import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (11, 5) #set default figure size from numba import njit, vectorize from math import gamma import scipy.optimize as op from scipy.integrate import quad import numpy as np @vectorize def p(x, a, b): "The general beta distribution function." r = gamma(a + b) / (gamma(a) * gamma(b)) return r * x ** (a-1) * (1 - x) ** (b-1) def learning_example(F_a=1, F_b=1, G_a=3, G_b=1.2): """ A wrapper function that displays the updating rule of belief π, given the parameters which specify F and G distributions. """ f = njit(lambda x: p(x, F_a, F_b)) g = njit(lambda x: p(x, G_a, G_b)) # l(w) = f(w) / g(w) l = lambda w: f(w) / g(w) # objective function for solving l(w) = 1 obj = lambda w: l(w) - 1 x_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) π_grid = np.linspace(1e-3, 1-1e-3, 100) w_max = 1 w_grid = np.linspace(1e-12, w_max-1e-12, 100) # the mode of beta distribution # use this to divide w into two intervals for root finding G_mode = (G_a - 1) / (G_a + G_b - 2) roots = np.empty(2) roots[0] = op.root_scalar(obj, bracket=[1e-10, G_mode]).root roots[1] = op.root_scalar(obj, bracket=[G_mode, 1-1e-10]).root fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(18, 5)) ax1.plot(l(w_grid), w_grid, label='$l$', lw=2) ax1.vlines(1., 0., 1., linestyle="--") ax1.hlines(roots, 0., 2., linestyle="--") ax1.set_xlim([0., 2.]) ax1.legend(loc=4) ax1.set(xlabel='$l(w)=f(w)/g(w)$', ylabel='$w$') ax2.plot(f(x_grid), x_grid, label='$f$', lw=2) ax2.plot(g(x_grid), x_grid, label='$g$', lw=2) ax2.vlines(1., 0., 1., linestyle="--") ax2.hlines(roots, 0., 2., linestyle="--") ax2.legend(loc=4) ax2.set(xlabel='$f(w), g(w)$', ylabel='$w$') area1 = quad(f, 0, roots[0])[0] area2 = quad(g, roots[0], roots[1])[0] area3 = quad(f, roots[1], 1)[0] ax2.text((f(0) + f(roots[0])) / 4, roots[0] / 2, f"{area1: .3g}") ax2.fill_between([0, 1], 0, roots[0], color='blue', alpha=0.15) ax2.text(np.mean(g(roots)) / 2, np.mean(roots), f"{area2: .3g}") w_roots = np.linspace(roots[0], roots[1], 20) ax2.fill_betweenx(w_roots, 0, g(w_roots), color='orange', alpha=0.15) ax2.text((f(roots[1]) + f(1)) / 4, (roots[1] + 1) / 2, f"{area3: .3g}") ax2.fill_between([0, 1], roots[1], 1, color='blue', alpha=0.15) W = np.arange(0.01, 0.99, 0.08) Π = np.arange(0.01, 0.99, 0.08) ΔW = np.zeros((len(W), len(Π))) ΔΠ = np.empty((len(W), len(Π))) for i, w in enumerate(W): for j, π in enumerate(Π): lw = l(w) ΔΠ[i, j] = π * (lw / (π * lw + 1 - π) - 1) q = ax3.quiver(Π, W, ΔΠ, ΔW, scale=2, color='r', alpha=0.8) ax3.fill_between(π_grid, 0, roots[0], color='blue', alpha=0.15) ax3.fill_between(π_grid, roots[0], roots[1], color='green', alpha=0.15) ax3.fill_between(π_grid, roots[1], w_max, color='blue', alpha=0.15) ax3.hlines(roots, 0., 1., linestyle="--") ax3.set(xlabel='$\pi$', ylabel='$w$') ax3.grid() learning_example() learning_example(G_a=2, G_b=1.6) def function_factory(F_a=1, F_b=1, G_a=3, G_b=1.2): # define f and g f = njit(lambda x: p(x, F_a, F_b)) g = njit(lambda x: p(x, G_a, G_b)) @njit def update(a, b, π): "Update π by drawing from beta distribution with parameters a and b" # Draw w = np.random.beta(a, b) # Update belief π = 1 / (1 + ((1 - π) * g(w)) / (π * f(w))) return π @njit def simulate_path(a, b, T=50): "Simulates a path of beliefs π with length T" π = np.empty(T+1) # initial condition π[0] = 0.5 for t in range(1, T+1): π[t] = update(a, b, π[t-1]) return π def simulate(a=1, b=1, T=50, N=200, display=True): "Simulates N paths of beliefs π with length T" π_paths = np.empty((N, T+1)) if display: fig = plt.figure() for i in range(N): π_paths[i] = simulate_path(a=a, b=b, T=T) if display: plt.plot(range(T+1), π_paths[i], color='b', lw=0.8, alpha=0.5) if display: return π_paths return simulate simulate = function_factory() T = 50 # when nature selects F π_paths_F = simulate(a=1, b=1, T=T, N=1000) # when nature selects G π_paths_G = simulate(a=3, b=1.2, T=T, N=1000) plt.plot(range(T+1), 1 - np.mean(π_paths_F, 0), label='F generates') plt.plot(range(T+1), np.mean(π_paths_G, 0), label='G generates') plt.legend() plt.title("convergence"); def expected_ratio(F_a=1, F_b=1, G_a=3, G_b=1.2): # define f and g f = njit(lambda x: p(x, F_a, F_b)) g = njit(lambda x: p(x, G_a, G_b)) l = lambda w: f(w) / g(w) integrand_f = lambda w, π: f(w) * l(w) / (π * l(w) + 1 - π) integrand_g = lambda w, π: g(w) * l(w) / (π * l(w) + 1 - π) π_grid = np.linspace(0.02, 0.98, 100) expected_rario = np.empty(len(π_grid)) for q, inte in zip(["f", "g"], [integrand_f, integrand_g]): for i, π in enumerate(π_grid): expected_rario[i]= quad(inte, 0, 1, args=(π,))[0] plt.plot(π_grid, expected_rario, label=f"{q} generates") plt.hlines(1, 0, 1, linestyle="--") plt.xlabel("$π_t$") plt.ylabel("$E[\pi_{t+1}/\pi_t]$") plt.legend() expected_ratio() expected_ratio(F_a=3, F_b=1.2) expected_ratio(F_a=2, F_b=1, G_a=3, G_b=1.2)