#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Convert PicoQuant ns-ALEX files to Photon-HDF5 # #

This Jupyter notebook # will guide you through the conversion of a ns-ALEX data file from PicoQuant formats (PTU, HT3, PT3) # to Photon-HDF5 format. For more info on how to edit # a jupyter notebook refer to this example.

# # Please send feedback and report any problem to the # [Photon-HDF5 google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/photon-hdf5). # # # 1. How to run it? # # The notebook is composed by "text cells", such as this paragraph, and "code cells" # containing the code to be executed (and identified by an `In [ ]` prompt). # To execute a code cell, select it and press **SHIFT+ENTER**. # To modify an cell, click on it to enter "edit mode" (indicated by a green frame), # then type. # # You can run this notebook directly online (for demo purposes), or you can # run it on your on desktop. For a local installation please refer to: # # - [Jupyter Notebook Quick-Start Guide](http://jupyter-notebook-beginner-guide.readthedocs.org) # #
# Please run each each code cell using SHIFT+ENTER. #
# # # 2. Prepare the data file # # ## 2.1 Upload the data file # #
# Note: if you are running the notebook locally skip to section 2.2. #
# # Before starting, you have to upload a data file to be converted to Photon-HDF5. # You can use one of our example data files available # [on figshare](http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1455963). # # To upload a file (up to 35 MB) switch to the "Home" tab in your browser, # click the **Upload** button and select the data file # and wait until the upload completes. # To upload files larger than 35 MB (like some of our example files) please use the # [Upload notebook](Upload data files.ipynb) instead. # # Once the file is uploaded, come back here and follow the instructions below. # # ## 2.2 Select the file # # Specify the input data file in the following cell: # In[ ]: #filename = 'data/Cy3+Cy5_diff_PIE-FRET.ptu' # 'rtPicoHarpT3', SymPhoTime #filename = 'data/PTU/Typ2_DA23.ptu' #'rtHydraHarpT3', SymPhoTime 64 2.1 #filename = 'data/20161027_DM1_1nM_pH7_20MHz1.ptu' # 'rtHydraHarp2T3', SymPhoTime 64 2.1 #filename = 'data/161128_DM1_50pM_pH74.ptu' # 'rtHydraHarp2T3', SymPhoTime 64 2.1 filename = 'data/TestFile_2.ptu' # 'rtHydraHarpT3', SymPhoTime 64 2.1 #filename = 'data/issue35/Coumarin6_in_EtOH_2_1.ptu' # 'rtHydraHarp2T3', SymPhoTime 64 2.1 #filename = 'data/trace_T2_300s_1_coincidence.ptu' # 'rtTimeHarp260PT2', TimeHarp AcqUI, # The next cell will check if the `filename` location is correct: # In[ ]: import os try: with open(filename): pass print('Data file found, you can proceed.') except IOError: print('ATTENTION: Data file not found, please check the filename.\n' ' (current value "%s")' % filename) # In case of file not found, please double check the file name # and that the file has been uploaded. # # 3. Load the data # # We start by loading the software: # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import numpy as np import phconvert as phc print('phconvert version: ' + phc.__version__) # Then we load the input file: # In[ ]: d, meta = phc.loader.nsalex_pq(filename, donor = 1, acceptor = 0, alex_period_donor = (1900, 3080), alex_period_acceptor = (500, 1800), excitation_wavelengths = (470e-9, 635e-9), detection_wavelengths = (525e-9, 690e-9), ) # In[ ]: # timestamps, detectors, nanotimes, meta = phc.pqreader.load_ptu(filename) # In[ ]: m = meta.copy() tags = m.pop('tags') m # In[ ]: # print one tag print(tags['File_Comment']['data']) # In[ ]: # print all tags #phc.pqreader._ptu_print_tags(tags) # And we plot the `nanotimes` histogram: # In[ ]: phc.plotter.alternation_hist(d) # The previous plot is the `nanotimes` histogram for the donor and acceptor channel separately. # The shaded areas marks the donor (*green*) and acceptor (*red*) excitation periods. # # If the histogram looks wrong in some aspects (no photons, wrong detectors # assignment, wrong period selection) please go back to the previous cell # which loads the file and change the parameters until the histogram looks correct. # # You may also find useful to see how many different detectors are present # and their number of photons. This information is shown in the next cell: # In[ ]: detectors = d['photon_data']['detectors'] print("Detector Counts") print("-------- --------") for det, count in zip(*np.unique(detectors, return_counts=True)): print("%8d %8d" % (det, count)) # ## 3.1 Filtering photons # # Most photons are the detector 127, we can filter them out to save space: # In[ ]: valid = detectors != 127 for field in ('detectors', 'timestamps', 'nanotimes'): d['photon_data'][field] = d['photon_data'][field][valid] # In[ ]: ts = d['photon_data']['timestamps'] assert (np.diff(ts) >= 0).all() # # 4. Metadata # # In the next few cells, we specify some metadata that will be stored # in the Photon-HDF5 file. Please modify these fields to reflect # the content of the data file: # In[ ]: author = 'John Doe' author_affiliation = 'Research Institution' description = 'A demonstrative smFRET-nsALEX measurement.' sample_name = 'Doubly-labeled ssDNA partially hybridized to a complementary strand.' dye_names = 'ATTO488, ATTO647N' buffer_name = 'Tris 20 mM Ph 7.8' # # 5. Conversion #

Once you finished editing the the previous sections you can proceed with # the actual conversion. To do that, click on the menu Cells -> Run All Below. # #

After the execution go to Section 6 to download the Photon-HDF5 file. #

# # The cells below contain the code to convert the input file to Photon-HDF5. # ## 5.1 Add metadata # In[ ]: d['description'] = description d['sample'] = dict( sample_name=sample_name, dye_names=dye_names, buffer_name=buffer_name, num_dyes = len(dye_names.split(','))) d['identity'] = dict( author=author, author_affiliation=author_affiliation) # For completeness, we also store all the raw metadata from the HT3 header in a user group: # In[ ]: # Remove some empty groups that may cause errors on saving _ = meta.pop('dispcurve', None) _ = meta.pop('imghdr', None) # In[ ]: #for k in meta: # print('%s:\n%s\n' % (k, repr(meta[k]))) # In[ ]: d['user'] = {'picoquant': meta} # ## 5.2 Save to Photon-HDF5 # # This command saves the new file to disk. If the input data does not follows the Photon-HDF5 specification it returns an error (`Invalid_PhotonHDF5`) printing what violates the specs. # In[ ]: phc.hdf5.save_photon_hdf5(d, overwrite=True) # You can check it's content by using an HDF5 viewer such as [HDFView](https://www.hdfgroup.org/products/java/hdfview/). # # # 6. Load Photon-HDF5 # # We can load the newly created Photon-HDF5 file to check its content: # In[ ]: from pprint import pprint # In[ ]: filename = d['_data_file'].filename # In[ ]: h5data = phc.hdf5.load_photon_hdf5(filename) # In[ ]: phc.hdf5.dict_from_group(h5data.identity) # In[ ]: phc.hdf5.dict_from_group(h5data.provenance)['software'] # In[ ]: phc.hdf5.dict_from_group(h5data.provenance) # In[ ]: phc.hdf5.dict_from_group(h5data.setup) # In[ ]: pprint(phc.hdf5.dict_from_group(h5data.photon_data)) # ## 6.1 Read some metadata # In[ ]: meta = phc.hdf5.dict_from_group(h5data.user.picoquant) meta.keys() # In[ ]: meta['hardware_name'], type(meta['hardware_name']) # In[ ]: meta['tags']['HW_Type']['data'] # In[ ]: meta['tags']['CreatorSW_Version']['data'] # In[ ]: meta['tags']['CreatorSW_Name']['data'] # In[ ]: phc.pqreader._ptu_print_tags(meta['tags']) # In[ ]: h5data._v_file.close()