#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Geopandas! # This notebook is to highlight how easy it is to display shapefiles in a jupyter notebook #
# Shapefiles have many files, but are still one of the most common GIS file format to be sent or requested #
# Often we just want to display them, flicking back from python and GIS can be frustrating. That is one of the reasons why command line python in a GIS is so convient #
# However sometimes we just want to show out data, perhaps in a presentation and then get on with the processing and geopandas in jupyter notebooks is perfect for that #
# I came across this blog almost a year ago, and was blown away by how simple geopandas was #
# https://agilescientific.com/blog/2017/8/10/x-lines-of-python-read-and-write-a-shapefile # #
# This notebook is all about viewing data. We will start by viewing 1 shapefile and then 2 as layers - as you would in a GIS #
# Data used in this notebook is a sample adapted from
# https://data.gov.uk/dataset/d43263ba-6f09-458e-995e-69720909365f/crop-map-of-england-crome-2016-south-west #
# and a layer I created myself as part of my geospatial python course #
# http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/training/ # # #### Start by reading in a shapefile # In[1]: import geopandas as gpd gdf = gpd.read_file('.../RPA_hexagons.shp') print (gdf) # ### 3 lines of code #
# Some examples in org are here #
# https://pcjericks.github.io/py-gdalogr-cookbook/vector_layers.html#get-shapefile-feature-count #
# geopandas seems easy to read for a beginner and it is fast #
# What about viewing the data in the notebook. #
# that is just one line of code # In[3]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') gdf.plot() # ### What about colouring the data based on a field #
# (look at the table in the first cell for the field names) # In[4]: gdf.plot(column='LUCODE', cmap=None) # ### What about a legend? #
# parse legend=True # In[8]: gdf.plot(column='LUCODE', cmap=None, legend=True) # ### Legend is too big! Too many attributes? #
# make the figure larger #
# use figsize # In[5]: gdf.plot(column='LUCODE', cmap=None, legend=True, figsize=(20, 20)) # ### Add another shapefile into another geopandas dataframe # In[7]: gdf2 = gpd.read_file('.../Boundaries.shp') print (gdf2) # ### Plot them on each other and shade the new shapefile by the column 'id' # In[11]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt f, ax = plt.subplots(1) gdf.plot(ax=ax) gdf2.plot(ax=ax,column='id',cmap=None,) plt.show() # In[12]: print (f) # In[13]: print (ax) # In[ ]: