% Some variables N = 100 disp(['Number of values N =', num2str(N)]) h = 1 / N disp(['Step h = ', num2str(h)]) % Some arrays t = 0 : h : 2*pi; x = cos(t); y = sin(t); length(t) length(x) length(y) fig = figure(); plot(t, x, 'r*-') grid on hold on plot(t, y, 'b+-') legend(['\cos(t)', '\sin(t)']) title('Cosinus and sinus on [0, 2 \pi]') % whitebg(fig); fig = figure(); grid on plot(x, y) title('\sin(t) as function of \cos(t)') % whitebg(fig); a = [[1 0 1]; [0 1 1]; [1 1 0]] a' b = 1 + a^5 l_a = eig(a) l_b = eig(b) [Ua, Sa, Va] = svd(a) [Ub, Sb, Vb] = svd(b)