#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![MOSEK ApS](https://www.mosek.com/static/images/branding/webgraphmoseklogocolor.png ) # ## The Unit Commitment Problem (UCP) # # The Unit Commitment Problem is an optimization problem in electrical power production. The goal is to assign production levels and switch-on/switch-off times to generators in a network so that the total production at any time meets the predicted demand for electricity. In this demonstration we consider minimizing production cost subject to constraints on the generating units: minimal/maximal production levels, minimum uptime/downtime and maximum ramp-up/ramp-down. The cost consists of quadratic production costs, fixed operating cost and start-up costs. That makes our version of UCP a Mixed Integer Conic Quadratic Optimization problem (MICQO). # # These are the most basic constraint types for a UCP model, see for example [this paper](http://pierrepinson.com/docs/HeideJorgensenetal2016.pdf) and references therein. We only model the total power generation of thermal units with constant startup costs, but not the storage capacity of hydro units nor cascades, power flow or bidding aspects; see for instance [a more thorough real-world model](https://www.ferc.gov/legal/staff-reports/rto-COMMITMENT-TEST.pdf). Many of those features could be added by extending our linear model. We use examples derived from datasets from the [OR-library](http://people.brunel.ac.uk/~mastjjb/jeb/info.html) (data is modified to fit into our framework). They are loaded with the script: # In[1]: import ucpParser # The source file and examples are available in the GitHub repository containing this notebook. # # We demonstrate such aspects of working with MOSEK as: # * setting up a model, # * using variable slices to effectively write constraints, # * retrieving optimizer statistics, # * reoptimization. # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.cm as cm import numpy as np import sys from mosek.fusion import * # ## Problem formulation # # In the UCP problem we are given a number $N$ of generators (*units*), a time horizon of $T$ *periods* (usually hours or half-hours) and initial conditions (see later). The goal is to determine electricity production levels for all units and all periods so that a total predicted *demand* is satisfied in each period. The operation of the units is subject to technical constraints which will be introduced below. The operating costs are known for each unit and can be split into *production costs*, *fixed operating costs* when the unit is on and *startup costs* incurred when the unit is switched on. # # We can model this setup using these simple variables: # # * a continous variable $p\in\mathbb{R}_+^{N\times T}$ such that $p_{i,t}$ is the power generation of unit $i$ at time $t$, # * a binary variable $u\in\{0,1\}^{N\times T}$, where $u_{i,t}$ indicates if unit $i$ is *on* (producing energy) at time $t$, # * a binary variable $v\in\{0,1\}^{N\times T}$, where $v_{i,t}$ indicates if unit $i$ has been started (switched from *off* to *on*) at time $t$, in other words $v_{i,t}=\max(u_{i,t}-u_{i-1,t},\ 0)$. # # It will be convenient to declare variables of size $N\times(T+1)$ and use the first column for initial conditions, that is production levels and on/off status at the beginning of the simulation. The code that initializes a Fusion model is shown below. # In[3]: class UCP: # Initialize with input data def __init__(self, T, N): self.T, self.N = T, N self.M = Model() # Production level --- p_ih self.p = self.M.variable([self.N, self.T+1], Domain.greaterThan(0.0)) # Is active? --- u_ih self.u = self.M.variable([self.N, self.T+1], Domain.binary()) # Is at startup? --- v_ih >= u_ih-u_(i-1)h self.v = self.M.variable([self.N, self.T+1], Domain.binary()) self.M.constraint(Expr.sub( self.v.slice([0,1],[N,T+1]), Expr.sub(self.u.slice([0,1], [N,T+1]), self.u.slice([0,0], [N,T]))), Domain.greaterThan(0.0)) # Note how we use slicing to express the constraint $v_{i,t}\geq u_{i,t}-u_{i-1,t}$ simultaneously for all $i,t$. The two slices of $u$ have the same dimensions but are shifted by $1$ with respect to each other. The $i,t$-entry of the constraint expression is now just $v_{i,t}-(u_{i,t}-u_{i-1,t})\geq 0$ as required. We are going to use this type of slicing heavily in what follows. Beacuse most of the operational constraints of the units will need to be broadcasted to all time periods, this repeat method will come in handy. # In[4]: # Create a matrix with R columns each equal to v (horizontal repeat) def repeat(v, R): return np.repeat(v, R).reshape(len(v), R) # ### Production constraints # # Each unit, when in use, operates between a minimal and maximal power level $p^{\textrm{min}}_i$ and $p^{\textrm{max}}_i$. If the unit is off, its production is $0$: # # $$p^{\textrm{min}}_i u_{i,t}\leq p_{i,t}\leq p^{\textrm{max}}_i u_{i,t}.$$ # # Moreover, at each time $t$ the total production must satisfy the current demand $d_t$: # # $$\sum_i p_{i,t} \geq d_t,\quad t=1,\ldots,T.$$ # In[5]: # Production constraints def consProd(ucp, pmin, pmax, demand): N, T, p, u, v = ucp.N, ucp.T, ucp.p, ucp.u, ucp.v # Maximal and minimal production of each unit ucp.M.constraint(Expr.sub(p, Expr.mulElm(repeat(pmax, T+1), u)), Domain.lessThan(0.0)) ucp.M.constraint(Expr.sub(p, Expr.mulElm(repeat(pmin, T+1), u)), Domain.greaterThan(0.0)) # Total demand in periods is achieved ucp.M.constraint(Expr.sum(p, 0).slice(1,T+1), Domain.greaterThan(demand)) # Here we used the ``Expr.sum(p, 0)`` operator to sum the $p$ matrix along the $0$-th dimension i.e. to compute sums within each column. # ### Ramp constraints # # Ramp-up and ramp-down constraints indicate that the output of a generator cannot vary too rapidly between periods. # # $$p_{i-1,t}-r^{\textrm{down}}_i\leq p_{i,t}\leq p_{i-1,t}+r^{\textrm{up}}_i.$$ # In[6]: # Ramp constraints def consRamp(ucp, rdown, rup): N, T, p, u, v = ucp.N, ucp.T, ucp.p, ucp.u, ucp.v Delta = Expr.sub(p.slice([0,1], [N,T+1]), p.slice([0,0], [N,T])) ucp.M.constraint(Delta, Domain.lessThan(repeat(rup, T))) ucp.M.constraint(Delta, Domain.greaterThan(-repeat(rdown, T))) # ### Initial values # # We also input the state of the system in the last period before the start of the simulation. We will load that information by fixing the values in the $0$-th column of the variables. For each generator the initial state is described by the values $p_{i,0}$ and $u_{i,0}$ as well as $l_i$ - the number of periods the unit has already spent in its current state (on/off). This will be required to properly handle the initial uptime/downtime constraint (see next). # In[7]: # Initial values def consInit(ucp, p0, u0, l0): N, T, p, u, v = ucp.N, ucp.T, ucp.p, ucp.u, ucp.v # Fix production in the immediately preceeding period ucp.M.constraint(p.slice([0,0],[N,1]), Domain.equalsTo(p0).withShape([N,1])) ucp.M.constraint(u.slice([0,0],[N,1]), Domain.equalsTo(u0).withShape([N,1])) # ### Minimal downtime/uptime # # When a large thermal unit is turned on/off it will often be impossible to turn it back off/on before a minimal uptime/downtime $m^{\textrm{up}}_i/m^{\textrm{down}}_i$ (measured in periods) has elapsed. # # These conditions are modelled with the binary variable $u$. If the $i$-th unit is off at two times $t$ and $t+w$ with $wCreative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The **MOSEK** logo and name are trademarks of Mosek ApS. The code is provided as-is. Compatibility with future release of **MOSEK** or the `Fusion API` are not guaranteed. For more information contact our [support](mailto:support@mosek.com). # In[ ]: