#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # 09 - Introduction to Neural Networks # # by [Fabio A. González](http://dis.unal.edu.co/~fgonza/), Universidad Nacional de Colombia # # version 1.0, June 2018 # # ## Part of the class [Applied Deep Learning](https://github.com/albahnsen/AppliedDeepLearningClass) # # # This notebook is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US). # # # To run this notebook you need to download Pybrain (https://github.com/pybrain/pybrain) and copy the `pybrain` folder to the same folder where this notebook is. # # # In[2]: import pybrain import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # ## Artificial Neuron # # # # $$o_j^{(n)} = \varphi\left(\sum_{i\; in\; layer (n-1)}w_{ij}o_i^{(n-1)} \right)$$ # ## Step activation function # # ## Logistic activation function # # $$\varphi(x) = \frac{1}{1 - e^{-(x-b)}}$$ # # # ### Question: How to program an artificial neuron to calculate the *and* function? #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
$X$$Y$$X$ and $Y$
# ## AND Neural Network # # # In[3]: from pybrain.tools.shortcuts import buildNetwork net = buildNetwork(2, 1, outclass=pybrain.SigmoidLayer) print(net.params) # In[4]: def print_pred2(dataset, network): df = pd.DataFrame(dataset.data['sample'][:dataset.getLength()],columns=['X', 'Y']) prediction = np.round(network.activateOnDataset(dataset),3) df['output'] = pd.DataFrame(prediction) return df from pybrain.datasets import UnsupervisedDataSet, SupervisedDataSet D = UnsupervisedDataSet(2) # define a dataset in pybrain D.addSample([0,0]) D.addSample([0,1]) D.addSample([1,0]) D.addSample([1,1]) print_pred2(D, net) # ## AND Neural Network # # In[5]: net.params[:] = [ -150, -100, 100] print_pred2(D, net) # ### Question: How to program an artificial neuron to calculate the *xor* function? #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
$X$$Y$$X$ xor $Y$
# ## Plotting the NN Output # In[6]: def plot_nn_prediction(N): # a function to plot the binary output of a network on the [0,1]x[0,1] space x_list = np.arange(0.0,1.0,0.025) y_list = np.arange(1.0,0.0,-0.025) z = [0.0 if N.activate([x,y])[0] <0.5 else 1.0 for y in y_list for x in x_list] z = np.array(z) grid = z.reshape((len(x_list), len(y_list))) plt.imshow(grid, extent=(x_list.min(), x_list.max(), y_list.min(), y_list.max()),cmap=plt.get_cmap('Greys_r')) plt.show() # ## Plotting the NN Output # In[7]: net.params[:] = [-20, -50, 50] plot_nn_prediction(net) #
# ## Answer: It is impossible with only one neuron! #
# # ## We need to use more than one neuron.... # ## Multilayer Neural Network # # ## Learning an XOR NN # In[8]: Dtrain = SupervisedDataSet(2,1) # define a dataset in pybrain Dtrain.addSample([0,0],[0]) Dtrain.addSample([0,1],[1]) Dtrain.addSample([1,0],[1]) Dtrain.addSample([1,1],[0]) from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer net = buildNetwork(2, 2, 1, hiddenclass=pybrain.SigmoidLayer, outclass=pybrain.SigmoidLayer) T = BackpropTrainer(net, learningrate=0.1, momentum=0.9) T.trainOnDataset(Dtrain, 1000) print_pred2(D, net) # ## XOR NN Output Plot # In[9]: plot_nn_prediction(net) # ## The Little Red Riding Hood Neural Network # # # ## LRRH Network Architecture # # # ## Training # # In[10]: from pybrain.tools.validation import Validator validator = Validator() Dlrrh = SupervisedDataSet(4,4) Dlrrh.addSample([1,1,0,0],[1,0,0,0]) Dlrrh.addSample([0,1,1,0],[0,0,1,1]) Dlrrh.addSample([0,0,0,1],[0,1,1,0]) df = pd.DataFrame(Dlrrh['input'],columns=['Big Ears', 'Big Teeth', 'Handsome', 'Wrinkled']) print (df.join(pd.DataFrame(Dlrrh['target'],columns=['Scream', 'Hug', 'Food', 'Kiss']))) net = buildNetwork(4, 3, 4, hiddenclass=pybrain.SigmoidLayer, outclass=pybrain.SigmoidLayer) # ## Backpropagation # In[11]: T = BackpropTrainer(net, learningrate=0.01, momentum=0.99) scores = [] for i in range(1000): T.trainOnDataset(Dlrrh, 1) prediction = net.activateOnDataset(Dlrrh) scores.append(validator.MSE(prediction, Dlrrh.getField('target'))) plt.ylabel('Mean Square Error') plt.xlabel('Iteration') plt.plot(scores) # ## Learning as optimization # # General optimization problem: # # $$\min_{f\in H}L(f,D)$$ # # with $H$: hypothesis space, $D$:training data, $L$:loss/error # ## Example, least squares linear regression: # $$\min_{f\in H}L(f,D)$$ # * Hypothesis space: # $f(x)=w^{T}x$ # * Data: $D = \{(x_1, t_1), \dots , (x_n, t_n)\}$ # * Least squares loss: # $$L(f, D)=-\sum_{t_i \in D}(t_{i} - f(x_i))^2$$ # ## Example, logistic regression: # $$\min_{f\in H}L(f,D)$$ # * Hypothesis space: # $f(x)=P(C_{+}|x)=\sigma(w^{T}x)$ # * Data: $D = \{(x_1, t_1), \dots , (x_n, t_n)\}$ # * Cross-entropy error: # $$E(f,D)=-\ln p(D|f)=-\sum_{t_i \in D}(t_{n}\ln y_{n}+(1-t_{n})\ln(1-y_{n}))$$ # ## Gradient descent # # # ## Prediction # In[12]: def lrrh_input(vals): return pd.DataFrame(vals,index=['big ears', 'big teeth', 'handsome', 'wrinkled'], columns=['input']) def lrrh_output(vals): return pd.DataFrame(vals,index=['scream', 'hug', 'offer food', 'kiss cheek'], columns=['output']) # In[13]: in_vals = [0, 0, 0, 0] lrrh_input(in_vals) # In[14]: lrrh_output(net.activate(in_vals))