using AIBECS using PyPlot, PyCall using LinearAlgebra using GR, Interact wet3D, grd, T = Primeau_2x2x2.load(); wet3D grd grd.depth_3D T G(x,p) = Λ(x,p) - x / p.τ function Λ(x,p) λ, h, Ratm = p.λ, p.h, p.Ratm return @. λ / h * (Ratm - x) * (z == z₀) end iwet = findall(wet3D) z = grd.depth_3D[iwet] z₀ = z[1] z .== z₀ t = empty_parameter_table() add_parameter!(t, :τ, 5730u"yr" / log(2)) # radioactive decay e-folding timescale add_parameter!(t, :λ, 50u"m" / 10u"yr") # piston velocity add_parameter!(t, :h, grd.δdepth[1]) # top layer height add_parameter!(t, :Ratm, 1.0u"mol/m^3") # atmospheric concentration t initialize_Parameters_type(t, "C14_parameters3") p = C14_parameters3() F, ∇ₓF = state_function_and_Jacobian(p -> T, G) ; x = 0.5p.Ratm * ones(5) F(x,p) Matrix(∇ₓF(x,p)) 𝑓(x) = cos(x^2) + exp(x) ∇𝑓(x) = -2x * sin(x^2) + exp(x) finite_differences(f, x, h) = (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h centered_differences(f, x, h) = (f(x + h) - f(x - h)) / 2h complex_step_method(f, x, h) = imag(f(x + im * h)) / h using DualNumbers dual_step_method(f, x, h) = dualpart(f(x + ε)) # <- Dual-step method relative_error(m, f, ∇f, x, h) = Float64(abs(BigFloat(m(f, x, h)) - ∇f(BigFloat(x))) / abs(∇f(x))) 𝑥, 𝒉s = 2.0, 10 .^ (-20:0.02:0) numerical_schemes = [finite_differences, centered_differences, complex_step_method, dual_step_method] PyPlot.plot(𝒉s, [relative_error(m, 𝑓, ∇𝑓, 𝑥, h) for h in 𝒉s, m in numerical_schemes]) PyPlot.loglog(), PyPlot.legend(string.(numerical_schemes)), PyPlot.xlabel("step size, \$h\$"), PyPlot.ylabel("Relative Error, \$\\frac{|\\bullet - \\nabla f(x)|}{|\\nabla f(x)|}\$") PyPlot.title("There are better alternatives to finite differences") function time_steps(x₀, Δt, n, F, ∇ₓF) x_hist = [x₀] δt = Δt / n for i in 1:n push!(x_hist, AIBECS.crank_nicolson_step(last(x_hist), p, δt, F, ∇ₓF)) end return reduce(hcat, x_hist), 0:δt:Δt end Δt = 5000u"yr" |> u"s" |> ustrip x₀ = p.Ratm * ones(5) x_hist, t_hist = time_steps(x₀, Δt, 1000, F, ∇ₓF) C14age_hist = log.(p.Ratm ./ x_hist) * (p.τ * u"s" |> u"yr" |> ustrip) PyPlot.figure(figsize=(8,4)) PyPlot.plot(t_hist .* 1u"s" .|> u"yr" .|> ustrip, C14age_hist') PyPlot.xlabel("simulation time (years)") PyPlot.ylabel("¹⁴C age (years)") PyPlot.legend("box " .* string.(findall(vec(wet3D)))) PyPlot.title("Simulation of the evolution of ¹⁴C age with Crank-Nicolson time steps") prob = SteadyStateProblem(F, ∇ₓF, x, p) s = solve(prob, CTKAlg()).u log.(p.Ratm ./ s) * (p.τ * u"s" |> u"yr") Δt = 40000u"yr" |> u"s" |> ustrip x_hist, t_hist = time_steps(x₀, Δt, 4000, F, ∇ₓF) PyPlot.figure(figsize=(7,3)) PyPlot.semilogy(t_hist .* 1u"s" .|> u"yr" .|> ustrip, [norm(F(s,p)) for i in 1:size(x_hist,2)], label="steady-state") PyPlot.semilogy(t_hist .* 1u"s" .|> u"yr" .|> ustrip, [norm(F(x_hist[:,i],p)) for i in 1:size(x_hist,2)], label="time-stepping") PyPlot.xlabel("simulation time (years)"); PyPlot.ylabel("|F(x,p)| (mol m⁻³ s⁻¹)"); PyPlot.legend(); PyPlot.title("Stability of ¹⁴C age with simulation time") wet3D, grd, T = OCIM1.load() ; F, ∇ₓF = state_function_and_Jacobian(p -> T, G) ; iwet = findall(wet3D) x = p.Ratm * ones(length(iwet)) p.h = grd.δdepth[1] |> upreferred |> ustrip z = grd.depth_3D[iwet] z₀ = z[1] prob = SteadyStateProblem(F, ∇ₓF, x, p) s = solve(prob, CTKAlg()).u C14age = log.(p.Ratm ./ s) * p.τ * u"s" .|> u"yr" lon, lat = grd.lon |> ustrip, |> ustrip function horizontal_slice(x, levels, title) x_3D = fill(NaN, size(grd)) x_3D[iwet] .= x .|> ustrip GR.figure(figsize=(10,5)) @manipulate for iz in 1:size(grd)[3] GR.xlim([0,360]) GR.title(string(title, " at $(AIBECS.round(grd.depth[iz])) depth")) GR.contourf(lon, lat, x_3D[:,:,iz]', levels=levels) end end horizontal_slice(C14age, 0:100:2400, "14C age [yr] using the OCIM1 circulation") function zonal_slice(x, levels, title) x_3D = fill(NaN, size(grd)) x_3D[iwet] .= x .|> ustrip GR.figure(figsize=(10,5)) @manipulate for longitude in (grd.lon .|> ustrip) GR.title(string(title, " at $(round(longitude))°")) ilon = findfirst(ustrip.(grd.lon) .== longitude) GR.contourf(lat, reverse(-grd.depth .|> ustrip), reverse(x_3D[:,ilon,:], dims=2), levels=levels) end end zonal_slice(C14age, 0:100:2400, "14C age [yr] using the OCIM1 circulation") T_DIP(p) = T T_POP(p) = buildPFD(grd, wet3D, sinking_speed = w(p)) w(p) = @. p.w₀ + p.w′ * (z |> ustrip) relu(x) = @. (x ≥ 0) * x zₑ = 80u"m" # depth of the euphotic zone function uptake(DIP, p) τ, k = p.τ, p.k DIP⁺ = relu(DIP) return @. 1/τ * DIP⁺^2 / (DIP⁺ + k) * (z ≤ zₑ) end remineralization(POP, p) = p.κ * POP geores(x, p) = (p.xgeo .- x) / p.τgeo G_DIP(DIP, POP, p) = -uptake(DIP, p) + remineralization(POP, p) + geores(DIP, p) G_POP(DIP, POP, p) = uptake(DIP, p) - remineralization(POP, p) t = empty_parameter_table() # empty table of parameters add_parameter!(t, :xgeo, 2.12u"mmol/m^3") add_parameter!(t, :τgeo, 1.0u"Myr") add_parameter!(t, :k, 6.62u"μmol/m^3") add_parameter!(t, :w₀, 0.64u"m/d") add_parameter!(t, :w′, 0.13u"1/d") add_parameter!(t, :κ, 0.19u"1/d") add_parameter!(t, :τ, 236.52u"d") initialize_Parameters_type(t, "Pcycle_Parameters") # Generate the parameter type p = Pcycle_Parameters() nb = length(iwet); x = ones(2nb) F, ∇ₓF = state_function_and_Jacobian((T_DIP,T_POP), (G_DIP,G_POP), nb) ; prob = SteadyStateProblem(F, ∇ₓF, x, p) s = solve(prob, CTKAlg(), preprint=" ").u DIP, POP = state_to_tracers(s, nb, 2) DIP_unit = u"mmol/m^3" horizontal_slice(DIP * u"mol/m^3" .|> DIP_unit, 0:0.3:3, "P-cycle model: DIP [mmol m^{-3}]") zonal_slice(POP .|> relu .|> log10, -10:1:10, "P-cycle model: POP [log\\(mol m^{-3}\\)]") ccrs = pyimport("") cfeature = pyimport("cartopy.feature") lon_cyc = [lon; 360+lon[1]] DIP_3D = fill(NaN, size(grd)); DIP_3D[iwet] = DIP * u"mol/m^3" .|> u"mmol/m^3" .|> ustrip DIP_3D_cyc = cat(DIP_3D, DIP_3D[:,[1],:], dims=2) f1 = PyPlot.figure(figsize=(12,5)) @manipulate for iz in 1:24 withfig(f1, clear=true) do ax = PyPlot.subplot(projection = ccrs.EqualEarth(central_longitude=-155.0)) ax.add_feature(cfeature.COASTLINE, edgecolor="#000000") # black coast lines ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, facecolor="#CCCCCC") # gray land plt = PyPlot.contourf(lon_cyc, lat, DIP_3D_cyc[:,:,iz], levels=0:0.1:3.5, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=-1, extend="both") plt2 = PyPlot.contour(plt, lon_cyc, lat, DIP_3D_cyc[:,:,iz], levels=plt.levels[1:5:end], transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=0, extend="both", colors="k") ax.clabel(plt2, fmt="%2.1f", colors="k", fontsize=14) cbar = PyPlot.colorbar(plt, orientation="vertical", extend="both", ticks=plt2.levels) cbar.add_lines(plt2) cbar.set_label(label="mmol / m³", fontsize=16) PyPlot.title("Publication-quality DIP with Cartopy; depth = $(string(round(typeof(1u"m"),grd.depth[iz])))", fontsize=20) end end