setwd("C:/Users/Public/Documents/amsantac/data") library(raster) img <- raster("c_2004-2005_30_classif_03_v3.tif") shp <- shapefile("footprints_2000_v2.shp") img # let's print some info about the imported raster # Crop the image with the polygon shapefile crop.img <- crop(img, shp) crop.img # compare the extent of the cropped image vs. the original image plot(crop.img) # if needed, install the package called 'Cairo' hist(crop.img, maxpixels = 50137035) # Export the cropped raster: writeRaster(crop.img, "cropimg.tif", datatype = 'INT1U') # Import arcpy and define the workspace import arcpy arcpy.env.workspace="C:/Users/Public/Documents/amsantac/data" from import * # List the raster files in the workspace rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "ALL") for raster in rasters: print(raster) # Set local variables inRaster = "cropimg.tif" # Execute MajorityFilter outMajFilt = MajorityFilter(inRaster, "EIGHT", "HALF") # Save the output"C:/Users/Public/Documents/amsantac/data/majfilter.tif") # Verify the new raster file was created rasters = arcpy.ListRasters("*", "ALL") for raster in rasters: print(raster) setwd("C:/Users/Public/Documents/amsantac/data") library(raster) crop.img <- raster("cropimg.tif") maj.img <- raster("majfilter.tif") plot(maj.img) # Plot the filtered image mpix <- 50137035 data.frame(crop.img = hist(crop.img, breaks = 0:8, maxpixels = mpix, plot = FALSE)$counts, maj.img = hist(maj.img, breaks = 0:8, maxpixels = mpix, plot = FALSE)$counts)