#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # #

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# # # `random_images` # Display a set of random images in the hub # # # Required robot # * Charlie (head) # # # # # Source code # You can find the code in the accompanying [`.py` file](https://github.com/arturomoncadatorres/lego-mindstorms/blob/main/examples/programs/random_images.py). To get it running, simply copy and paste it in a new Mindstorms project. # # # Imports # In[ ]: from mindstorms import MSHub, Motor, MotorPair, ColorSensor, DistanceSensor, App from mindstorms.control import wait_for_seconds, wait_until, Timer from mindstorms.operator import greater_than, greater_than_or_equal_to, less_than, less_than_or_equal_to, equal_to, not_equal_to import math # In[ ]: import random # Needed to generate random numbers # # Initialization # In[ ]: hub = MSHub() # # Define the list of possible images # In[ ]: images = ['ANGRY', 'ARROW_E', 'ARROW_N', 'ARROW_NE', 'ARROW_NW', 'ARROW_S', 'ARROW_SE', 'ARROW_SW', 'ARROW_W', 'ASLEEP', 'BUTTERFLY', 'CHESSBOARD', 'CLOCK1', 'CLOCK10', 'CLOCK11', 'CLOCK12', 'CLOCK2', 'CLOCK3', 'CLOCK4', 'CLOCK5', 'CLOCK6', 'CLOCK7', 'CLOCK8', 'CLOCK9', 'CONFUSED', 'COW', 'DIAMOND', 'DIAMOND_SMALL', 'DUCK', 'FABULOUS', 'GHOST', 'GIRAFFE', 'GO_RIGHT', 'GO_LEFT', 'GO_UP', 'GO_DOWN', 'HAPPY', 'HEART', 'HEART_SMALL', 'HOUSE', 'MEH', 'MUSIC_CROTCHET', 'MUSIC_QUAVER', 'MUSIC_QUAVERS', 'NO', 'PACMAN', 'PITCHFORK', 'RABBIT', 'ROLLERSKATE', 'SAD', 'SILLY', 'SKULL', 'SMILE', 'SNAKE', 'SQUARE', 'SQUARE_SMALL', 'STICKFIGURE', 'SURPRISED', 'SWORD', 'TARGET', 'TORTOISE', 'TRIANGLE', 'TRIANGLE_LEFT', 'TSHIRT', 'UMBRELLA', 'XMAS', 'YES'] # In[ ]: n_images = len(images) print("Total number of images: " + str(n_images)) # # Display images # To choose the images to display, we will generate a random index # using [`random.randint`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/random.html#random.randint) # In[ ]: for ii in range(1, 4): # Generate a random number idx = random.randint(0, n_images-1) # Display the random image image = images[idx] print("Displaying image " + str(ii) + " with index " + str(idx) + " ('" + image + "')...") hub.light_matrix.show_image(image) print("DONE!") # Insert a pause so we can see the image wait_for_seconds(2.5)