#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: import k3d import numpy as np X, Y, Z = np.mgrid[:30, :30, :30] # scaled distance from the "center" (15, 15, 15) of this scalar field scalar_field = ((X-15.0)/15.0)**2 + ((Y-15.0)/15.0)**2 + ((Z-15.0)/15.0)**2 plot = k3d.plot() plot += k3d.marching_cubes(scalar_field.astype(np.float32), level=0.8) plot.display() # In[ ]: plot.objects[0].level = 0.5 # In[ ]: plot.objects[0].wireframe = True # In[ ]: plot.objects[0].flat_shading = False # In[ ]: plot.camera_no_pan = True # In[ ]: plot.camera_no_rotate = True # In[ ]: plot.camera_no_zoom = True # In[ ]: plot.camera_no_pan = False plot.camera_no_rotate = False plot.camera_no_zoom = False # In[ ]: