using DFTK using Statistics a0 = 10.26 # Experimental lattice constant of silicon in bohr a_list = range(a0 - 1/2, a0 + 1/2; length=20) function compute_ground_state_energy(a; Ecut, kgrid, kinetic_blowup, kwargs...) lattice = a / 2 * [[0 1 1.]; [1 0 1.]; [1 1 0.]] Si = ElementPsp(:Si, psp=load_psp("hgh/lda/Si-q4")) atoms = [Si, Si] positions = [ones(3)/8, -ones(3)/8] model = model_PBE(lattice, atoms, positions; kinetic_blowup) basis = PlaneWaveBasis(model; Ecut, kgrid) self_consistent_field(basis; callback=identity, kwargs...) end Ecut = 5 # Very low Ecut to display big irregularities kgrid = (2, 2, 2) # Very sparse k-grid to speed up convergence E0_naive = compute_ground_state_energy.(a_list; kinetic_blowup=BlowupIdentity(), Ecut, kgrid); E0_ref = [-7.839775223322127, -7.843031658146996, -7.845961005280923, -7.848576991754026, -7.850892888614151, -7.852921532056932, -7.854675317792186, -7.85616622262217, -7.85740584131599, -7.858405359984107, -7.859175611288143, -7.859727053496513, -7.860069804791132, -7.860213631865354, -7.8601679947736915, -7.859942011410533, -7.859544518721661, -7.858984032385052, -7.858268793303855, -7.857406769423708] using Plots shift = mean(abs.(E0_naive .- E0_ref)) p = plot(a_list, E0_naive .- shift, label="Ecut=5", xlabel="lattice parameter a (bohr)", ylabel="Ground state energy (Ha)", color=1) plot!(p, a_list, E0_ref, label="Ecut=100", color=2) E0_modified = compute_ground_state_energy.(a_list; kinetic_blowup=BlowupCHV(), Ecut, kgrid,); estimate_a0(E0_values) = a_list[findmin(E0_values)[2]] a0_naive, a0_ref, a0_modified = estimate_a0.([E0_naive, E0_ref, E0_modified]) shift = mean(abs.(E0_modified .- E0_ref)) # Shift for legibility of the plot plot!(p, a_list, E0_modified .- shift, label="Ecut=5 + BlowupCHV", color=3) vline!(p, [a0], label="experimental a0", linestyle=:dash, linecolor=:black) vline!(p, [a0_naive], label="a0 Ecut=5", linestyle=:dash, color=1) vline!(p, [a0_ref], label="a0 Ecut=100", linestyle=:dash, color=2) vline!(p, [a0_modified], label="a0 Ecut=5 + BlowupCHV", linestyle=:dash, color=3) println("Error of approximation of the reference a0 with modified kinetic term:"* " $(round((a0_modified - a0_ref)*100/a0_ref, digits=5))%")