#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Tutorial for Box-X

# Tool-box for Efficient Build and Debug in Python. Especially for Scientific Computing and Computer Vision. #
# # ---- # We use [Binder](https://mybinder.org) to run this notebooks in an executable interactive online environment. That mean you can **run those cells rightnow** in your browser without download repository. # # # This tutorial is divided into 2 parts by wether the tool is general: # 1. [**General Python Tool**](#1.-General-Python-Tool). The tools could be used anywhere in Python # 2. [**Scientific Computing and Computer Vision Tool**](#2.-Scientific-Computing-and-Computer-Vision-Tool). Those tools only be useful in Scientific Computing and Computer Vision field # # # *P.S. This notebook compatible with Python 2/3* #


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Table of Contents

# # # ## 1. General Python Tool # ### ▶ `p` is a better way to do `print` # ---- # #### 1. `p/x` will `print(x)` and return `x` # In[1]: from boxx import p s = 'p/x will print(x) and return x' p/s # In[2]: from boxx import p from random import randint s = 'ABCD' print('the output of randint(0, 3) is :') sample = s[p/randint(0, 3)] sample # As you see, `p/x` is easy to print value in expression while debugging. # # 💡 **Note:** # # `p/randint(0, 3)` print the value of `randint(0, 3)` and return the value itself, which won't influences the program. # # --- # ↓ Use pow operator for highest evaluation order. # In[ ]: # try run this cell online from boxx import p from random import randint tenx = 10 * p**randint(0,9) tenx # #### 2. `p()` to pretty print all variables in function or module with thier name # In[3]: from boxx import p def f(arg=517): l = [1, 2] p() f() # `p()` will pretty print all variables in `locals()` and some infomation about the frame. # # BTW, `import boxx.p` has the same effect. # #### 3. `with p:` will pretty print mulit variables under "with statement" # Only interested variables are printed which is under "with statement" # In[4]: from boxx import p from random import randint def f(): other_vars = "No need to pay attention" with p: a = randint(1, 9) l = [a, a*2] others = "No need to pay attention" f() # ### ▶ `g` and `gg` could transport variable to Python interactive console # ---- # #### 1. Use `g.name=x` or `g.name/x` to transport variable that in function or module to console. # The meaning of `g`,`gg` are "to Global", "to Global and log" # In[5]: from boxx import g def f(): listt = [1,2] g.l = listt # `listt` is transported to console as `l` f() l # `g.l = listt` create new var `l` In Python interactive console and transport `listt` assign to `l`. # # 💡 **Note:** if variable name exists in console before, the variable's value will be covered by new value. # # --- # `gg` is same usage as `g`, but `gg` will print the transported variable. # Use `g.name/x` to convenient transport value in expression. # In[6]: from boxx import g, gg def f(): listt = [1,2] gg.l = listt return g.by_div/listt listt = f() # l, by_div are transported to console (listt, l, by_div, l is listt, by_div is listt) # 💡 **Note:** # * In Python interactive console, variable `l`, `by_div` are created. # # * All of they are `listt` has the same `id`. # #### 2. `g()` to transport all variables that in the function to Python interactive console # `g()` in a function ,can transport all variables that in the function (or module) to console. It's a useful tool for debugging. # In[7]: from boxx import g def f(arg=517): l = [1, 2] g() f() # transport all variables in function to console arg, l # 💡 **Note:** # # * `g()` only transport the `locals()` to console, the `globals()` will save to `boxx.p` # # * `gg()` is a print version of `g`, `gg()` will pretty print all variable with thier name and some infomation about the frame. # # * `import boxx.g` is convenient way to use `g()` instead of `from boxx import g;g()`(`import boxx.gg` is avaliable too) # In[ ]: # try run this cell online def f(arg): a = 2 import boxx.gg inp = [5 ,1 , 7] f(inp) # gg will pretty print all variables in f # and `a` and `arg` are transported to console a, arg, arg is inp # #### 3. `with g:` will transport mulit variables under "with statement" # `with g` will transport the interested variables to Python interactive console under "with statement"(`with gg:` is avaliable too) # In[8]: from boxx import g from random import randint def f(): other_vars = "No need to pay attention" with g: # only transport a, l a = randint(1, 9) l = [a, a*2] others = "No need to pay attention" f() print('In console:',a , l, 'others' in locals()) # 💡 **Note:** # # 1 . `with p`, `with g`, `with gg` only act on assignment variables under "with statement". # # 2 . If variable's name exists in `locals()` before and `id(variable)` not change ,variable may not be detected # Especially following cases: # 1. var is int and < 256 # 2. `id(var)` not change # ### ▶ Summary for debug tools # --- # #

# boxx debug tool matrix #

# # | How many vars \ Operation | print | transport | print & transport | # | :---- | :---- | :---- | :---- | # | Single variable | `p/x` | `g.name/x` | `gg.name/x`| # |Multi variables | `with p:` | `with g:` | `with gg:` | # |All `locals()`| `p()` | `g()` | `gg()` | # |All `locals()`\_2 | `import boxx.p` | `import boxx.g` | `import boxx.gg` | # # 💡 **Note:** # * **transport** mean "transport variable to Python interactive console" # * **All `locals()`** mean operation will act on all variables in the function or module # * **All `locals()`\_2 :** when `boxx` are not imported, `import boxx.{operation}` is a convenient way to execution operation # ### ▶ `timeit` is convenient timing tool # In[9]: from boxx import timeit from time import sleep with timeit(): sleep(0.01) # simulation timing code with timeit(name='sleep'): sleep(0.1) # simulation timing code # `timeit` will timing code block under "with statement" and print spend time in blue color. # ### ▶ `mapmt` is Multi Threading version of `map` # `mapmt` is the meaning of "MAP for Multi Threading", has almost same usage as `map` # In[10]: from boxx import mapmt, timeit from time import sleep def io_block(x): # simulation io block sleep(0.1) return x xs = range(10) with timeit('map'): resoult_1 = list(map(io_block, xs)) with timeit('mapmt'): resoult_2 = mapmt(io_block, xs, pool=10) # pool=10 mean 10 threadings resoult_1 == resoult_2 # ### ▶ `mapmp` is Multi Process version of `map` # `mapmp` is the meaning of "MAP for Multi Process", has the same usage as `map` and `mapmt` but faster. # In[11]: from boxx import mapmp, timeit def bad_fibonacci(x): # simulation Complex calculations return x<=1 or x*bad_fibonacci(x-1) xs = [800]*10000 if __name__ == '__main__': with timeit('map'): resoult_1 = list(map(bad_fibonacci, xs)) with timeit('mapmp'): resoult_2 = mapmp(bad_fibonacci, xs) resoult_1 == resoult_2 # the time printed below is run on a Intel i5 CPU on Ubuntu # 💡 **Note:** # # `mapmp` and `mapmt` has same usage, they both support two parameters # # **pool** : int, default None # > the number of Process or Threading, the default is the number of CPUs in the system # # **printfreq** : int or float, default None # > the meaning of `print frequent`, auto print program progress in `mapmt` and `mapmp` # > if `printfreq < 1` then `printfreq = len(iterables[0])*printfreq` # # * It's better to run multi process under `if __name__ == '__main__':`, [see multiprocessing programming guidelines](https://docs.python.org/3/library/multiprocessing.html#multiprocessing-programming) # # * `multiprocessing` may not work on Windows # # --- # # In multi process programs, display processing progress is troublesome. # **printfreq** parameter in `mapmp` can handle this problem # In[ ]: # try run this cell from boxx import mapmp from operator import add xs = list(range(100)) double_xs = mapmp(add, xs, xs, pool=2, printfreq=.2) double_xs # ### ▶ `x_` to quick build function without `lambda x:` # In[12]: from boxx import x_ f = x_**2 f(1), f(2), f(3) # `x_` often used with map, reduce, filter # In[ ]: # try run this cell xs = range(5) powx = map(x_**x_, xs, xs) list(powx) # ### ▶ `mf` to quick add magic method to function # `mf` is the meaning of "Magic Method", to wrap the function that often used while debugging. # In[13]: from boxx import mf l = mf(list) tuplee = (5, 1, 7) print('- :', l-tuplee) print('* :', l*tuplee) print('**:', l**tuplee) print('/ :', l/tuplee) # 💡 **Note:** # # * when `-`, `*`, `**` as magic method: do `f(x)` and return `f(x)` # # * when `/` as magic metho: do `f(x)` but return `x` # # * **Functions that wraps by `mf` in `boxx`**: `stdout`, `log`, `logc`, `printt`, `pblue`, `pred`, `pdanger`, `perr`, `pinfo`, `typestr`, `getfathers`, `getfather`, `nextiter`, `mf`, `plot`, `show`, `showb`, `shows`, `loga`, `tree`, `treem`, `treea`, `dira`, `what`, `wtf`, `tprgb`, `torgb`, `normalizing`, `norma`, `npa`, `histEqualize`, `boolToIndex` # ### ▶ `tree` to visualization complex struct in tree format # In[14]: from boxx import tree complex_struct = dict(key=[0, 'str', ('in_tuple', None)], tree=tree) tree(complex_struct) # Like `tree` command in shell, `boxx.tree` could visualization any struct in tree format. # # Support types include `list`, `tuple`, `dict`, `numpy`, `torch.tensor`, `mxnet.ndarray`, `PIL.Image`.etc # ### ▶ `dira(x)` to show `x`'s all attribute # `dira(x)` is the meaning of "dir Attribute". # In[15]: from boxx import dira dira(LookupError) # `dira(x)` will pretty print `x`'s all attribute in tree format. # And `dira(x)` will print `x`'s Father Classes too. # ### ▶ `what` to know "What's this?" # In[16]: from boxx import what from boxx import ylsys what(ylsys) # `what(x)` will show "what is `x`?" by pretty print it's **Document**, **Father Classes**, **Inner Struct** and **Attributes**. It is a supplement of `help(x)` # # 💡 **Note:** # # `boxx.what` is a useful tool when learn a new module or package.It reduce the time to check the API document. # # `wtf` is the short of `what`, use `wtf-x` for convenience. # In[ ]: # try run this cell from collections import defaultdict from boxx import wtf ddict = defaultdict(lambda x:'boxx', Starman='Bowie') wtf-ddict # ### ▶ `logc` to pretty print expression by show every variable's value in expression # `logc` is the meaning of "Log Code" # In[17]: from random import random from boxx import logc a = random() b = random() logc("mean = (a + b) / 2", exe=True) # exe=True mean exec(code) # ### ▶ `heatmap` to show the time heat map of your code # In[18]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from boxx import heatmap heatmap('./yllab.py') # `heatmap` also support python code string. # In[19]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from boxx import heatmap code = ''' def bad_fibonacci(x): # simulation Complex calculations if x<=1 : return 1 return x*bad_fibonacci(x-1) bad_fibonacci(3) ''' heatmap(code) # ### ▶ `performance` could statistic function calls and visualize code performance # In[ ]: from boxx import performance performance('./yllab.py') # broswer will open a web page to visualization code perfomance if possible # 💡 **Note:** if you are runing this Notebook on [Binder](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/DIYer22/boxx/master?filepath=tutorial_for_boxx.ipynb), Browser won't open the web page. Please see demo here [performance demo.gif](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DIYer22/boxx/master/other/gif/performance.gif) # # --- # # `performance` also support python code string. # In[ ]: code = ''' def bad_fibonacci(x): # simulation Complex calculations if x<=1 : return 1 return x*bad_fibonacci(x-1) bad_fibonacci(5) ''' performance(code) # broswer will open a web page to visualization code perfomance if possible # ### ▶ `dicto` is a convenient version of `dict` # `dicto` is the meaning of "dict that like Object" # In[20]: from boxx import dicto d = {'a':22} dd = dicto(d) print(dd.a) dd.b = 517 dd # 💡 **Note:** `dicto` is sub-class of `dict` that is easy to use, allows to get and set `dict` values as attributes. # # BTW, `boxx.cf` is a `dicto` instance that could save your global config, and it could be used at all your `.py` files by `from boxx import cf` # ### ▶ `ll` is a convenient tool for `list` # `ll` is the meaning of "List tooL" # In[21]: from boxx import ll print(ll * 5) # instead of list(range(5)) print(ll/zip([0, 1])) # quick way to do `list(x)` when x iterable ll # BTW, ll self is a list # ### ▶ `sysi` include many infomation about operating environment # In[22]: from boxx import dira, sysi dira(sysi, pattern='^[^_]') # Use `sysi.cpun`, `sysi.user`, `sysi.host` to let code know wether the environment is local or remote. # ## 2. Scientific Computing and Computer Vision Tool # # The tools introduced in [**General Python Tool**](#1.-General-Python-Tool) are also useful in Scientific Computing and Computer Vision(SC&CV) field. # # In this section we will introduce tools that only uesed in SC&CV field. # # BTW. Those tools support many array-like types include `numpy`, `torch.tensor`, `mxnet.ndarray`, `PIL.Image`.etc # ### ▶ `loga` for visualization matrix and tensor # `loga` is the meaning of "log array" # In[23]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import numpy as np array = np.random.normal(size=(5,3, 244, 244)) from boxx import loga loga(array) # 💡 **Note:** # # * `loga` analysis the `numpy.ndarray` by it's shape, max, min, mean, and distribute. # # * `loga` support other array-like types include list, `numpy`, `torch.tensor`, `mxnet.ndarray`, `PIL.Image`.etc # # * `loga` will tell you how many `nan`, `inf` in the array if array include `nan`, `inf`: # In[24]: array[...,:10] = np.inf array[...,-10:] = -np.inf array[...,:10,:] = np.nan loga(array) # ### ▶ `tree` to visualization complex struct for Scientific Computing # In[25]: # prepare images import numpy as np from skimage.io import imread image_path = 'test/imgForTest/img.jpg' ground_truth_path = 'test/imgForTest/gt_seg.png' Lenna = imread('test/imgForTest/Lenna.jpg') image = imread(image_path) ground_truth = imread(ground_truth_path) # complex struct batch = dict( path=(image_path, ground_truth_path), img=image, gt=ground_truth, listt=[ np.append(image, ground_truth[..., None], -1), np.array([Lenna, Lenna]), ], ) from boxx import tree print('visualization the struct:') tree(batch) # Like `tree` command in shell, `boxx.tree` could visualization complex struct (like `a batch of data`) in tree format. # 💡 **Note:** # # * Support types include `list`, `tuple`, `dict`, `numpy`, `torch.tensor`, `mxnet.ndarray`, `PIL.Image`.etc # # * Support sample a batch from `torch.Dataset`, `torch.DataLoader`. then visualization the batch's struct. # ### ▶ `show` is easy to do `imshow`, even images are in complex struct # In[26]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from skimage.io import imread Lenna = imread('test/imgForTest/Lenna.jpg') from boxx import show show(Lenna) # ↓ `show` could find every image in complex struct and `plt.imshow` they. # In[27]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # prepare images import numpy as np from skimage.io import imread image_path = 'test/imgForTest/img.jpg' ground_truth_path = 'test/imgForTest/gt_seg.png' Lenna = imread('test/imgForTest/Lenna.jpg') image = imread(image_path) ground_truth = imread(ground_truth_path) # complex struct batch = dict( path=(image_path, ground_truth_path), img=image, gt=ground_truth, listt=[ np.append(image, ground_truth[..., None], -1), np.array([Lenna, Lenna]), ], ) from boxx import show, tree print('the struct of batch:') tree(batch) print('show all images in batch:') show(batch) # 💡 **Note:** # # * Support image types include `numpy`, `torch.tensor`, `mxnet.ndarray`, `PIL.Image`.etc # # * And Support sample a batch from `torch.Dataset`, `torch.DataLoader`, then `plt.imshow` the batch. # ### ▶ `npa` transform other array-like object to numpy in one way # `npa` is the meaning of "numpy.array", use magic method to quick transform other numpy like object to numpy, suport `torch.tensor`, `mxnet.ndarray`, `PIL.Image`, `list`, `tuple` .etc # In[28]: from boxx import npa print(npa-range(3)) import numpy as np r = npa-range(3) npa**[r, r]