) ma.plot(edgecolor='slategrey', color='none', ax=ax) ma_bounds.plot(edgecolor='cornsilk', color='none', ax=ax, linewidth=2) ax.set_facecolor('k') # And, because some kinds of census geometries do not nest neatly within one another, it's possible to request that the "within" part of the geo-in-geo operation is relaxed to only consider geometries that *intersect* with the requested place: # In[15]: tuc, tuc_bounds = dectest.from_place('Tucson, AZ', level='tract', return_bounds=True, strict_within=False) # In[16]: f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) tuc.plot(edgecolor='slategrey', color='none', ax=ax) tuc_bounds.plot(edgecolor='cornsilk', color='none', ax=ax, linewidth=2) ax.set_facecolor('k') # # Additional Products # # This works for all of the ACSs that are supported by the Web Mapping Service. This means that `cenpy` supports this place-based API for the results from 2013 to 2017: # In[17]: for year in range(2013, 2018): print(year) acs = products.ACS(year=year) acs.from_place('Tucson, AZ') # And it has the same general structure as we saw before: # In[18]: sf = products.ACS(2017).from_place('San Francisco, CA', level='tract', variables=['B00002*', 'B01002H_001E']) # In[19]: f,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(20,20)) ax = sf.dropna(subset=['B00002_001E']).plot('B00002_001E', cmap='plasma', linewidth=0, ax=ax) ax.set_facecolor('k') # # Happy hacking! # # To install this version of cenpy, grab the *release candidate*: # # ``` # pip install --pre cenpy # ``` # # I plan to create a full release at SciPy2018, in early July. File bugs, rough edges, things you want me to know about, and interesting behavior at [https://github.com/ljwolf/cenpy](https://github.com/ljwolf/cenpy)!