#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Volume Mesh # # Mesh is an object which displays triangles in 3d. # An scalar can be displayed on the mesh using color map. # In[ ]: import vtk import k3d import numpy as np import math import ipywidgets as widgets from vtk.util import numpy_support from k3d.helpers import quad, download filename = download('https://github.com/marcomusy/vtkplotter-examples/raw/master/vtkplotter_examples/data/embryo.slc') reader = vtk.vtkSLCReader() reader.SetFileName(filename) reader.Update() vti = reader.GetOutput() x, y, z = vti.GetDimensions() volume_data = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vti.GetPointData().GetArray(0)).reshape(-1, y, x).astype(np.float32) # In[ ]: basic_color_maps = [(attr, getattr(k3d.basic_color_maps, attr)) for attr in dir(k3d.basic_color_maps) if not attr.startswith('__')] paraview_color_maps = [(attr, getattr(k3d.paraview_color_maps, attr)) for attr in dir(k3d.paraview_color_maps) if not attr.startswith('__')] matplotlib_color_maps = [(attr, getattr(k3d.matplotlib_color_maps, attr)) for attr in dir(k3d.matplotlib_color_maps) if not attr.startswith('__')] colormaps = basic_color_maps + paraview_color_maps + matplotlib_color_maps # In[ ]: vertices, indices = quad(20.0, 20.0) plot = k3d.plot() obj = k3d.mesh(vertices, indices, volume=volume_data, side='double', volume_bounds=[-10, 10, -10, 10, -10, 10]) model_matrix = {} for t in np.linspace(0, 2* np.pi, 100): obj.transform.rotation = [t, math.sin(t), math.cos(t), 1] model_matrix[str(t)] = obj.model_matrix obj.model_matrix = model_matrix plot += obj plot.display() # In[ ]: tf_editor = k3d.transfer_function_editor() @widgets.interact(x=widgets.Dropdown(options=colormaps, description='ColorMap:')) def g(x): tf_editor.color_map = np.array(x, dtype=np.float32) _ = widgets.link((tf_editor, 'color_map'), (obj, 'color_map')) _ = widgets.link((tf_editor, 'opacity_function'), (obj, 'opacity_function')) tf_editor.display() # In[ ]: tf_editor.opacity_function = np.array([ 0, 0, 0.04, 0, 0.1, 1, 1,1 ], dtype=np.float32) # In[ ]: plot.start_auto_play() # In[ ]: plot.stop_auto_play() # In[ ]: f = open('./volume.html', 'w', encoding='UTF-8') f.write(plot.get_snapshot(9, 'K3DInstance.startAutoPlay();')) f.close() # In[ ]: