import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline # Make time velocity pairs (as in from a velocity analysis) to = [ 0.30, 0.55, 0.78, 0.98, 1.15, 1.25, 1.40, 1.365, 1.510 ] z = [ 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 1750, 1250, 2000 ] td_pairs = zip(to,z) print td_pairs Vrms = 2 * np.array(z) / np.array(to) print Vrms # Let's create a multiple # replace the second last event so it is the multiple of the 6th reflection Vrms[-3] = Vrms[5] print Vrms max_offset = 1500 # max offset in metres rec_spacing = 100 x = np.arange(-1*max_offset, max_offset + 1, rec_spacing) def hyperbola(x, to, vrms): """ x is offset array to is vertical traveltime down to reflection vrms is RMS velocity (may need to compute elsewhere in practice) """ term1 = to**2 term2 = (1/(float(vrms)**2))*x**2 return np.sqrt( term1 + term2 ) # make direct wave def direct_wave(x, velocity = 1676): return np.abs(x / float(velocity) ) # make first break refraction def first_break(x, velocity = 2100): return np.abs(x / float(velocity) ) # make airwave def airwave(x, velocity = 343): """ x is offsets velocity is the velocity of air (343 m/s) """ return np.abs(x)/float(velocity) # make Rayleigh wave Ground Roll def ground_roll(x, velocity = 250): """ x is offsets velocity is the velocity of air (250 m/s) """ return np.abs(x)/float(velocity) # let's give these reflections some colors colors = [ [255 / 255.,0,0], [225/ 255.,0,0], [190/ 255.,0,0], [160/ 255.,0,0], [130/ 255.,0,0], [100/ 255.,0,0], [70/ 255.,0,0], [0, 0, 255/ 255.], [40/ 255.,0,0] ] print len(colors[0]) def plot_gather(offsets, tdpairs, ax): for i, td, v in zip(colors, td_pairs, Vrms): ax.plot(offsets, hyperbola(offsets, td[0], v), marker = 'o', color = i, lw = 4, alpha = 0.5) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) #ax.set_ylim((np.max(ax.get_ylim())),0) ax.set_ylim((1.75, 0)) ax.set_ylabel(r'two-way time $[s]$') ax.set_xlabel('offset [m]') return def put_grid(ax): ax.set_xticks(major_xticks) ax.set_xticks(minor_xticks, minor=True) ax.set_yticks(major_yticks) ax.set_yticks(minor_yticks, minor=True) # and a corresponding grid ax.grid(which='both') # or if you want differnet settings for the grids: ax.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.5) ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.75) return # major y-ticks every 0.5, minor ticks every 0.1 major_yticks = np.arange(0., 2.0, 0.5) minor_yticks = np.arange(0., 1.8, 0.1) # major x-ticks every 250, minor ticks every 50 major_xticks = np.arange(-1*max_offset, max_offset+1, 500.) minor_xticks = np.arange(-1*max_offset, max_offset+1, 100.) shot_gather = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8), facecolor='w') mute_ax = shot_gather.add_subplot(111) plot_gather(x, td_pairs, mute_ax) alpha = 0.5 # tranparency for direct waves lw = 0.3 # line weight for direct waves # direct wave top mute_ax.plot(x, direct_wave(x, velocity=1200), color='#FFFF99', alpha = alpha, lw=5, label='direct wave', zorder = 103) # direct wave base #mute_ax.plot(x, 0.1+ direct_wave(x, velocity=1800), 'k-', alpha = alpha, lw=5) # direct wave base #mute_ax.plot(x, direct_wave(x, refr_velocity=1700), 'k-', alpha=alpha, lw=5, label='direct first break') # refracted first break mute_ax.plot(x, + 0.2 + first_break(x, velocity=2100), color='#00CC33', alpha=alpha, lw=5, label='refracted first break', zorder = 102) # airwave mute_ax.plot(x, airwave(x), color='#66FFFF', alpha=0.5, lw=4, label='airwave') # ground roll mute_ax.plot(x, ground_roll(x), color='#3399FF', alpha=0.5, lw=4, label='ground_roll') # plot mutes as patches import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.path import Path import matplotlib.patches as patches verts1 = [ (0., 0.), (0., 0.2), (550., 0.45), (1500., 1.25), (1500., 0.), (0., 0.), ] verts2 = [ (0., 0.), (0., 0.2), (-550., 0.45), (-1500., 1.25), (-1500., 0.), (0., 0.), ] # codes for vertices 1 and 2 codes12 = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] verts3 = [ (0,0), (-425, 1.75), (425, 1.75), (0,0), ] # codes for verts3 (ground roll) codes3 = [Path.MOVETO, Path.LINETO, Path.LINETO, Path.CLOSEPOLY, ] mute1 = Path(verts1, codes12) mute2 = Path(verts2, codes12) ground_roll = Path(verts3, codes3) regions = [mute1, mute2, ground_roll] alpha = [0.75, 0.75, 0.25] for i, a in zip(regions, alpha): patch = patches.PathPatch(i, facecolor='Grey', alpha = a, lw=0, zorder = 100) mute_ax.add_patch(patch) # set x axis mute_ax.set_xlabel('offset [m]') mute_ax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") #ax.xaxis.set_label_position("top") # set y axis mute_ax.set_ylabel('two-way time [s]') mute_ax.yaxis.set_label_position("left") # do both sides mute_ax.tick_params(labeltop=True, labelright=True) # dress it up with a legend #legend = mute_ax.legend( frameon = True , loc = 2, shadow=True, fancybox = True) # Put a nicer background color on the legend. #legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('w') #legend.set_zorder(105) # Label first break mute_ax.text(-1160, 0.75, "refracted first break", size=10, rotation=30., ha="center", va="center", bbox = dict(boxstyle="square", ec='#00CC33', fc=(1., 1.0, 1.0), alpha = 1.0 ), zorder = 106 ) # Label and direct wave mute_ax.text(-250, 0.115, "direct wave", size=10, rotation=45., ha="center", va="top", bbox = dict(boxstyle="square", ec='#FFFF99', fc=(1., 1.0, 1.0), alpha = 1.0 ), zorder = 107 ) # Label air blast mute_ax.text(-440, 1.2, "air blast", size=10, rotation=75., ha="center", va="top", bbox = dict(boxstyle="square", ec='#66FFFF', fc=(1., 1.0, 1.0), alpha = 1.0 ), zorder = 107 ) # Label air blast mute_ax.text(-280, 1.0, "ground roll", size=10, rotation=78., ha="center", va="top", bbox = dict(boxstyle="square", ec='#3399FF', fc=(1., 1.0, 1.0), alpha = 1.0 ), zorder = 107 ) # Label reflections mute_ax.text(-800, 0.9, "reflections", size=10, rotation=15., ha="center", va="top", bbox = dict(boxstyle="square", ec='r', fc=(1., 1.0, 1.0), alpha = 1.0 ), zorder = 107 ) # Label multiple mute_ax.text(-1000, 1.40, "multiple", size=10, rotation=12., ha="center", va="top", bbox = dict(boxstyle="square", ec='b', fc=(1., 1.0, 1.0), alpha = 1.0 ), zorder = 107 ) plt.draw() put_grid(mute_ax) # if you want to save this #shot_gather.savefig('muted_moveout.png')