import pymc as mc import as gp x = np.arange(0., 10., 1.) xx=arange(0,10,.01) M = gp.Mean(lambda x: 0.*x) C = gp.Covariance(eval_fun=gp.cov_funs.matern.euclidean, diff_degree=2., amp=1., scale=5.) f = gp.GPSubmodel('f', M, C, x) m = mc.MCMC([f]) %time m.sample(iter=10000, burn=5000, thin=1) figure(figsize=(8,4)) subplot(1,2,1) for k in [0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000]: plot(x, f.f_eval.trace()[k,:], 'ks:') plot(xx,f.f.trace()[k](xx), 'k-') ylabel('f(x)',rotation='horizontal') title('5 MCMC draws') grid() subplot(1,2,2) acorr(f.f_eval.trace()[:,5], detrend=mlab.detrend_mean, maxlags=300) title('acorr for f(5)') x = np.arange(0., 10., 1.) xx=arange(0,10,.01) M = gp.Mean(lambda x: 0.*x) C = gp.Covariance(eval_fun=gp.cov_funs.matern.euclidean, diff_degree=2., amp=1., scale=5.) f = gp.GPSubmodel('f', M, C, x) @mc.potential def deriv_bound(f=f, x_0=5., c=0., eps=.2): # use secant approximation of derivative Df = (f.f(x_0+eps) - f.f(x_0-eps)) / (2*eps) # "soft" constraint may help convergence return -1000. * (Df - c)**2. m = mc.MCMC([f, deriv_bound]) %time m.sample(iter=10000, burn=5000, thin=1) figure(figsize=(8,4)) subplot(1,2,1) for k in [0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000]: plot(x, f.f_eval.trace()[k,:], 'ks:') plot(xx,f.f.trace()[k](xx), 'k-') ylabel('f(x)',rotation='horizontal') title('5 MCMC draws') grid() subplot(1,2,2) acorr(f.f_eval.trace()[:,5], detrend=mlab.detrend_mean, maxlags=300) title('acorr for f(5)') x = np.arange(0., 10., 1.) xx=arange(0,10,.01) M = gp.Mean(lambda x: 0.*x) C = gp.Covariance(eval_fun=gp.cov_funs.matern.euclidean, diff_degree=2., amp=1., scale=5.) f = gp.GPSubmodel('f', M, C, x) Df = mc.Lambda('Df', lambda f=f, x=x: np.diff(f.f_eval) / np.diff(x)) # use secant approximation of derivative @mc.potential def deriv_bound(Df=Df, ub=0.): return -1000. * np.sum(np.maximum(0, Df-ub)**2) m = mc.MCMC([f, deriv_bound]) %time m.sample(iter=10000, burn=5000, thin=1) figure(figsize=(8,4)) subplot(1,2,1) for k in [0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000]: plot(x, f.f_eval.trace()[k,:], 'ks:') plot(xx,f.f.trace()[k](xx), 'k-') ylabel('f(x)',rotation='horizontal') title('5 MCMC draws') grid() subplot(1,2,2) acorr(f.f_eval.trace()[:,5], detrend=mlab.detrend_mean, maxlags=300) title('acorr for f(5)')