#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ### Getting started ### # # This notebook provides a few examples of working with the IDR data. # Functions can be found in [idr-py](https://github.com/IDR/idr-py/). Feel free # to copy notebooks into the scratch space and edit as necessary. # # **All** changes should be considered temporary. Download a copy of # notebooks and results when your session is complete. # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # In[2]: from IPython.display import display, Image # In[3]: from idr import connection from idr import images_by_phenotype, attributes_by_attributes from idr import simple_colocalisation # In[4]: conn = connection() # In[5]: images = images_by_phenotype(conn, "CMPO_0000077") display(*tuple([Image(img.getThumbnail()) for img in images[100:2500:500]])) # In[6]: simple_colocalisation(images[999]) # In[7]: args = { "name": "Gene Symbol", "value": "cdc14", "ns": "openmicroscopy.org/mapr/gene", "ns2": "openmicroscopy.org/mapr/phenotype", # "name2": "Phenotype Term Accession", # optional } attributes_by_attributes(conn, **args) # ### Disconnect # In[ ]: conn.close()