#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![MOSEK ApS](https://www.mosek.com/static/images/branding/webgraphmoseklogocolor.png ) # # Regularized Wasserstein Barycenters using Mosek and the exponential cone # In a [previous notebook related to Wasserstein distances](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/MOSEK/Tutorials/blob/master/wasserstein/wasserstein-bary.ipynb) we defined the linear optimization problem of computing the Wasserstein barycenter of a set of discrete measures. Here we solve an entropy-regularized variant of the same problem and to demonstrate the exponential cone capabilities of MOSEK. We also use this problem to compare Fusion and CVXPY. # As a reminder, the $p$-th order Wasserstein distance $W_p(\mu,\upsilon)$ between discrete probability distributions $\mu,\upsilon$ is the objective value of the following problem: #
# $$ \mbox{minimize} \quad \sum_{i=1}\sum_{j=1} D(X_i,Y_j)^p\pi_{ij}$$ #
# $$ \mbox{st.} \quad \sum_{j=1} \pi_{ij} = \mu_i , \quad i = 1,2,..n $$ #
# $$ \quad \sum_{i=1} \pi_{ij} = \upsilon_j, \quad j = 1,2,..m $$ #
# $$ \pi_{ij} \geq 0, \quad \forall_{i,j}$$ #
# where $D(X_i,Y_j)$ is the distance function. #
# ## Wasserstein Barycenter with regularization # The entropy regularized barycenter problem with $p=2$ is: #
# $$ \mbox{minimize} \quad \frac1N \sum_{i,j,k}^{N} D(X_i,Y_j)^2\pi_{ij}^k + \frac1\lambda\sum_{i,j,k} \pi_{ij}^k\log(\pi_{ij}^k)$$ #
# $$\mbox{st.} \quad \sum_{j=1} \pi_{ij}^{k} = \mu_i, \quad \forall_{k,i} \quad (1)$$ #
# $$ \quad \sum_{i=1} \pi_{ij}^{k} = \upsilon_j^{k}, \quad \forall_{k,j} \quad (2) $$ #
# $$ \pi_{ij}^{k} \geq 0 \quad \forall_{k,i,j}$$ #
# where $D(X_i,Y_j)$ is the euclidian distance between pixels, $\lambda = median(D(X_i,Y_j))$ and $N$ is the number of samples. # # Without the entropy term the problem is just the linear problem of computing a distribution $\mu$ minimizing the sum of distances to $\upsilon_i$, as studied in our other notebook. Entropy regularization was suggested to us by Stefano Gualandi and appears for example in the paper by Cuturi and Doucet http://proceedings.mlr.press/v32/cuturi14.pdf. This paper contains also more details about the choice of $\lambda$. Also more detailed information about LP aproach to Wasserstein metric can be found in [Stefano Gualandi's blogpost](http://stegua.github.io/blog/2018/12/31/wasserstein-distances-an-operations-research-perspective/). # # In this problem, Wasserstein Barycenter of Three's are visualized using images with size $28x28$ using $2$ handwriten '3' digits from MNIST database. Computations are carried out by Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2687W v4 @ 3.00GHz processor. # In[1]: import struct import numpy as np import pandas as pd get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Define the number of images for the barycenter calculation n=2 number = 3 #Read the images from the file def read_idx(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: zero, data_type, dims = struct.unpack('>HBB', f.read(4)) shape = tuple(struct.unpack('>I', f.read(4))[0] for d in range(dims)) return np.frombuffer(f.read(), dtype=np.uint8).reshape(shape) data = read_idx('train-images.idx3-ubyte') labels = read_idx('train-labels.idx1-ubyte') #Select the images digits = data[labels == number] train = digits[:n] plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) for i in range(10): plt.subplot(2,5,i+1) plt.imshow(digits[np.random.randint(0,digits.shape[0])]) # ## Regularized Barycenters using Mosek Fusion # In[2]: from mosek.fusion import * import time import sys class Wasserstein_Fusion: def __init__(self): self.time = 0.0 self.M = Model('Wasserstein') self.result = None def single_pmf(self, data = None, img=False): ''' Takes a image or array of images and extracts the probabilty mass function''' if not img: v=[] for image in data: arr = np.asarray(image).ravel(order='K') v.append(arr/np.sum(arr)) else: v = np.asarray(data).ravel(order='K') v = v/np.sum(v) return v def ms_distance(self, m ,n, constant=False): ''' Squared Euclidean distance calculation between the pixels ''' if constant: d = np.ones((m,m)) else: d = np.empty((m,m)) coor = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): coor.append(np.array([i,j])) for i in range(m): for j in range(m): d[i][j] = np.linalg.norm(coor[i]-coor[j])**2 return d def Wasserstein_Distance(self, bc ,data, img = False): ''' Calculation of wasserstein distance between a barycenter and an image by solving the minimization problem ''' v = np.array(self.single_pmf(data, img)) n = v.shape[0] d = self.ms_distance(n,data.shape[1]) with Model('Wasserstein') as M: #Add variable pi = M.variable('pi',[n,n], Domain.greaterThan(0.0)) #Add constraints M.constraint('c1' , Expr.sum(pi,0), Domain.equalsTo(v)) M.constraint('c2' , Expr.sum(pi,1), Domain.equalsTo(bc)) M.objective('Obj.' , ObjectiveSense.Minimize, Expr.dot(d, pi)) M.solve() objective = M.primalObjValue() return objective def Wasserstein_BaryCenter(self,data): M = self.M start_time = time.time() k = data.shape[0] v = np.array(self.single_pmf(data)) n = v.shape[1] d = self.ms_distance(n,data.shape[1]) #Add variables mu = M.variable('Mu', n, Domain.greaterThan(0.0)) pi = (M.variable('Pi', [k,n,n] , Domain.greaterThan(0.0))) #Add constraints #Constraint (1) M.constraint('B', Expr.sub(Expr.sum(pi,1) , Var.repeat(mu,1,k).transpose()), Domain.equalsTo(0.0)) #Constraint (2) M.constraint('C', Expr.sum(pi,2), Domain.equalsTo(v)) M.objective('Obj' , ObjectiveSense.Minimize, Expr.sum(Expr.mul(Expr.mul(Expr.reshape(pi.asExpr(), k, n*n) , d.ravel()), 1/k))) M.setLogHandler(sys.stdout) M.solve() self.result = mu.level() M.selectedSolution(SolutionType.Interior) self.objective = M.primalObjValue() self.time = time.time() - start_time return mu.level() def Wasserstein_regBaryCenter(self,data, _lambda = None, relgap = None): M = self.M start_time = time.time() k = data.shape[0] v = np.array(self.single_pmf(data)) n = v.shape[1] d = self.ms_distance(n,data.shape[1]) if not _lambda: _lambda = 60/np.median(d.ravel()) #Add variables mu = M.variable('Mu', n, Domain.greaterThan(0.0)) pi = (M.variable('Pi', [k,n,n] , Domain.greaterThan(0.0))) z = M.variable('z', [k,n*n]) #Artificial variable #Add constraints #Intermediate conic constraints in form z <= -pi log(pi) for i in range(1,k+1): M.constraint(Expr.hstack(Expr.constTerm(n*n, 1.0), Expr.reshape(pi.asExpr(), k*n*n).slice(0+(i-1)*n*n, n*n*i), Expr.reshape(z.asExpr(), k*n*n).slice(0+(i-1)*n*n, n*n*i)), Domain.inPExpCone()) #Constraint (1) M.constraint('B', Expr.sub(Expr.sum(pi,1) , Var.repeat(mu,1,k).transpose()), Domain.equalsTo(0.0)) #Constraint (2) M.constraint('C', Expr.sum(pi,2), Domain.equalsTo(v)) M.objective('Obj' , ObjectiveSense.Minimize, Expr.sum(Expr.mul(Expr.add(Expr.mul(Expr.reshape(pi.asExpr(), k, n*n), d.ravel()),Expr.mul(Expr.sum(z,1),-1/_lambda)), 1/k))) #relgap is set in case of approximation if relgap: M.setSolverParam("intpntCoTolRelGap", relgap) M.setLogHandler(sys.stdout) M.solve() self.result = mu.level() self.objective = M.primalObjValue() self.time = time.time() - start_time return self.result def reset(self): self.M = Model('Wasserstein') # In[3]: fusion_model = Wasserstein_Fusion() f_bc = fusion_model.Wasserstein_regBaryCenter(train) print('\nTime Spent to solve problem with Fusion: \n {0}'.format(fusion_model.time)) print('Time Spent in solver: \n {0}'.format(fusion_model.M.getSolverDoubleInfo("optimizerTime"))) print('Objective: \n {0}'.format(fusion_model.objective)) # In[4]: nonReg_model = Wasserstein_Fusion() nonReg = nonReg_model.Wasserstein_BaryCenter(train) print('\nTime Spent to solve non-regularized problem with Fusion: \n {0}'.format(nonReg_model.time)) print('Time Spent in solver: \n {0}'.format(nonReg_model.M.getSolverDoubleInfo("optimizerTime"))) print('The average Wasserstein distance between digits and the barycenter: \n {0}'.format(nonReg_model.objective)) # In[5]: plt.figure(figsize=(15,8)) plt.subplot(1,3,1) plt.imshow(np.reshape(f_bc,(28,28))) plt.title('Regularized Barycenter') plt.subplot(1,3,2) plt.imshow(np.reshape(nonReg, (28,28))) plt.title('Non-Regularized Interior Point Barycenter') plt.imshow(np.reshape(nonReg, (28,28))) plt.subplot(1,3,3) plt.title('Non-Regularized Basic Point Barycenter') plt.imshow(np.reshape(nonReg_model.result, (28,28))) plt.show() # $\quad$ The interiror point solution is different than the basic solution, however this is just a coincidence. The interior point solution gives the convex combination of the extreme points if there is infinetly many optimal solutions but this is not always the case in this problem. # $\quad $ Solving the problem even for just 2 images takes a long time. However, when the output of the iterations are investigated the solver is spending most of the time in earning very little improvements. Since the regularization term is an artificial addition to the problem, it is sensible to test if the approximation with a little loss of accuracy effects the values and images significantly or not, by using "intpntCoTolRelGap" parameter. This parameter controls the relative gap termination tolerance of the conic optimizer. # In the next problem the parameter is increased from 1.0e-7 to 1.0e-3 in order to terminate Mosek with a little bit less accuracy # ## Obtaining approximate values # In[6]: fusion_model2 = Wasserstein_Fusion() f_bc2 = fusion_model2.Wasserstein_regBaryCenter(train, relgap = "1.0e-3") print('\nTime Spent to solve problem with Fusion: \n {0}'.format(fusion_model2.time)) print('Time Spent in solver: \n {0}'.format(fusion_model2.M.getSolverDoubleInfo("optimizerTime"))) print('Objective: \n {0}'.format(fusion_model2.objective)) # In[7]: plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) plt.subplot(1,2,1) fus_bc = np.reshape(f_bc,(28,28)) plt.imshow(fus_bc) plt.title('Optimal Barycenter') plt.subplot(1,2,2) fus_bc2 = np.reshape(f_bc,(28,28)) plt.imshow(fus_bc) plt.title('Approximate Barycenter') plt.show() # In[8]: error = pd.Series(f_bc - f_bc2) plt.plot(error) plt.title('Error of Aproximation') plt.xlabel("Pixels") plt.ylabel('Error Values') pd.DataFrame(error.describe(), columns=['Stats']).transpose() # In[9]: plt.figure(figsize=(12,7)) total_t = [fusion_model.time, fusion_model2.time] solver_t = [fusion_model.M.getSolverDoubleInfo("optimizerTime"), fusion_model2.M.getSolverDoubleInfo("optimizerTime")] #Total time plot plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.bar(['Optimal', 'Approximation'], height= total_t, width=0.4, color=(0.3, 0.6, 0.2, 0.5)) plt.ylabel("Total Time (s)") plt.title("Comparison of Total Time") #Solver time plot plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.bar(['Optimal', 'Approximation'], height=solver_t, width=0.4, color=(0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 0.8)) plt.ylabel("Solver Time (s)") plt.title("Comparison of Solver Time") plt.show() # $\quad$The two barycenter images that obtained from the optimal solution and approximate solution seem almost identical to each other. In addition statistical description of values of the error between them is presented above with a plot. The mean and the even extreme values are small and indicates that the reduction of time obtained by approximation totally compensates the error. # ### Modeling the same problem with CVXPY # In[10]: import cvxpy as cp import time class Wasserstein_CVXPY: def __init__(self): self.time = 0.0 self.result = None self.prob = None def single_pmf(self, data = None, img=False): ''' Takes a image or array of images and extracts the probabilty mass function''' if not img: v=[] for image in data: arr = np.asarray(image).ravel(order='K') v.append(arr/np.sum(arr)) else: v = np.asarray(data).ravel(order='K') v = v/np.sum(v) return v def ms_distance(self, m ,n, constant=False): ''' Squared Euclidean distance calculation between the pixels ''' if constant: d = np.ones((m,m)) else: d = np.empty((m,m)) coor = [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): coor.append(np.array([i,j])) for i in range(m): for j in range(m): d[i][j] = np.linalg.norm(coor[i]-coor[j])**2 return d def Wasserstein_Distance(self, bc ,data, img = False): ''' Calculation of wasserstein distance between a barycenter and an image by solving the minimization problem ''' v = np.array(self.single_pmf(data, img)) n = v.shape[0] d = self.ms_distance(n,data.shape[1]) pi = cp.Variable((n,n), nonneg=True) obj = cp.Minimize((np.ones(n).T @ cp.multiply(d,pi) @ np.ones(n))) Cons=[] Cons.append((np.ones(n) @ pi).T == bc) Cons.append((pi @ np.ones(n)) == v) prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints= Cons) return prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose = True) def Wasserstein_BaryCenter(self,data): ''' Calculation of wasserstein barycenter of given images by solving the minimization problem ''' start_time = time.time() k = data.shape[0] v = np.array(self.single_pmf(data)) n = v.shape[1] d = self.ms_distance(n,data.shape[1]) #Add variables pi= [] t= [] mu = cp.Variable(n, nonneg = True) for i in range(k): pi.append(cp.Variable((n,n), nonneg = True)) t.append(cp.Variable(nonneg = True)) obj = cp.Minimize(np.sum(t)/k) #Add constraints Cons=[] for i in range(k): Cons.append( t[i] >= np.ones(n).T @ cp.multiply(d,pi[i]) @ np.ones(n) ) #Constraint (1) Cons.append( (np.ones(n) @ pi[i]).T == mu) #Constraint (2) Cons.append( (pi[i] @ np.ones(n)) == v[i]) #Constraint (3) self.prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints= Cons) self.result = self.prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK,verbose = True) self.time = time.time() - start_time return mu.value def Wasserstein_regBaryCenter(self,data, _lambda = None, relgap="1.0e-7"): ''' Calculation of wasserstein barycenter of given images by solving a entropy regularized minimization problem ''' start_time = time.time() k = data.shape[0] v = np.array(self.single_pmf(data)) n = v.shape[1] d = self.ms_distance(n,data.shape[1]) if not _lambda: _lambda = 60/np.median(d.ravel()) #Add variables pi= [] t= [] mu = cp.Variable(n, nonneg = True) for i in range(k): pi.append(cp.Variable((n,n), nonneg = True)) t.append(cp.Variable(nonneg = True)) obj = cp.Minimize((np.sum(t) - (1/_lambda)*np.sum(cp.sum(cp.entr(pi[i])) for i in range(k)))/k) #Add constraints Cons=[] for i in range(k): Cons.append( t[i] >= (np.ones(n).T @ cp.multiply(d,pi[i]) @ np.ones(n)))#Constraint (1) Cons.append( (np.ones(n) @ pi[i]).T == mu) #Constraint (2) Cons.append( (pi[i] @ np.ones(n)) == v[i]) #Constraint (3) self.prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints= Cons) self.result = self.prob.solve(solver=cp.MOSEK, verbose = True, mosek_params = {"MSK_DPAR_INTPNT_CO_TOL_REL_GAP" : relgap }) self.time = time.time() - start_time return mu.value def reset(self): self.prob = None self.result = None # In[11]: cvxpy_model = Wasserstein_CVXPY() cvxpy_result = cvxpy_model.Wasserstein_regBaryCenter(train, relgap = 1.0e-3) print('\nTime Spent to solve problem with CVXPY: \n {0}'.format(cvxpy_model.time)) print('Time Spent in solver: \n {0}'.format(cvxpy_model.prob.solver_stats.solve_time)) print('The average Wasserstein distance between digits and the barycenter: \n {0}'.format(cvxpy_model.result)) # In[12]: plt.imshow(np.reshape(cvxpy_result.squeeze(), (28,28))) plt.title('Barycenter') plt.show() # In[13]: plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) total_t50 = [fusion_model2.time, cvxpy_model.time] solver_t50 = [fusion_model2.M.getSolverDoubleInfo("optimizerTime"), cvxpy_model.prob.solver_stats.solve_time] #Total time plot plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.bar(['Fusion', 'CVXPY'], height= total_t50, width=0.4, color=(0.3, 0.6, 0.2, 0.5)) plt.ylabel("Total Time (s)") plt.title("Comparison of Total Time") #Solver time plot plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.bar(['Fusion','CVXPY'], height=solver_t50, width=0.4, color=(0.5, 0.6, 0.9, 0.8)) plt.ylabel("Solver Time (s)") plt.title("Comparison of Solver Time") plt.show() # Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The **MOSEK** logo and name are trademarks of Mosek ApS. The code is provided as-is. Compatibility with future release of **MOSEK** or the `Fusion API` are not guaranteed. For more information contact our [support](mailto:support@mosek.com).