#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Explore places associated with collection objects # # In this notebook we'll explore the spatial dimensions of the `object` data. Where were objects created or collected? To do that we'll extract the nested spatial data, see what's there, and create a few maps. # # [See here](exploring_object_records.ipynb) for an introduction to the `object` data, and [here to explore objects over time](explore_collection_object_over_time.ipynb). # # If you haven't already, you'll either need to [harvest the `object` data](harvest_records.ipynb), or [unzip a pre-harvested dataset](unzip_preharvested_data.ipynb). #

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# ## Import what we need # In[1]: import pandas as pd from ipyleaflet import Map, Marker, Popup, MarkerCluster, basemap_to_tiles, CircleMarker import ipywidgets as widgets from tinydb import TinyDB, Query import reverse_geocode from pandas import json_normalize import altair as alt from IPython.display import display, HTML, FileLink from vega_datasets import data as vega_data import country_converter as coco # ## Load the harvested data # In[2]: # Get the JSON data from the local db db = TinyDB('nma_object_db.json') records = db.all() Object = Query() # In[3]: # Convert to a dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(records) # ## How many different places are referred to in object records? # # Places are linked to object records through the `spatial` field. One object record can be linked to multiple places. Let's get a list of all the places linked to object records. # # First we'll use `json_normalize()` to extract the nested lists in the `spatial` field, creating one row for every linked place. # In[4]: df_places = json_normalize(df.loc[df['spatial'].notnull()].to_dict('records'), record_path='spatial', meta=['id'], record_prefix='spatial_') df_places.head() # This list will include many duplicates as more than one object will be linked to a particular place. Let's drop duplicates based on the `spatial_id` and count how many there are. # In[5]: df_places.drop_duplicates(subset=['spatial_id']).shape[0] # Let's put the places on a map. First, we'll filter the records to show only those that have geo-coordinates, and then remove the duplicates as before. # In[6]: df_places_with_geo = df_places.loc[df_places['spatial_geo'].notnull()].drop_duplicates(subset=['spatial_id']) # You might have noticed that the `spatial_geo` field contains the latitude and longitude, separated by a comma. Let's split the coordinates into separate columns. # In[7]: df_places_with_geo[['lat', 'lon']] = df_places_with_geo['spatial_geo'].str.split(',', expand=True) df_places_with_geo.head() # Ok, let's make a map! # In[8]: # This loads the country boundaries data countries = alt.topo_feature(vega_data.world_110m.url, feature='countries') # First we'll create the world map using the boundaries background = alt.Chart(countries).mark_geoshape( fill='lightgray', stroke='white' ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700) # Then we'll plot the positions of places using circles points = alt.Chart(df_places_with_geo).mark_circle( # Style the circles size=10, color='steelblue' ).encode( # Provide the coordinates longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # More info on hover tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place')] ).properties(width=700) # Finally we layer the plotted points on top of the backgroup map alt.layer(background, points) # ## What's missing? # # In order to put the places on a map, we filtered out places that didn't have geo-coordinates. But how many of the linked places have coordinates? # In[9]: '{:.2%} of linked places have geo-coordinates'.format(df_places_with_geo.shape[0] / df_places.drop_duplicates(subset=['spatial_id']).shape[0]) # Hmmm, so a majority of linked places are actually missing from our map. Let's dig a bit deeper into the `spatial` records to see if we can work out why there are only geo-coordinates for some records. # ## Relationships to places # # The relationships between places and objects are described in the `spatial_roleName` column. Let's see what's in there. # In[10]: df_places['spatial_roleName'].value_counts() # As you can see there's quite a few variations in format and capitalisation which makes it hard to aggregate. Fortunately the NMA has already applied some normalisation, grouping together all of the relationships that relate to creation or production. These are identified by the value 'Production' in the `interactionType` field. Let's see which of the `roleName` values are aggregated by `interactionType`. # In[11]: df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production')]['spatial_roleName'].value_counts() # How many of the places relate to production? # In[12]: df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production')].shape[0] # Looking at the numbers above, you might think that the counts by `roleName` don't seem to add up to the total number with `interactionType` set to 'Production'. Let's check by finding the number of 'Production' records that have no `roleName`. # In[13]: df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production') & (df_places['spatial_roleName'].isnull())].shape[0] # So, quite a lot of the places with a 'Production' relationship have no `roleName`. Let's look at a few. # In[14]: df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production') & (df_places['spatial_roleName'].isnull())].head() # Hmmm, that seems rather odd, but it shouldn't affect us too much. It just makes you wonder how those 'Production' values were set. # ## Created vs Collected # # So according to the data above, it seems we have two major ways of categorising the relationships between places and objects. We can filter the `roleName` field by 'Place collected', or we can filter `interactionType` by 'Production'. Is there any overlap between these two groups? # In[15]: # How many records have both an interactionType equal to 'Production' and a roleName equal to 'Place collected'? df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production') & (df_places['spatial_roleName'] == 'Place collected')].shape[0] # Nope, no overlap. These two groups don't capture all of the place relationships, but they do represent distinct types of relationships and are roughly equal in size. But before we start making more maps, let's see how many places in each group have geo-coordinates. # # First the 'created' places: # In[16]: created_count = df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production')].shape[0] created_geo_count = df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production') & (df_places['spatial_geo'].notnull())].shape[0] print('{} of {} places ({:.2%}) with a "created" relationship have coordinates'.format(created_geo_count, created_count, created_geo_count / created_count)) # Now the 'collected' places: # In[17]: collected_count = df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_roleName'] == 'Place collected')].shape[0] collected_geo_count = df_places.loc[(df_places['spatial_roleName'] == 'Place collected') & (df_places['spatial_geo'].notnull())].shape[0] print('{} of {} places ({:.2%}) with a "collected" relationship have coordinates'.format(collected_geo_count, collected_count, collected_geo_count / collected_count)) # Ok... So in answer to our question above about what's missing, it seems that only places with a 'created' relationship have geo-coordinates. Let's see if we can fix that so we can map both 'created' and 'collected' records. # ## Enriching the place data # # As well as the place data that's embedded in object records, the NMA provides access to all of the place records in its system. These [can be harvested](harvest_records.ipynb) from the `/place` endpoint. Assuming that you've harvested all the place records, we can now use them to enrich the object records. # # First we'll load all the places records. # In[18]: db_places = TinyDB('nma_place_db.json') place_records = db_places.all() df_all_places = pd.DataFrame(place_records) # We're going to merge the place records with the object records, but before we do that, let's see if we can add information about country to the records. # # The `spatial_title` field is a string that often (but not always) includes the country as well as the place name. But it doesn't seem like a reliable way of identifying countries. An alternative is to use the geo-coordinates. Through a process known as reverse-geocoding, we can lookup the country that contains a set of coordinates. To do this we're going to use the [reverse-geocode package](https://pypi.org/project/reverse-geocode/). # In[23]: def find_country(row): ''' Use reverse-geocode to get country details for a set of coordinates. ''' try: coords = tuple([float(c) for c in row['geo'].split(',')]), location = reverse_geocode.search(coords) country = [location[0]['country_code'], location[0]['country']] except AttributeError: country = [] return pd.Series(country, dtype='object') df_all_places[['country_code', 'country']] = df_all_places.apply(find_country, axis=1) # Did it work? Let's look at the `country` values. # In[24]: df_all_places['country'].value_counts() # Now it's time to merge the place data we extracted from the object records, with the complete set of place records. By linking records using the place `id`, we can append the information from the place records to the object records. # In[25]: # Merging on the place id in each dataframe -- in the objects data it's 'spatial_id', in the places it's just 'id' df_places_merged = pd.merge(df_places, df_all_places, how='left', left_on='spatial_id', right_on='id') df_places_merged.head() # The point of this was to try and get geo-cordinates for more of the places in the object records. Let's see if it worked by repeating our check on 'collected' places. Note that the appended field is `geo` rather than `spatial_geo`. # In[26]: collected_count = df_places_merged.loc[(df_places_merged['spatial_roleName'] == 'Place collected')].shape[0] collected_geo_count = df_places_merged.loc[(df_places_merged['spatial_roleName'] == 'Place collected') & (df_places_merged['geo'].notnull())].shape[0] print('{} of {} places ({:.2%}) with a "collected" relationship have coordinates'.format(collected_geo_count, collected_count, collected_geo_count / collected_count)) # Huzzah! Now we have geo-coordinates for almost all of the 'collected' places. Let's split the `geo` field into lats and lons as before. # In[27]: df_places_merged[['lat', 'lon']] = df_places_merged['geo'].str.split(',', expand=True) # ## Objects by country # # Now that we have a `country_code` column we can use it to filter our data. For example, let's look at places where objects were created in Australia. # # First we'll filter our data by `interactionType` and `country_code`. # In[28]: df_created_aus = df_places_merged.loc[(df_places_merged['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production') & (df_places_merged['country_code'] == 'AU')] # In[31]: df_created_aus[['spatial_title', 'lat', 'lon']].drop_duplicates() # Now we can create a map. Note that we're changing the map layer in this chart to use just Australian boundaries, not the world. # In[32]: # remove duplicate places places = df_created_aus[['spatial_title', 'lat', 'lon']].drop_duplicates() # Load Australian boundaries australia = alt.topo_feature('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GLAM-Workbench/trove-newspapers/master/data/aus_state.geojson', feature='features') # Create the map of Australia using the boundaries aus_background = alt.Chart(australia).mark_geoshape( # Style the map fill='lightgray', stroke='white' ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700) # Plot the places points = alt.Chart(places).mark_circle( # Style circle markers size=10, color='steelblue' ).encode( # Set position of each place using lat and lon longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # More details on hover tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place'), 'lat', 'lon'] ).properties(width=700) # Combine map and points alt.layer(aus_background, points) # Hmmm, what's with all that white space at the bottom? If you look closely, you'll see one blue dot right at the bottom of the chart. It's Commonwealth Bay in the Australian Antarctic Territory – technically part of Australia, but perhaps not what we expected. If we want our map centred on the Australian continent, we can filter out points with a latitude of less than -50. # # Pandas is fussy about comparing different types of things, so let's make sure it knows that the `lat` field contains floats. # In[35]: df_places_merged['lat'] = df_places_merged['lat'].astype('float') # Now we can filter the data. # In[36]: df_created_aus = df_places_merged.loc[(df_places_merged['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production') & (df_places_merged['country_code'] == 'AU') & (df_places_merged['lat'] > -50)] # And update our chart. # In[37]: # Remove duplicate places places = df_created_aus[['spatial_title', 'lat', 'lon']].drop_duplicates() # Plot the places points = alt.Chart(places).mark_circle( # Style circle markers size=10, color='steelblue' ).encode( # Set position of each place using lat and lon longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # More details on hover tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place'), 'lat', 'lon'] ).properties(width=700) # Combine map and points alt.layer(aus_background, points) # ## Created vs Collected – second try # # Now we have locations for the 'collected' records we can put both 'created' and 'collected' on a map. # # To make things a bit easier, let's create a new column which will indicate if the place relationship is either 'collected' or 'created'. # In[38]: def add_place_status(row): ''' Determine relationship between object and place. ''' if row['spatial_interactionType'] == 'Production': status = 'created' elif str(row['spatial_roleName']).lower() == 'place collected': status = 'collected' else: status = None return status # Add a new column to the dataframe showing the relationship between place and object df_places_merged['place_relation'] = df_places_merged.apply(add_place_status, axis=1) # We'll also filter out places without coordinates. # In[39]: df_places_merged_with_geo = df_places_merged.loc[(df_places_merged['geo'].notnull()) & (df_places_merged['place_relation'].notnull())] # And remove duplicates, based on both `spatial_id` and the new `place_relation` field. # In[40]: df_places_merged_with_geo = df_places_merged_with_geo.copy().drop_duplicates(subset=['spatial_id', 'place_relation']) # In[41]: background = alt.Chart(countries).mark_geoshape( fill='lightgray', stroke='white' ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700) # Plot the places points = alt.Chart(df_places_merged_with_geo).mark_circle( size=10, ).encode( # Plot places by lat and lon longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # Details on hover tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place')], # Color will show whether 'collected' or 'created' color=alt.Color('place_relation:N', legend=alt.Legend(title='Relationship to place')) ).properties(width=700) # Combine map and points alt.layer(background, points) # ## Number of objects associated with places # # So far we've only looked at the places themselves, but we can also find out how many objects are associated with each place. To do this, we'll create separate dataframes for our 'created' and 'collected' places, then we'll group them by place and count the number of grouped objects. # # First we'll filter out places without coordinates or place relations. # In[42]: # Filter places df_created_collected = df_places_merged.loc[(df_places_merged['geo'].notnull()) & (df_places_merged['place_relation'].notnull())] # In[43]: # New df with created places df_created = df_created_collected.loc[df_created_collected['place_relation'] == 'created'] # Group created places by place fields -- count the number of grouped records, then convert the results to a new dataframe df_created_groups = df_created.groupby(by=['spatial_id', 'spatial_title', 'place_relation', 'lat', 'lon'])['id_x'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'id_x': 'count'}, axis=1) # New df with collected places df_collected = df_created_collected.loc[df_created_collected['place_relation'] == 'collected'] # Group collected places by place fields -- count the number of grouped records, then convert the results to a new dataframe df_collected_groups = df_collected.groupby(by=['spatial_id', 'spatial_title', 'place_relation', 'lat', 'lon'])['id_x'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'id_x': 'count'}, axis=1) # Now we have new dataframes with counts by place and relationship, let's peek inside one. # In[44]: df_created_groups.head() # Now we can map the results! In this case we'll create two maps, but display them combined with a single legend. # In[45]: # Create the world map background = alt.Chart(countries).mark_geoshape( fill='lightgray', stroke='white' ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700) # First we'll plot the created places points = alt.Chart(df_created_groups).mark_circle().encode( # Position the circles longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # Hover for more details tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('count:Q', title='Number of objects'), alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place')], # Color shows the relationship types color=alt.Color('place_relation:N', title='Relationship to place'), # The size of the circles is determined by the number of objects size=alt.Size('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(range=[0, 1000]), legend=alt.Legend(title='Number of objects') ) ).properties(width=700) # Create a map by combining the background map and the points created = alt.layer(background, points) # Now we'll plot the collected places points = alt.Chart(df_collected_groups).mark_circle().encode( # Position the circles longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # Hover for more details tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('count:Q', title='Number of objects'), alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place')], # Color shows the relationship types color=alt.Color('place_relation:N', title='Relationship to place'), # The size of the circles is determined by the number of objects size=alt.Size('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(range=[0, 1000]), legend=alt.Legend(title='Number of objects') ) ).properties(width=700) # Create a map by combining the background map and the points collected = alt.layer(background, points) # Display the two maps together with a single legend. created & collected # Why were 243 objects collected in Namibia? # ## Focus on Australia # # As we did above we can zoom in on Australia by using the `country_code` to filter the data. As before, we then group by place and count the number of objects in each group. # In[46]: # Filter by created places and limit country to AU df_created_aus = df_created_collected.loc[(df_created_collected['place_relation'] == 'created') & (df_created_collected['country_code'] == 'AU')& (df_created_collected['lat'] > -50)] # Group created places by place fields -- count the number of grouped records, then convert the results to a new dataframe df_created_aus_groups = df_created_aus.groupby(by=['spatial_id', 'spatial_title', 'place_relation', 'lat', 'lon'])['id_x'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'id_x': 'count'}, axis=1) # Filter by collected places and limit country to AU df_collected_aus = df_created_collected.loc[(df_created_collected['place_relation'] == 'collected') & (df_created_collected['country_code'] == 'AU') & (df_created_collected['lat'] > -50)] # Group collected places by place fields -- count the number of grouped records, then convert the results to a new dataframe df_collected_aus_groups = df_collected_aus.groupby(by=['spatial_id', 'spatial_title', 'place_relation', 'lat', 'lon'])['id_x'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'id_x': 'count'}, axis=1) # Now we can map the results! As above, we'll create two maps, but display them combined with a single legend. # In[47]: # Make map of Australia aus_background = alt.Chart(australia).mark_geoshape( fill='lightgray', stroke='white' ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700) # Plot points for created places points = alt.Chart(df_created_aus_groups).mark_circle().encode( # Postion the markers longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # More detail on hover tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('count:Q', title='Number of objects'), alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place')], # Color determined by relationship type color=alt.Color('place_relation:N', title='Relationship to place'), # Size determined by the number of objects size=alt.Size('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(range=[0, 1000]), legend=alt.Legend(title='Number of objects') ) ).properties(width=700) # Create a map by combining background and points created_aus = alt.layer(aus_background, points) # Plot points for collected places points = alt.Chart(df_collected_aus_groups).mark_circle().encode( # Postion the markers longitude='lon:Q', latitude='lat:Q', # More detail on hover tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('count:Q', title='Number of objects'), alt.Tooltip('spatial_title', title='Place')], # Color determined by relationship type color=alt.Color('place_relation:N', title='Relationship to place'), # Size determined by the number of objects size=alt.Size('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(range=[0, 1000]), legend=alt.Legend(title='Number of objects') ) ).properties(width=700) # Create a map by combining background and points collected_aus = alt.layer(aus_background, points) # Display the two maps together with a single legend. created_aus & collected_aus # ## Number of objects by country # # Finally let's look at the number of objects created/collected in each country. In this case we'll group by `country_code` rather than place `id`. Note that because the world boundaries use ISO numeric ids for countries, we have to use [country_converter](https://pypi.org/project/country_converter/) to get the numeric id for each country code and add it to our dataframe. We'll use this field to link the data and the map. # In[48]: # Group created places by country and count the results df_created_country_groups = df_created.groupby(by=['country_code', 'country'])['id_x'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'id_x': 'count'}, axis=1) # Create a new field and add the numeric version of the country code using country_converter df_created_country_groups['numeric'] = df_created_country_groups['country_code'].apply(lambda x: coco.convert(x, to='ISOnumeric')) # Group collected places by country and count the results df_collected_country_groups = df_collected.groupby(by=['country_code', 'country'])['id_x'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'id_x': 'count'}, axis=1) # Create a new field and add the numeric version of the country code using country_converter df_collected_country_groups['numeric'] = df_collected_country_groups['country_code'].apply(lambda x: coco.convert(x, to='ISOnumeric')) # Now we'll create the choropleth maps. these are a little more complicated as we need to link the country boundaries with the counts of objects. # In[49]: # We'll use the world map as a background to the choropleth, otherwise countries with no objects will be invisible! background = alt.Chart(countries).mark_geoshape( fill='lightgray', stroke='white' ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700) # Chart the created numbers by country - once again we use the world boundaries to define countries choro = alt.Chart(countries).mark_geoshape( stroke='white' ).encode( # Color is determined by the number of objects color=alt.Color('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(scheme='greenblue'), legend=alt.Legend(title='Number of objects')), # Hover for details tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('country:N', title='Country'), alt.Tooltip('count:Q', title='Number of objects')] # This is the critical section that links the map to the object data ).transform_lookup( # This is the field that contains the country ids in the boundaries file lookup='id', # This is where we link the dataframe with the counts by country # The numeric field is the country identifier and will be used to connect data with country # We can also need the count and country fields from_=alt.LookupData(df_created_country_groups, 'numeric', ['count', 'country']) ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700, title='Countries where objects were created') # Create the map by combining the background and the choropleth created_choro = alt.layer(background, choro) # Chart the collected numbers by country - once again we use the world boundaries to define countries choro = alt.Chart(countries).mark_geoshape( stroke='white' ).encode( # Color is determined by the number of objects color=alt.Color('count:Q', scale=alt.Scale(scheme='greenblue'), legend=alt.Legend(title='Number of objects')), # Hover for details tooltip=[alt.Tooltip('country:N', title='Country'), alt.Tooltip('count:Q', title='Number of objects')] # This is the critical section that links the map to the object data ).transform_lookup( # This is the field that contains the country ids in the boundaries file lookup='id', # This is where we link the dataframe with the counts by country # The numeric field is the country identifier and will be used to connect data with country # We can also need the count and country fields from_=alt.LookupData(df_collected_country_groups, 'numeric', ['count', 'country']) ).project('equirectangular').properties(width=700, title='Countries where objects were collected') # Create the map by combining the background and the choropleth collected_choro = alt.layer(background, choro) # Combine the two maps for display created_choro & collected_choro # ## Save counts by country as a CSV file # # It might be handy to have a CSV file that shows the count of objects by relationship type and country. Let's combine the two dataframes, clean things up, and save. # In[50]: # Merge the collected and created country data, linking on country df_countries = pd.merge(df_created_country_groups, df_collected_country_groups, on=['country_code', 'country', 'numeric'], how='outer') # Rename columns and fill null values with zeros df_countries = df_countries.rename({'count_x': 'number_created', 'count_y': 'number_collected'}, axis=1).fillna(0) # Convert count fields from floats to ints df_countries[['number_created', 'number_collected']] = df_countries[['number_created', 'number_collected']].astype(int) # Save to CSV df_countries[['country_code', 'country', 'number_created', 'number_collected']].to_csv('nma_object_numbers_by_country.csv', index=False) display(FileLink('nma_object_numbers_by_country.csv')) # ---- # # Created by [Tim Sherratt](https://timsherratt.org/) for the [GLAM Workbench](https://glam-workbench.github.io/). # # Work on this notebook was supported by the [Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Data Enhanced Virtual Lab](https://tinker.edu.au/).