%useLatestDescriptors %use lets-plot %use dataframe LetsPlot.getInfo() var df = DataFrame.readCSV("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JetBrains/lets-plot-kotlin/master/docs/examples/data/mpg.csv") df.head(3) val p = ggplot(df.toMap()) + geomPoint {x = "cty"; y = "hwy"} gggrid( plots = listOf( p + ggtitle("themeMinimal2() - the default"), p + ggtitle("themeGrey()") + themeGrey(), p + ggtitle("themeBW()") + themeBW(), p + ggtitle("themeLight()") + themeLight(), p + ggtitle("themeClassic()") + themeClassic(), p + ggtitle("themeMinimal()") + themeMinimal(), ), ncol = 2, cellWidth = 400, cellHeight = 300, vGap = 0, fit = true ) val pf = p + facetGrid(x = "drv") gggrid( plots = listOf( pf + ggtitle("themeMinimal2() - the default"), pf + ggtitle("themeGrey()") + themeGrey(), pf + ggtitle("themeBW()") + themeBW(), pf + ggtitle("themeLight()") + themeLight(), pf + ggtitle("themeClassic()") + themeClassic(), pf + ggtitle("themeMinimal()") + themeMinimal(), ), ncol = 1, cellWidth = 700, cellHeight = 200, vGap = 0, fit = true )