#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Summary of all harvested series # # **Date harvested: 10 May 2018** # # This notebook displays summary information from all 18 series in the National Archives of Australia that are listed on RecordSearch as including content recorded by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO). # # Item level metadata for all of these series has been harvested from RecordSearch, the National Archive's online database, and saved as CSV-formatted files. # # Just click on one of the series numbers in the table below for more detailed information, some simple visualisations, and a link to the CSV file. # In[32]: from IPython.core.display import display, HTML import series_details import plotly.offline as py py.init_notebook_mode() # In[15]: series_list = ['A6119', 'A6122', 'A6126', 'A9626', 'A6335', 'B2836', 'A8703', 'A13828', 'A6281', 'A6285', 'A6283', 'A6282', 'A9106', 'A9108', 'A9105', 'A12694', 'D1902', 'D1915'] # In[16]: df = series_details.make_df_all(series_list) # In[17]: series_details.display_summary_all(df) # ## Summary by series # In[18]: series_details.display_series_all(df) # ## Contents dates # In[33]: fig = series_details.plot_all_dates(series_list) py.iplot(fig) # ## Access Status # In[35]: plot_data = series_details.plot_all_access_statuses(df) py.iplot(plot_data) # In[ ]: