#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # 3D Spherical Harmonic Plots # # This example demonstrates how to generate a simple 3-dimensional plot of the data in an `SHGrid` class instance. We start by generating a set of spherical harmonic coefficients that is zero, whith the exception of a single harmonic: # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from __future__ import print_function # only necessary if using Python 2.x import numpy as np from pyshtools import SHCoeffs lmax = 30 coeffs = SHCoeffs.from_zeros(lmax) coeffs.set_coeffs(values=[1], ls=[10], ms=[0]) # To plot the data, we first expand it on a grid, and then use the method `plot3d()`: # In[2]: grid = coeffs.expand() fig, ax = grid.plot3d(elevation=20, azimuth=30) # Let's try a somewhat more complicated function. Here we will calculate a random realization of a process whose power spectrum follows a power law with exponent `-2`: # In[3]: ldata = 30 degrees = np.arange(ldata+1, dtype=float) degrees[0] = np.inf power = degrees**(-2) coeffs2 = SHCoeffs.from_random(power) grid2 = coeffs2.expand() fig, ax = grid2.plot3d(elevation=20, azimuth=30)