#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Reading the rock property catalog # # This notebook accompanies a blog post — [The Rock Property Catalog again](http://www.agilegeoscience.com/blog/2015/10/5/the-rock-property-catalog-again) # ## Querying # This is very hacky. It will change. Stay tuned. # In[1]: import requests import pandas as pd class RPC(object): def __init__(self): pass def _query_ssw(self, filters, properties, options): base_url = "http://www.subsurfwiki.org/api.php" q = "action=ask&query=[[RPC:%2B]]" q += ''.join(filters) if filters else '' q += '|%3F' + '|%3F'.join(properties) if properties else '' q += '|' + '|'.join(options) if options else '' q += '&format=json' return requests.get(base_url, params=q) def _get_formats(self, response): formats = {} for item in response.json()['query']['printrequests']: if item[u'mode'] == 1: formats[item[u'label']] = item[u'typeid'].lstrip('_') return formats def _build_dataframe(self, response): """ Takes the response of a query and returns a pandas dataframe containing the results. """ try: s = list(response.json()['query']['results'].keys()) except Exception as e: raise e samples = [i[4:] for i in s] df = pd.DataFrame(samples) # We'll need to know the formats of the columns. formats = self._get_formats(response) properties = formats.keys() # Now traverse the JSON and build the DataFrame. for prop in properties: temp = [] for row in list(s): p = response.json()['query']['results'][row]['printouts'] if p[prop]: if formats[prop] == 'qty': # Quantity, number + unit temp.append(p[prop][0]['value']) elif formats[prop] == 'wpg': # Wiki page temp.append(p[prop][0]['fulltext']) else: # Anything else: num, txt, tem, etc. temp.append(p[prop][0]) else: temp.append(None) df[prop] = temp df = df.set_index(0) df.index.name = None return df def query(self, filters=None, properties=None, options=None): r = self._query_ssw(filters, properties, options) if r.status_code == 200: return self._build_dataframe(r) else: print("Something went wrong.") # In[3]: rpc = RPC() filters = ["[[lithology::Shale||Sandstone||Limestone]][[Delta::%2B]]"] properties = ['Citation', 'Description', 'Lithology', 'Vp', 'Vs', 'Rho', 'Delta', 'Epsilon'] options = ["limit=100"] df = rpc.query(filters, properties, options) df.head() # In[4]: len(df) # ## Plotting! # In[5]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[6]: plt.scatter(df.Vs, df.Vp) # In[7]: liths = df.groupby('Lithology') # In[8]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6)) ax = plt.subplot(111) for name, group in liths: ax.plot(group.Vp, group.Vs, marker='o', linestyle='', ms=6, label=name) ax.legend(loc=2) title = '{0}\ rocks\ from\ the\ RPC'.format(len(df)) plt.title('$\mathrm{' + title + '}$', size=18) plt.xlabel('$V_\mathrm{P}\ [m/s]$', size=16) plt.ylabel('$V_\mathrm{S}\ [m/s]$', size=16) plt.show() #

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