#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Chapter 22 - Nominal Predicted Variable # - [ - Softmax model](# # - [ - Conditional logistic model](# # In[1]: # %load std_ipython_import.txt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import pymc3 as pm import theano.tensor as tt import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=FutureWarning) from scipy.special import expit from matplotlib import gridspec from IPython.display import Image get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plt.style.use('seaborn-white') color = '#87ceeb' f_dict = {'size':16} # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'watermark') get_ipython().run_line_magic('watermark', '-p pandas,numpy,pymc3,theano,matplotlib,seaborn,scipy') # ### - Softmax model # #### Data # In[3]: # Using dtype 'category' for Y df1 = pd.read_csv('data/SoftmaxRegData1.csv', dtype={'Y':'category'}) df1.info() # In[4]: df1.head() # In[5]: # Standardize the data X = df1[['X1', 'X2']] meanx = X.mean().values scalex = X.std().values zX = ((X-meanx)/scalex).values # #### Model (Kruschke, 2015) # In[6]: Image('images/fig22_4.png') # In[7]: # Number of categories n_cat = df1.Y.cat.categories.size # Number of dimensions for X zX_dim =zX.shape[1] with pm.Model() as model_softmax: # priors for categories 2-4, excluding reference category 1 which is set to zero below. zbeta0_ = pm.Normal('zbeta0_', mu=0, tau=1/20**2, shape=n_cat-1) zbeta_ = pm.Normal('zbeta_', mu=0, tau=1/20**2, shape=(zX_dim, n_cat-1)) # add prior values zero (intercept, predictors) for reference category 1. zbeta0 = pm.Deterministic('zbeta0', tt.concatenate([[0], zbeta0_])) zbeta = pm.Deterministic('zbeta', tt.concatenate([tt.zeros((2, 1)), zbeta_], axis=1)) mu = zbeta0 + pm.math.dot(zX, zbeta) # Theano softmax function p = pm.Deterministic('p', tt.nnet.softmax(mu)) y = pm.Categorical('y', p=p, observed=df1.Y.cat.codes.values) pm.model_to_graphviz(model_softmax) # In[8]: with model_softmax: trace1 = pm.sample(5000, cores=4, nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.95}) # In[9]: # Traceplot, excluding the parameters for the reference category (which are zero) pm.traceplot(trace1, ['zbeta0_', 'zbeta_']); # In[10]: # Transform parameters back to original scale zbeta0 = trace1['zbeta0'] zbeta = trace1['zbeta'] beta0 = zbeta0 - np.sum(zbeta*(np.tile(meanx, (n_cat,1))/np.tile(scalex, (n_cat,1))).T, axis=1) beta = np.divide(zbeta, np.tile(scalex, (n_cat,1)).T) print(beta0.shape) print(beta.shape) # In[11]: # Join the two multi-dimensional arrays estimates1 = np.insert(beta, 0, beta0, axis=1) estimates1.shape # #### Figure 22.5 # In[12]: plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) for outcome in df1.Y.cat.categories: plt.scatter(df1[df1.Y == outcome].X1, df1[df1.Y == outcome].X2, s=100, marker='${}$'.format(outcome)) plt.xlabel('$X_1$') plt.ylabel('$X_2$') plt.title('$\lambda_2 = 3+5x_1+1x_2$ \n $\lambda_3 = 2+1x_1+5x_2$ \n $\lambda_4 = 0+10x_1+3x_2$') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # In[13]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(4,3, figsize=(15,10)); # Plot the posterior distributions for (r,c), ax in np.ndenumerate(axes): pm.plot_posterior(estimates1[:,c,r], point_estimate='mean', color=color, ax=ax) # Setting labels for the outcomes for r, ax in enumerate(axes[:,0]): ax.set_ylabel('Outcome {}'.format(r+1), fontdict=f_dict) # Setting labels for the predictors for ax, title in zip(axes[0,:], ['Beta0 - Intercept', 'Beta - Predictor 1', 'Beta - Predictor 2']): ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict); # ### - Conditional logistic model # #### Data # In[14]: df2 = pd.read_csv('data/CondLogistRegData1.csv', dtype={'Y':'category'}) df2.info() # In[15]: df2.head() # In[16]: # Standardize the data. X = df2[['X1', 'X2']] meanx = X.mean().values scalex = X.std().values zX = ((X-meanx)/scalex).values # #### Model (Kruschke, 2015) # In[17]: Image('images/fig22_2L.png') # In[18]: # Number of categories n_cat = df2.Y.cat.categories.size # Number of dimensions for X zX_dim =zX.shape[1] with pm.Model() as model_cond_log: # priors zbeta0 = pm.Normal('zbeta0', mu=0, tau=1/20**2, shape=n_cat-1) zbeta = pm.Normal('zbeta', mu=0, tau=1/20**2, shape=(zX_dim, n_cat-1)) phi = pm.invlogit(zbeta0 + pm.math.dot(zX, zbeta)) mu0 = phi[:,0] mu1 = phi[:,1] * (1-phi[:,0]) mu2 = phi[:,2] * (1-phi[:,1]) * (1-phi[:,0]) mu3 = (1-phi[:,2]) * (1-phi[:,1]) * (1-phi[:,0]) mu = pm.math.stack([mu0, mu1, mu2, mu3], axis=1) y = pm.Categorical('y', p=mu, observed=df2.Y.cat.codes.values) pm.model_to_graphviz(model_cond_log) # In[19]: with model_cond_log: trace2 = pm.sample(5000, cores=4, nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.95}) # In[20]: pm.traceplot(trace2); # In[21]: # Transform parameters back to original scale zbeta0 = trace2['zbeta0'] zbeta = trace2['zbeta'] beta0 = zbeta0 - np.sum(zbeta*(np.tile(meanx, (n_cat-1,1))/np.tile(scalex, (n_cat-1,1))).T, axis=1) beta = np.divide(zbeta, np.tile(scalex, (n_cat-1,1)).T) print(beta0.shape) print(beta.shape) # In[22]: # Join the two multi-dimensional arrays estimates2 = np.insert(beta, 0, beta0, axis=1) estimates2.shape # #### Figure 22.6 # In[23]: plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) for outcome in df2.Y.cat.categories: plt.scatter(df2[df2.Y == outcome].X1, df2[df2.Y == outcome].X2, s=100, marker='${}$'.format(outcome)) # Take 20 values from the posterior distribution and plot the lines tr_len = len(trace2) n_curves = 20 stepIdxVec = np.arange(500, tr_len, tr_len//n_curves) X1_span = np.linspace(df2.X1.min(), df2.X1.max()) X2_span = np.linspace(df2.X2.min(), df2.X2.max()) # Prepare grid for contour plot xx, yy = np.meshgrid(X1_span, X2_span, indexing='xy') Z0 = np.zeros((X2_span.size,X1_span.size)) Z1 = Z0.copy() Z2 = Z0.copy() # Calculate p based on grid of X1 and X2 for idx in stepIdxVec: for (i,j) in np.ndindex(Z0.shape): Z0[i,j] = expit(estimates2[idx,0,0] + np.dot(estimates2[idx,1,0],xx[i,j]) + estimates2[idx,2,0]*yy[i,j]) Z1[i,j] = expit(estimates2[idx,0,1] + np.dot(estimates2[idx,1,1],xx[i,j]) + estimates2[idx,2,1]*yy[i,j]) Z2[i,j] = expit(estimates2[idx,0,2] + np.dot(estimates2[idx,1,2],xx[i,j]) + estimates2[idx,2,2]*yy[i,j]) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z0, colors=color, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5]) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z1, colors=color, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5]) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z2, colors=color, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5]) plt.xlabel('$X_1$') plt.ylabel('$X_2$') plt.title('$\lambda_{\{1\}|\{1,2,3,4\}}$ \n $\lambda_{\{2\}|\{2,3,4\}}$ \n $\lambda_{\{3\}|\{3,4\}}$') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # In[24]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(15,10)); # Plot the posterior distributions for (r,c), ax in np.ndenumerate(axes): pm.plot_posterior(estimates2[:,c,r], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax) # Setting labels for the outcomes for r, ax in enumerate(axes[:,0]): ax.set_ylabel('Lambda {}'.format(r+1), fontdict=f_dict) # Setting labels for the predictors for ax, title in zip(axes[0,:], ['Beta0 - Intercept', 'Beta - Predictor 1', 'Beta - Predictor 2']): ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict); # #### Model (Kruschke, 2015) # In[25]: Image('images/fig22_2R.png') # In[26]: df3 = pd.read_csv('data/CondLogistRegData2.csv', dtype={'Y':'category'}) df3.info() # In[27]: # Standardize the data X = df3[['X1', 'X2']] meanx = X.mean().values scalex = X.std().values zX = ((X-meanx)/scalex).values # Number of categories n_cat = df3.Y.cat.categories.size # Number of dimensions for X zX_dim =zX.shape[1] with pm.Model() as model_cond_log2: # priors zbeta0 = pm.Normal('zbeta0', mu=0, tau=1/20**2, shape=n_cat-1) zbeta = pm.Normal('zbeta', mu=0, tau=1/20**2, shape=(zX_dim, n_cat-1)) phi = pm.invlogit(zbeta0 + pm.math.dot(zX, zbeta)) mu0 = phi[:,1] * phi[:,0] mu1 = (1-phi[:,1]) * phi[:,0] mu2 = phi[:,2] * (1-phi[:,0]) mu3 = (1-phi[:,2]) * (1-phi[:,0]) mu = pm.math.stack([mu0, mu1, mu2, mu3], axis=1) y = pm.Categorical('y', p=mu, observed=df3.Y.cat.codes.values) pm.model_to_graphviz(model_cond_log2) # In[28]: with model_cond_log2: trace3 = pm.sample(5000, cores=4, nuts_kwargs={'target_accept': 0.95}) # In[29]: pm.traceplot(trace3); # In[30]: # Transform parameters back to original scale zbeta0 = trace3['zbeta0'] zbeta = trace3['zbeta'] beta0 = zbeta0 - np.sum(zbeta*(np.tile(meanx, (n_cat-1,1))/np.tile(scalex, (n_cat-1,1))).T, axis=1) beta = np.divide(zbeta, np.tile(scalex, (n_cat-1,1)).T) print(beta0.shape) print(beta.shape) # In[31]: # Join the two multi-dimensional arrays estimates3 = np.insert(beta, 0, beta0, axis=1) estimates3.shape # #### Figure 22.7 # In[32]: plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) for outcome in df3.Y.cat.categories: plt.scatter(df3[df3.Y == outcome].X1, df3[df3.Y == outcome].X2, s=100, marker='${}$'.format(outcome)) # Take 20 values from the posterior distribution and plot the lines tr_len = len(trace2) n_curves = 20 stepIdxVec = np.arange(500, tr_len, tr_len//n_curves) X1_span = np.linspace(df3.X1.min(), df3.X1.max()) X2_span = np.linspace(df3.X2.min(), df3.X2.max()) # Prepare grid for contour plot xx, yy = np.meshgrid(X1_span, X2_span, indexing='ij') Z0 = np.zeros((X2_span.size,X1_span.size)) Z1 = Z0.copy() Z2 = Z0.copy() # Calculate p based on grid of X1 and X2 for idx in stepIdxVec: for (i,j) in np.ndindex(Z0.shape): Z0[i,j] = expit(estimates3[idx,0,0] + np.dot(estimates3[idx,1,0],xx[i,j]) + estimates3[idx,2,0]*yy[i,j]) Z1[i,j] = expit(estimates3[idx,0,1] + np.dot(estimates3[idx,1,1],xx[i,j]) + estimates3[idx,2,1]*yy[i,j]) Z2[i,j] = expit(estimates3[idx,0,2] + np.dot(estimates3[idx,1,2],xx[i,j]) + estimates3[idx,2,2]*yy[i,j]) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z0, colors=color, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5]) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z1, colors=color, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5]) plt.contour(xx, yy, Z2, colors=color, alpha=0.6, levels=[0.5]) plt.xlabel('$X_1$') plt.ylabel('$X_2$') plt.title('$\lambda_{\{1,2\}|\{1,2,3,4\}}$ \n $\lambda_{\{1\}|\{1,2\}}$ \n $\lambda_{\{3\}|\{3,4\}}$') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal') # In[33]: fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,3, figsize=(15,10)); # Plot the posterior distributions for (r,c), ax in np.ndenumerate(axes): pm.plot_posterior(estimates3[:,c,r], point_estimate='mode', color=color, ax=ax) # Setting labels for the outcomes for r, ax in enumerate(axes[:,0]): ax.set_ylabel('Lambda {}'.format(r+1), fontdict=f_dict) # Setting labels for the predictors for ax, title in zip(axes[0,:], ['Beta0 - Intercept', 'Beta - Predictor 1', 'Beta - Predictor 2']): ax.set_title(title, fontdict=f_dict);