#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from awesome_panel_extensions.awesome_panel.notebook import Header Header(folder="examples/reference/frameworks/fast", notebook="FastLiteralInput.ipynb") # # Fast LiteralInput - Reference Guide # # The `FastLiteralInput` widget is based on the [fast-text-field](https://explore.fast.design/components/fast-text-field) web component and extends the built in [Panel LiteralInput](https://panel.holoviz.org/reference/widgets/LiteralInput.html) widget. # # # # # #
# # # #### Parameters: # # ##### Core # # * **``value``** (str): Parsed value of the indicated type # * **``type``** (type or tuple(type)): A Python literal type (e.g. list, dict, set, int, float, bool, str) # * **``serializer (str['ast', 'json])``**: The serialization (and deserialization) method to use. 'ast' uses ast.literal_eval and 'json' uses json.loads and json.dumps. # # ###### Display # # # * **``name``** (str): The label of the LiteralInput. # * **``placeholder``** (string): A placeholder string displayed when no value is entered. # * **``apperance``** (string): Determines the appearance of the LiteralInput. One of `outline` or `filled`. Defaults to `outline`. # * **``autofocus``** (bool): The autofocus attribute. Defaults to `False`. # * **``disabled``** (boolean): Whether or not the LiteralInput is disabled. Defaults to False. # * **``readonly``** (bool): Whether or not the LiteralInput is read only. Defaults to `False`. # # # # The `FastLiteralInput` has the same layout and styling parameters as most other widgets. For example `width` and `sizing_mode`. # # Please note that you can only use the Fast components inside a custom Panel template that # # - Loads the [Fast `javascript` library](https://www.fast.design/docs/components/getting-started#from-cdn). # - Wraps the content of the `` html tag inside the [fast-design-system-provider](https://www.fast.design/docs/components/getting-started#add-components) tag. # # We provide the `FastTemplate` for easy usage. # # You can also develop your own custom [Panel template](https://panel.holoviz.org/user_guide/Templates.html) if you need something special. For example combining it with more [fast.design](https://fast.design/) web components and the [Fluent Design System](https://www.microsoft.com/design/fluent/#/) to create **VS Code** and **Microsoft Office** like experiences. # # Please note that Fast components will not work in older, legacy browser like Internet Explorer. # # ___ # # Let's start by importing the dependencies # In[2]: import param import panel as pn from awesome_panel_extensions.frameworks.fast import FastTemplate, FastLiteralInput pn.config.sizing_mode = "stretch_width" pn.extension() # ## Parameters # # Let's explore the parameters of the `FastLiteralInput`. # In[3]: LiteralInput = FastLiteralInput(name="List Input", sizing_mode="fixed", width=300, appearance="outline", placeholder="Input a list. For example ['a', 'b']", type=list) app=pn.Row( LiteralInput ) template=FastTemplate(main=[app]) template # In[4]: LiteralInput_parameters = ["name", "value", "disabled", "placeholder", "appearance", "autofocus", "readonly", "height", "width", "sizing_mode"] settings_pane = pn.WidgetBox(pn.Param(LiteralInput, parameters=LiteralInput_parameters, show_name=False)) settings_pane # ## pn.Param # # Let's verify that that `FastLiteralInput` can be used as a widget by `pn.Param`. # In[5]: import param import panel as pn WIDGETS = { "a_literal": { "type": LiteralInput, "sizing_mode": "fixed", "width": 400, "placeholder": "Input a dictionary!" } } class ParameterizedApp(param.Parameterized): a_literal = param.Dict(default=None, label="A Dictionary") view = param.Parameter() def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__(**params) self.view = pn.Param(self, parameters=["a_literal"], widgets=WIDGETS) parameterized_app = ParameterizedApp() paremeterized_template = FastTemplate(main=[parameterized_app.view]) paremeterized_template # In[6]: pn.Param(parameterized_app.param.a_literal) # ## Resources # # - [fast.design](https://fast.design/) # - [fast-text-field](https://explore.fast.design/components/fast-text-field) # # ## Known Issues # # - The `fast-text-field` web component has additional attributes (`max_length`, `min_length`, `pattern`, `size`, `spellcheck`, `required`) that does not seem to work. If you think they are important please upvote [Fast Github Issue 3852](https://github.com/microsoft/fast/issues/3852). # - It's not possible to specify the `type` of literal in a `pn.Parameterized` class. See [Panel Github 1574](https://github.com/holoviz/panel/issues/1574) # # # # # #