#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Units and Quantities # # ## Objectives # # - Use units # - Create functions that accept quantities as arguments # - Create new units # ## Basics # # How do we define a Quantity and which parts does it have? # In[ ]: import astropy.units as u # In[ ]: # Define a quantity length length = 26.2 * u.meter # print it print(length) # length is a quantity # In[ ]: # Type of quantity type(length) # In[ ]: # Type of unit type(u.meter) # In[ ]: # Quantity length # In[ ]: # value length.value # In[ ]: # unit length.unit # In[ ]: # information length.info # Quantities can be converted to other units systems or factors by using `to()` # In[ ]: # Convert it to: km, lyr print(length.to(u.km)) print(length.to(u.lightyear)) # We can do arithmetic operations when the quantities have the compatible units: # In[ ]: # arithmetic with distances distance_start = 10 * u.mm distance_end = 23 * u.km length = distance_end - distance_start print(length) # Quantities can also be combined, for example to measure speed # In[ ]: # calculate a speed time = 15 * u.minute speed = length / time print(speed) # In[ ]: # decompose it print(speed.decompose()) print(speed.si) # #

Unit conversions

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  1. Convert the speed in imperial units (miles/hour) using: # from astropy.units import imperial
  2. #
  3. Calculate whether a pint is more than half litre. # You can compare quantities as comparing variables. # Something strange? Check what deffinition of pint astropy is using.
  4. #
  5. Does units work with areas? calculate the area of a rectangle of 3 km of side and 5 meter of width. Show them in $m^2$ and convert them to yards$^2$
  6. #
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# # In[ ]: #1 from astropy.units import imperial print(speed.to(imperial.mile/u.hour)) #2 print(imperial.pint > 0.5 * u.l) print(imperial.pint.to(u.ml)) # A liquid pint in US is 473 ml; in UK is 568 ml #3 rectangle_area = 3 * u.km * 5 * u.m print(rectangle_area) print(rectangle_area.decompose()) print(rectangle_area.to(imperial.yard ** 2)) # ## Composed units # # Many units are compositions of others, for example, one could create new combinationes for ease of use: # In[ ]: # create a composite unit cms = u.cm / u.s speed.to(cms) # In[ ]: # and in the imperial system mph = imperial.mile / u.hour speed.to(mph) # and others are already a composition: # In[ ]: # what can be converted from s-1? (u.s ** -1).compose() # In[ ]: # or Jules? (u.joule).compose() # In[ ]: # Unity of R (13.605692 * u.eV).to(u.Ry) # Sometime we get *no units* quantitites # In[ ]: # no units nounits = 20. * u.cm / (1. * u.m) nounits # What happen if we add a number to this? # In[ ]: # arithmetic with no units nounits + 3 # In[ ]: # final value of a no unit quantity nounits.decompose() # It's a unitless quantity # ## Equivalencies # # Some conversions are not done by a conversion factor as between miles and kilometers, for example converting between wavelength and frequency. # In[ ]: # converting spectral quantities (656.281 * u.nm).to(u.Hz) # Fails because they are not compatible # In[ ]: # but doing it right (656.281 * u.nm).to(u.Hz, equivalencies=u.spectral()) # Other built-in equivalencies are: # - `parallax()` # - Doppler (`dopplr_radio`, `doppler_optical`, `doppler_relativistic`) # - spectral flux density # - brigthness temperature # - temperature energy # - and you can [build your own](http://astropy.readthedocs.org/en/stable/units/equivalencies.html#writing-new-equivalencies) # In[ ]: # finding the equivalencies u.Hz.find_equivalent_units() # In[ ]: # but also using other systems u.Hz.find_equivalent_units(equivalencies=u.spectral()) # ## Printing the quantities # In[ ]: # Printing values with different formats print("{0.value:0.03f} {0.unit:FITS}".format(speed)) print("{0.value:0.03f} {0.unit:latex_inline}".format(speed)) # ## Arrays # # Quantities can also be applied to arrays # In[ ]: # different ways of defining a quantity for a single value length = 44 * u.m time = u.Quantity(23, u.s) speed = length / time speed # In[ ]: # now with lists length_list = [1, 2, 3] * u.m # and arrays import numpy as np time_array = np.array([1, 2, 3]) * u.s # and its arithmetics length_list / time_array # In[ ]: # angles are smart! angle = u.Quantity(np.arange(180), u.deg) print(angle[[0, -1]]) print(np.sin(angle[[0, -1]])) # ## Plotting quantities # # To work nicely with matplotlib we need to do as follows: # In[ ]: # allowing for plotting from astropy.visualization import quantity_support quantity_support() # loading matplotlib get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # In[ ]: # Ploting the previous array plt.plot(angle, np.sin(angle)) # ## Creating functions with quantities as units # # We want to have functions that contain the information of the untis, and with them we can be sure that we will be always have the *right* result. # In[ ]: # Create a function for the Kinetic energy @u.quantity_input(mass=u.kg, speed=u.m/u.s) def kinetic(mass, speed): return (mass * speed ** 2 / 2.).to(u.joule) # In[ ]: # run without units kinetic(5, 10) # Fails! it doesn't specify the units. # In[ ]: # Run with units kinetic(5 * u.kg, 100 * cms) # #

Using `quantity_input`

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  1. Create a function that calculates potential energy where $g$ defaults to Earth value, but could be used for different planets. Test it for any of the $g$ values for any other planets.
  2. #
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# # In[ ]: #4 @u.quantity_input(mass=u.kg, height=u.m, g=u.m / u.s ** 2) def potential(mass, height, g=9.8 * u.m / u.s **2): return (0.5 * mass * g * height).to(u.joule) # In[ ]: # run it for some values potential(5 * u.kg, 30 *u.cm) # In[ ]: # on Mars: potential(5 * u.kg, 1 * u.m, g=3.75 * u.m/u.s**2) # ## Create your own units # # Some times we want to create our own units: # In[ ]: # Create units for a laugh scale titter = u.def_unit('titter') chuckle = u.def_unit('chuckle', 5 * titter) laugh = u.def_unit('laugh', 4 * chuckle) guffaw = u.def_unit('guffaw', 3 * laugh) rofl = u.def_unit('rofl', 4 * guffaw) death_by_laughing = u.def_unit('death_by_laughing', 10 * rofl) print((1 * rofl).to(titter)) # #

Area with units

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  1. Convert the area calculated before rectangle_area in hectares (1 hectare = 100 ares; 1 are = 100 $m^2$).
  2. #
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# # In[ ]: #5 ares = u.def_unit('ares', (10 * u.m)**2) hectar = u.def_unit('hectares', 100 * ares) print(rectangle_area.to(hectar))