#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![satacad](./images/satacadlogo.gif) # TOC: [1](./mm1.ipynb) [2](./mm2.ipynb) [3](./mm3.ipynb) [4](./mm4.ipynb) [6](./mm6.ipynb) # # # ## MARTIAN MATH IS FOR VISUALIZING PLANETARY DATA # # DGGS / Global Matrix # # hexapent # # # #### RESOURCE # # [Antiprism](http://www.antiprism.com/examples/150_named_models/580_geodesic_duals/index.html) free software will let you generate a lot of these polyhedrons from a command line. # In[1]: from IPython.display import YouTubeVideo YouTubeVideo("JWl4ZPrb5Ag") # Fuller Projection # # # #### Resource: # # [A005901](http://oeis.org/A005901) #
# A005901 at Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences #
# In[2]: def icosa_series(freq): if freq == 0: return 1 return 10 * freq ** 2 + 2 print([icosa_series(n) for n in range(10)])