from brian2 import * [1, 2, 3] * mV mean(np.arange(12)*Hz) var(clip(randn(50)*nS, 0*nS, np.inf*nS)) G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : volt') G.v = -70*mV + randn(len(G))*3*mV print mean(G.v[:]) tau_v = 10*ms tau_w = 5*ms G = NeuronGroup(1, '''dv/dt = (5 - v + w) / tau_v : 1 (unless refractory) dw/dt = -w / tau_w : 1''', threshold='v>1', reset='v=0; w+=0.1', refractory=3*ms) s_mon = StateMonitor(G, ['v', 'w', 'not_refractory'], record=True) net = Network(G, s_mon)*ms) plot(s_mon.t / ms, s_mon.v.T) plot(s_mon.t / ms, s_mon.w.T) _ = plot(s_mon.t / ms, s_mon.not_refractory.T, 'o') G1 = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : volt') G2 = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : volt') # Brian 1: # C = Connection(G1, G2, 'v', delay=2*ms) # C.connect_one_to_one(G1, G2, weight=1*mV) S = Synapses(G1, G2, connect='i==j', pre='v+=1*mV', delay=2*ms) S = Synapses(G1, G2, 'w:volt', pre='v+=w') # One-to-one connectivity # In Brian1: S[:, :] = 'i==j' S.connect('i==j') # Full connectivity # In Brian1: S[:, :] = True S.connect(True) # 10% connection probability # In Brian1: S[:, :] = 0.1 S.connect(True, p=0.1) # 2 synapses per connection # In Brian1: S[:, :] = 2 S.connect(True, n=2) # With a probability of 10%: 2 synapses per connection but only for one-to-one pairs # S[:, :] = '(i==j) * (rand()<0.1) * 2' S.connect('i==j', p=0.1, n=2) G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1') G.v = 1.0*np.arange(len(G)) / len(G) print G.v[:] G.v = '1.0*i / N' # i is the neuronal index, N the number of neurons print G.v[:] G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / (10*ms) : 1') S = Synapses(G, G, 'w:1', pre='v+=w', connect=True) S.w['i!=j'] = 0.1 print S.w[:].reshape((10, 10)) # Automatic names print print # Assigned name E = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v/(10*ms) : 1', name='excitatory') print def create_network(): G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v/(10*ms) : 1', name='group') mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=True, name='monitor') return Network(G, mon) net = create_network() print net['monitor'] # Explicit namespace G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / tau : 1', namespace={'tau': 10*ms}) G.v = linspace(0, 1, len(G)) mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=True) net = Network(G, mon)*ms) G.namespace['tau'] = 20*ms*ms) _ = plot(mon.t / ms, mon.v.T) # Implicit namespace G = NeuronGroup(10, 'dv/dt = -v / tau : 1') tau = 10*ms # does not need to be defined before! G.v = linspace(0, 1, len(G)) mon = StateMonitor(G, 'v', record=True) net = Network(G, mon)*ms) tau = 20*ms # this would have no effect in Brian 1!*ms) _ = plot(mon.t / ms, mon.v.T) forward_euler = ExplicitStateUpdater('x_new = x + dt * f(x, t)') forward_euler print forward_euler(Equations('''dv/dt = (-v + w)/ tau_v : 1 dw/dt = -w / tau_w : 1''')) eqs = Equations('dv/dt = -v / tau + sigma*xi/tau**0.5 : 1') print euler(eqs) eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -v / tau + sigma*xi_1/tau**0.5 : 1 dw/dt = -w / tau + sigma*xi_2/tau**0.5 : 1''') # simply using 'xi' raises an error print euler(eqs) eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = -v / tau + sigma*xi_shared/tau**0.5 : 1 dw/dt = -w / tau + sigma*xi_shared/tau**0.5 : 1''') print euler(eqs) eqs = Equations('''dv/dt = (g_L*(E_L - v) + g_s*(E_s - v))/tau_m : volt dg_s/dt = -g_s/tau_s : siemens''') eqs print brian_prefs.core.default_scalar_dtype print brian_prefs['core.default_scalar_dtype']