using Convex, Gadfly, SCS line_mat_x = readdlm("tux_sparse_x.txt") line_mat_y = readdlm("tux_sparse_y.txt") line_mat_val = readdlm("tux_sparse_val.txt") line_vals = readdlm("tux_sparse_lines.txt") # Form the sparse matrix from the data # Image is 50 x 50 img_size = 50 # The number of pixels in the image num_pixels = img_size * img_size line_mat = spzeros(3300, num_pixels) num_vals = length(line_mat_val) for i in 1:num_vals x = int(line_mat_x[i]) y = int(line_mat_y[i]) line_mat[x + 1, y + 1] = line_mat_val[i] end pixel_colors = Variable(num_pixels) # line_mat * pixel_colors should be close to the line_integral_values # to reflect that, we minimize a norm objective = sum_squares(line_mat * pixel_colors - line_vals) problem = minimize(objective) solve!(problem, SCSSolver(verbose=0)) rows = zeros(img_size*img_size) cols = zeros(img_size*img_size) for i = 1:img_size for j = 1:img_size rows[(i-1)*img_size + j] = i cols[(i-1)*img_size + j] = img_size + 1 - j end end # Plot the image using the pixel values obtained! p = plot( x=rows, y=cols, color=reshape(evaluate(pixel_colors), img_size, img_size), Geom.rectbin, Scale.ContinuousColorScale(Scale.lab_gradient(color("black"), color("white"))) )