#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Example-Dependent Cost-Sensitive Credit Scoring using CostCla

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Alejandro Correa Bahnsen

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PyData Berlin, May 2015


About Me

# %%html # # ###A brief bio: # # * Last year (month) PhD Student at Luxembourg University # * Work part time a fraud data scientist at CETREL a SIX Company # * Worked for +5 years as a data scientist at GE Money and Scotiabank # * Previously, six sigma intern at Dow Chemical # * Bachelor in Industrial Engineering and Master in Financial Engineering # * Organizer of Data Science Luxembourg and recently of Big Data Science Bog # * Sport addict, love to swim, play tennis, squash, and volleyball, among others. # #

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# # # # # # # al.bahnsen@gmail.com #
# # # # # # # # # http://github.com/albahnsen # #
# # # # # # # # # # http://linkedin.com/in/albahnsen # #
# # # # # # # # @albahnsen # #
# # Agenda # # * Quick Intro to Credit Scoring # * Example of Credit Scoring # * Financial Evaluation of a Credit Scorecard # * Example-Dependent Classification # * CostCla Library # * Conclusion and Future Work #

Credit Scoring

# #To whom would you grant a loan? # | | | # |:-:|:-:| # | Just fund a bank | Just quit college | # # # # Nice guess! # # | | | # |:-:|:-:| # | Biggest Ponzi scheme | Now a Billionaire | # # # # Credit Scoring # - Mitigate the impact of **credit risk** and make more objective # and accurate decisions # - Estimate the **risk of a customer defaulting** his contracted # financial obligation if a loan is granted, based on past # experiences # - Different machine learning methods are used in practice, and in the # literature: logistic regression, neural networks, discriminant # analysis, genetic programing, decision trees, random forests among others # # Credit Scoring # Formally, a credit score is a statistical model that allows the estimation of the probability of a customer $i$ defaulting a contracted debt ($y_i=1$) # # $$\hat p_i=P(y_i=1|\mathbf{x}_i)$$ #

Example: Kaggle Credit Competition

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# # Improve on the state of the art in credit scoring by predicting the probability that somebody will experience financial distress in the next two years. # # https://www.kaggle.com/c/GiveMeSomeCredit # # Load dataset from CostCla package # In[1]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np # In[1]: from costcla.datasets import load_creditscoring1 data = load_creditscoring1() # ### Data file # In[2]: print data.keys() print 'Number of examples ', data.target.shape[0] # ### Class Label # In[14]: target = pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(data.target).value_counts(), columns=('Frequency',)) target['Percentage'] = target['Frequency'] / target['Frequency'].sum() target.index = ['Negative (Good Customers)', 'Positive (Bad Customers)'] print target # ### Features # In[6]: pd.DataFrame(data.feature_names, columns=('Features',)) # # Credit scoring as a classification problem # ### Split in training and testing # In[7]: from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, cost_mat_train, cost_mat_test = \ train_test_split(data.data, data.target, data.cost_mat) # # Credit scoring as a classification problem # ### Fit models # In[8]: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier classifiers = {"RF": {"f": RandomForestClassifier()}, "DT": {"f": DecisionTreeClassifier()}, "LR": {"f": LogisticRegression()}} # Fit the classifiers using the training dataset for model in classifiers.keys(): classifiers[model]["f"].fit(X_train, y_train) classifiers[model]["c"] = classifiers[model]["f"].predict(X_test) classifiers[model]["p"] = classifiers[model]["f"].predict_proba(X_test) classifiers[model]["p_train"] = classifiers[model]["f"].predict_proba(X_train) # # Models performance # ### Evaluate metrics and plot results # In[9]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from IPython.core.pylabtools import figsize import seaborn as sns figsize(12, 8) # In[10]: from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, accuracy_score measures = {"F1Score": f1_score, "Precision": precision_score, "Recall": recall_score, "Accuracy": accuracy_score} results = pd.DataFrame(columns=measures.keys()) for model in classifiers.keys(): results.loc[model] = [measures[measure](y_test, classifiers[model]["c"]) for measure in measures.keys()] # In[10]: def fig1(): plt.figure() l = plt.plot(range(results.shape[0]), results, "-o", linewidth=7, markersize=15) plt.legend(iter(l), results.columns.tolist(), loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5),fontsize=22) plt.xlim([-0.25, results.shape[0]-1+.25]) plt.xticks(range(results.shape[0]), results.index) plt.tick_params(labelsize=22) plt.show() # # Models performance # In[11]: fig1() # # Models performance # - None of these measures takes into account the **business and economical realities** that take place in credit scoring. # - Costs that the financial institution had incurred to acquire customers, or the **expected profit** due to a particular client, are not considered in the evaluation of the different models. #

Financial Evaluation of a Credit Scorecard

# # Motivation # # - Typically, a credit risk model is evaluated using standard **cost-insensitive measures**. # - However, in practice, the cost associated with **approving a bad customer** (False Negative) is quite different from the cost associated with **declining a good customer** (False Positive). # - Furthermore, the costs are **not constant** among customers. # # Cost Matrix # # # | | Actual Positive ($y_i=1$) | Actual Negative ($y_i=0$)| # |--- |:-: |:-: | # | Pred. Positive ($c_i=1$) | $C_{TP_i}=0$ | $C_{FP_i}=r_i+C^a_{FP}$ | # | Pred. Negative ($c_i=0$) | $C_{FN_i}=Cl_i \cdot L_{gd}$ | $C_{TN_i}=0$ | # # Where: # # - $C_{FN_i}$ = losses if the customer $i$ defaults # - $Cl_i$ is the credi line of customer $i$ # - $L_{gd}$ is the loss given default. Percentage of loss over the total credit line when the customer defaulted # # Cost Matrix # # - $C_{FP_i}=r_i+C^a_{FP}$ # - $r_i$ is the loss in profit by rejecting what would have been a good customer. # - $C^a_{FP}$ is related to the assumption that the financial institution will not keep the money of the declined customer idle, but instead it will give # a loan to an alternative customer. # # For more info see [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2014] # # Parameters for the Kaggle Credit Database # # Assuming the database belong to an average European financial institution, we find the different parameters needed to calculate the cost measure # # | Parameter | Value | # |--- |:-: | # |Interest rate ($int_r$) | 4.79% | # | Cost of funds ($int_{cf}$) | 2.94% | # | Term ($l$) in months | 24 | # | Loss given default ($L_{gd}$) | 75% | # | Times income ($q$) | 3 | # | Maximum credit line ($Cl_{max}$) | 25,000| # In[12]: # The cost matrix is already calculated for the dataset # cost_mat[C_FP,C_FN,C_TP,C_TN] print data.cost_mat[[10, 17, 50]] # # Financial savings # # The financial cost of using a classifier $f$ on $\mathcal{S}$ is calculated by # # $$ Cost(f(\mathcal{S})) = \sum_{i=1}^N y_i(1-c_i)C_{FN_i} + (1-y_i)c_i C_{FP_i}.$$ # # Then the financial savings are defined as the cost of the algorithm versus the cost of using no algorithm at all. # # $$ Savings(f(\mathcal{S})) = \frac{ Cost_l(\mathcal{S}) - Cost(f(\mathcal{S}))} {Cost_l(\mathcal{S})},$$ # # where $Cost_l(\mathcal{S})$ is the cost of the costless class # #Models Savings # ## costcla.metrics.savings_score(y_true, y_pred, cost_mat) # In[13]: # Calculation of the cost and savings from costcla.metrics import savings_score # Evaluate the savings for each model results["Savings"] = np.zeros(results.shape[0]) for model in classifiers.keys(): results["Savings"].loc[model] = savings_score(y_test, classifiers[model]["c"], cost_mat_test) # In[13]: # Plot the results colors = sns.color_palette() def fig2(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() l = ax.plot(range(results.shape[0]), results["F1Score"], "-o", label='F1Score', color=colors[2], linewidth=7, markersize=15) b = ax.bar(np.arange(results.shape[0])-0.3, results['Savings'], 0.6, label='Savings', color=colors[0]) plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=22) ax.set_xlim([-0.5, results.shape[0]-1+.5]) ax.set_xticks(range(results.shape[0])) ax.set_xticklabels(results.index) plt.tick_params(labelsize=22) plt.show() # #Models Savings # In[14]: fig2() # - There are significant differences in the results when evaluating a model using a traditional cost-insensitive measures # - ~17% of savings is very bad! # - Train models that take into account the different financial costs #

Example-Dependent Cost-Sensitive Classification

# ## *Why "Example-Dependent" # Cost-sensitive classification ussualy refers to class-dependent costs, where the cost dependends on the class but is assumed constant accross examples. # In credit scoring, different customers have different credit lines, which implies that the costs are not constant # # Bayes Minimum Risk (BMR) # The BMR classifier is a decision model based on quantifying tradeoffs between various decisions using probabilities and the costs that accompany such decisions. # In particular: # # $$ R(c_i=0|\mathbf{x}_i)=C_{TN_i}(1-\hat p_i)+C_{FN_i} \cdot \hat p_i, $$ # and # $$ R(c_i=1|\mathbf{x}_i)=C_{TP_i} \cdot \hat p_i + C_{FP_i}(1- \hat p_i), $$ # # BMR Code # ``` # costcla.models.BayesMinimumRiskClassifier(calibration=True) # ``` # ``` # fit(y_true_cal=None, y_prob_cal=None) # ``` # - Parameters # - **y_true_cal** : True class # - **y_prob_cal** : Predicted probabilities # ``` # predict(y_prob,cost_mat) # ``` # - Parameters # - **y_prob** : Predicted probabilities # - **cost_mat** : Cost matrix of the classification problem. # # - Returns # - **y_pred** : Predicted class # # BMR Code # In[15]: from costcla.models import BayesMinimumRiskClassifier ci_models = classifiers.keys() for model in ci_models: classifiers[model+"-BMR"] = {"f": BayesMinimumRiskClassifier()} # Fit classifiers[model+"-BMR"]["f"].fit(y_test, classifiers[model]["p"]) # Calibration must be made in a validation set # Predict classifiers[model+"-BMR"]["c"] = classifiers[model+"-BMR"]["f"].predict(classifiers[model]["p"], cost_mat_test) # In[15]: for model in ci_models: # Evaluate results.loc[model+"-BMR"] = 0 results.loc[model+"-BMR", measures.keys()] = \ [measures[measure](y_test, classifiers[model+"-BMR"]["c"]) for measure in measures.keys()] results["Savings"].loc[model+"-BMR"] = savings_score(y_test, classifiers[model+"-BMR"]["c"], cost_mat_test) # # BMR Results # In[16]: fig2() # # BMR Results # # - Bayes Minimum Risk increases the savings by using a cost-insensitive method and then introducing the costs # - Why not introduce the costs during the estimation of the methods? # ## Cost-Sensitive Decision Trees (CSDT) # # A a new cost-based impurity measure taking into account the costs when all the examples in a leaf # # ``` # costcla.models.CostSensitiveDecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='direct_cost', criterion_weight=False, pruned=True) # ``` # ## Cost-Sensitive Random Patches (CSRP) # # Ensemble of CSDT # # ``` # costcla.models.CostSensitiveRandomPatchesClassifier(n_estimators=10, max_samples=0.5, max_features=0.5,combination='majority_voting) # ``` # # CSDT & CSRP Code # In[24]: from costcla.models import CostSensitiveDecisionTreeClassifier from costcla.models import CostSensitiveRandomPatchesClassifier classifiers = {"CSDT": {"f": CostSensitiveDecisionTreeClassifier()}, "CSRP": {"f": CostSensitiveRandomPatchesClassifier()}} # Fit the classifiers using the training dataset for model in classifiers.keys(): classifiers[model]["f"].fit(X_train, y_train, cost_mat_train) classifiers[model]["c"] = classifiers[model]["f"].predict(X_test) # In[24]: for model in classifiers.keys(): # Evaluate results.loc[model] = 0 results.loc[model, measures.keys()] = \ [measures[measure](y_test, classifiers[model]["c"]) for measure in measures.keys()] results["Savings"].loc[model] = savings_score(y_test, classifiers[model]["c"], cost_mat_test) # # CSDT & CSRP Results # In[25]: fig2() # # Lessons Learned (so far ...) # - Selecting models based on traditional statistics does not give the best results in terms of cost # - Models should be evaluated taking into account real financial costs of the application # - Algorithms should be developed to incorporate those financial costs #
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# # # CostCla Library # # - **CostCla** is a Python open source cost-sensitive classification library built on top of Scikit-learn, Pandas and Numpy. # # - Source code, binaries and documentation are distributed under 3-Clause BSD license in the website http://albahnsen.com/CostSensitiveClassification/ # # CostCla Algorithms # # - Cost-proportionate over-sampling [Elkan, 2001] # # - SMOTE [Chawla et al., 2002] # # - Cost-proportionate rejection-sampling [Zadrozny et al., 2003] # # - Thresholding optimization [Sheng and Ling, 2006] # # - Bayes minimum risk [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2014a] # # - Cost-sensitive logistic regression [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2014b] # # - Cost-sensitive decision trees [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2015a] # # - Cost-sensitive ensemble methods: cost-sensitive bagging, cost-sensitive pasting, cost-sensitive random forest and cost-sensitive random patches [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2015c] # # CostCla Databases # # - Credit Scoring1 - Kaggle credit competition [Data], cost matrix: [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2014] # # - Credit Scoring 2 - PAKDD2009 Credit [Data], cost matrix: [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2014a] # # - Direct Marketing - PAKDD2009 Credit [Data], cost matrix: [Correa Bahnsen et al., 2014b] # # - Churn Modeling, June 2015 # #Future Work # # - CSDT in Cython # - Cost-sensitive class-dependent algorithms # - Sampling algorithms # - Probability calibration (Only ROCCH) # - Compatibility with Python $\ge$ 3.4 # - Other algorithms # - More databases # You find the presentation and the IPython Notebook here: # # * http://nbviewer.ipython.org/format/slides/github/ # albahnsen/CostSensitiveClassification/blob/ # master/doc/tutorials/slides_edcs_credit_scoring.ipynb#/ # * https://github.com/albahnsen/CostSensitiveClassification/ blob/master/doc/tutorials/slides_edcs_credit_scoring.ipynb # # This slides are a short version of this tutorial: # # * http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/albahnsen/CostSensitiveClassification/ blob/master/doc/tutorials/tutorial_edcs_credit_scoring.ipynb #


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# # # # # # # al.bahnsen@gmail.com #
# # # # # # # # # http://github.com/albahnsen # #
# # # # # # # # # # http://linkedin.com/in/albahnsen # #
# # # # # # # # @albahnsen # #
# In[3]: #Format from https://github.com/ellisonbg/talk-2013-scipy from IPython.display import display, HTML s = """ """ display(HTML(s))