import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ϵ_values = np.random.randn(100) plt.plot(ϵ_values) np.sqrt(4) np.log(4) import numpy as np np.sqrt(4) from numpy import sqrt sqrt(4) ϵ_values = np.random.randn(100) plt.plot(ϵ_values) ts_length = 100 ϵ_values = [] # empty list for i in range(ts_length): e = np.random.randn() ϵ_values.append(e) plt.plot(ϵ_values) x = [10, 'foo', False] type(x) x x.append(2.5) x x x.pop() x x[0] # first element of x x[1] # second element of x for i in range(ts_length): e = np.random.randn() ϵ_values.append(e) animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'bird'] for animal in animals: print("The plural of " + animal + " is " + animal + "s") ts_length = 100 ϵ_values = [] i = 0 while i < ts_length: e = np.random.randn() ϵ_values.append(e) i = i + 1 plt.plot(ϵ_values) i == ts_length #the ending condition for the while loop r = 0.025 # interest rate T = 50 # end date b = np.empty(T+1) # an empty NumPy array, to store all b_t b[0] = 10 # initial balance for t in range(T): b[t+1] = (1 + r) * b[t] plt.plot(b, label='bank balance') plt.legend() import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt α = 0.9 T = 200 x = np.empty(T+1) x[0] = 0 for t in range(T): x[t+1] = α * x[t] + np.random.randn() plt.plot(x) α_values = [0.0, 0.8, 0.98] T = 200 x = np.empty(T+1) for α in α_values: x[0] = 0 for t in range(T): x[t+1] = α * x[t] + np.random.randn() plt.plot(x, label=f'$\\alpha = {α}$') plt.legend() α = 0.9 T = 200 x = np.empty(T+1) x[0] = 0 for t in range(T): x[t+1] = α * np.abs(x[t]) + np.random.randn() plt.plot(x) numbers = [-9, 2.3, -11, 0] for x in numbers: if x < 0: print(-1) else: print(1) α = 0.9 T = 200 x = np.empty(T+1) x[0] = 0 for t in range(T): if x[t] < 0: abs_x = - x[t] else: abs_x = x[t] x[t+1] = α * abs_x + np.random.randn() plt.plot(x) α = 0.9 T = 200 x = np.empty(T+1) x[0] = 0 for t in range(T): abs_x = - x[t] if x[t] < 0 else x[t] x[t+1] = α * abs_x + np.random.randn() plt.plot(x) import numpy as np n = 1000000 # sample size for Monte Carlo simulation count = 0 for i in range(n): # drawing random positions on the square u, v = np.random.uniform(), np.random.uniform() # check whether the point falls within the boundary # of the unit circle centred at (0.5,0.5) d = np.sqrt((u - 0.5)**2 + (v - 0.5)**2) # if it falls within the inscribed circle, # add it to the count if d < 0.5: count += 1 area_estimate = count / n print(area_estimate * 4) # dividing by radius**2