#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Tutorial on how to use S-grids with time-evolving depth dimensions # Some hydrodynamic models (such as SWASH) have time-evolving depth dimensions, for example because they follow the waves on the free surface. Parcels can work with these types of models, but it is a bit involved to set up. That is why we explain here how to run Parcels on `FieldSets` with time-evoloving depth dimensions # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from parcels import FieldSet, ParticleSet, JITParticle, AdvectionRK4, ParticleFile, plotTrajectoriesFile import numpy as np from datetime import timedelta as delta from os import path # Here, we use sample data from the SWASH model. We first set the `filenames` and `variables` # In[2]: filenames = path.join('SWASH_data', 'field_*.nc') variables = {'U': 'cross-shore velocity', 'V': 'along-shore velocity', 'depth_u': 'time varying depth_u'} # Now, the first key step when reading time-evolving depth dimensions is that we specify `depth` as **`'not_yet_set'`** in the `dimensions` dictionary # In[3]: dimensions = {'U': {'lon': 'x', 'lat': 'y', 'depth': 'not_yet_set', 'time': 't'}, 'V': {'lon': 'x', 'lat': 'y', 'depth': 'not_yet_set', 'time': 't'}, 'depth_u': {'lon': 'x', 'lat': 'y', 'depth': 'not_yet_set', 'time': 't'}} # Then, _after_ we create the `FieldSet` object, we set the `depth` dimension of the relevant `Fields` to `fieldset.depth_u` and `fieldset.depth_w`, using the `Field.set_depth_from_field()` method # In[4]: fieldset = FieldSet.from_netcdf(filenames, variables, dimensions, mesh='flat', allow_time_extrapolation=True) fieldset.U.set_depth_from_field(fieldset.depth_u) fieldset.V.set_depth_from_field(fieldset.depth_u) # Now, we can create a ParticleSet, run those and plot them # In[5]: pset = ParticleSet(fieldset, JITParticle, lon=9.5, lat=12.5, depth=-0.1) pfile = pset.ParticleFile("SwashParticles", outputdt=delta(seconds=0.05)) pset.execute(AdvectionRK4, dt=delta(seconds=0.005), output_file=pfile) plotTrajectoriesFile('SwashParticles.zarr'); # Note that, even though we use 2-dimensional `AdvectionRK4`, the particle still moves down, because the grid itself moves down