#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # *This notebook contains material from [PyRosetta](https://RosettaCommons.github.io/PyRosetta); # content is available [on Github](https://github.com/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks.git).* # # < [Distributed analysis example: exhaustive ddG PSSM](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/15.01-PyData-ddG-pssm.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Index](index.ipynb) | [Example of Using PyRosetta with GNU Parallel](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/15.03-GNU-Parallel-Via-Slurm.ipynb) >

Open in Colab # # Distributed computation example: miniprotein design # # ## Notes # This tutorial will walk you through how to design miniproteins in PyRosetta using the PyData stack for analysis and distributed computing. # # This Jupyter notebook uses parallelization and is not meant to be executed within a Google Colab environment. # # ## Setup # Please see setup instructions in Chapter 15.00 # # ## Citation # [Integration of the Rosetta Suite with the Python Software Stack via reproducible packaging and core programming interfaces for distributed simulation](https://doi.org/10.1002/pro.3721) # # Alexander S. Ford, Brian D. Weitzner, Christopher D. Bahl # # ## Manual # Documentation for the `pyrosetta.distributed` namespace can be found here: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/proteininnovation/Rosetta-PyData_Integration/blob/master/distributed_overview.ipynb # In[1]: import sys if 'google.colab' in sys.modules: print("This Jupyter notebook uses parallelization and is therefore not set up for the Google Colab environment.") sys.exit(0) # In[2]: import pyrosetta import dask.bag import dask.distributed # In[3]: import pandas import seaborn from matplotlib import pylab # In[4]: from pyrosetta.distributed.tasks.score import ScorePoseTask from pyrosetta.distributed.io import pose_from_pdbstring from pyrosetta.distributed.packed_pose import to_dict # In[5]: import zipfile # # Init # # Setup LocalCluster to full utilize the current machine. # In[6]: cluster = dask.distributed.LocalCluster() client = dask.distributed.Client(cluster) client # # Load # # Load decoys from batch compute run, adding annotations for designed sequence, cystine count and cystine location. # In[7]: def load_source(decoy): src_pdb = zipfile.ZipFile(library).open(decoy).read() p = pose_from_pdbstring(src_pdb) cys_locations=[i for i, c in enumerate(p.pose.sequence()) if c == "C"] p = p.update_scores( library=library, decoy=decoy, sequence=p.pose.sequence(), num_res = len(p.pose.sequence()), num_cys=len(cys_locations), cys_locations=",".join(map(str, cys_locations)) ) return p # In[9]: library = "inputs/EHEE_library.zip" decoy_names = [f.filename for f in zipfile.ZipFile(library).filelist if f.filename.endswith(".pdb")] # In[10]: decoys = dask.bag.from_sequence(decoy_names).map(load_source).map(ScorePoseTask()).persist() # In[12]: if not os.getenv("DEBUG"): result_frame = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(decoys.map(to_dict).compute()).sort_values("total_score") # # Analysis # # We anticipate a distribution of score results, with higher scores with more disulfide insertions. # In[11]: if not os.getenv("DEBUG"): seaborn.boxplot(x="num_cys", y="total_score", data=result_frame) # In[12]: if not os.getenv("DEBUG"): seaborn.boxplot(x="cys_locations", y="total_score", data=result_frame) # # Select # # Select the best model by total_Score for each inserted disulfide location, allowing us to test a variety of disulfide architectures. # In[13]: if not os.getenv("DEBUG"): best_by_location = to_dict(result_frame.groupby("cys_locations").head(1).reset_index(drop=True)) print(len(best_by_location)) # In[14]: if not os.getenv("DEBUG"): with open("EHEE.best_by_location.fasta", "w") as out: for entry in best_by_location: print(f">{entry['decoy']}", file=out) print(entry['sequence'], file=out) # In[13]: get_ipython().system('head expected_outputs/EHEE.best_by_location.fasta') # # Visualize # # Visualize using Py3Dmol or PyMolMover as you have learned before. # In[1]: ''' import py3Dmol view = py3Dmol.view(viewergrid=(3, 3), linked=False, width=900, height=900) for i in range(9): view.addModel( pyrosetta.distributed.io.to_pdbstring(best_by_location[i]), "pdb", viewer=(i/3, i%3),) view.setStyle({'cartoon':{'color':'spectrum'}}) view.setStyle({"resn": "CYS"}, {'stick': {}, 'cartoon':{'color':'spectrum'}} ) view.zoomTo() ''' # In[ ]: # # < [Distributed analysis example: exhaustive ddG PSSM](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/15.01-PyData-ddG-pssm.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Index](index.ipynb) | [Example of Using PyRosetta with GNU Parallel](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/15.03-GNU-Parallel-Via-Slurm.ipynb) >

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