#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Time-series widget # # The time series widget enables you to display animated data (by aggregation) over a specified date or numeric field. Time series widgets provide a status bar of the animation, controls to play or pause, and the ability to filter on a range of values. # # To see available parameters run `help(time_series_widget)`. # # In the example below, collisions in Seattle are animated by the date they occured. The number of incidents over time are shown in the time series widget bars. # In[1]: from cartoframes.auth import set_default_credentials set_default_credentials('cartoframes') # In[2]: from cartoframes.viz import Layer, animation_style, time_series_widget Layer( 'seattle_collisions', animation_style('incdate', duration=20, fade_in=0.5, fade_out=0.5), widgets=[ time_series_widget( value='incdate', title='Number of Collisions by Date', description= 'Play, pause, or select a range for the animation' )] )