from ipyD3 import * from IPython.display import display d3 = d3object() import numpy as np d3 = d3object(width=800, height=200, style='JFFigure', number=1, d3=None, precision=100, title='Example figure with d3js', desc='Standrad normal distribution') d3.addVar( interpolation1='basis', interpolation2='step-before', resolution=80, domainRange=[-4,4], imposeMax=0 ) d3.addJs(''' var svg ="#"+d3ObjId) .append("svg") .attr("width", width) .attr("height", height) .append("g").attr("id", "#"+d3ObjId+'InnerG') // A formatter for counts. var formatCount = d3.format(",.0f"); var margin = {top: 10, right: 30, bottom: 30, left: 30}, width = width - margin.left - margin.right, height = height - - margin.bottom; var x = d3.scale.linear() //.domain(domainRange) .range([0, width]); // Generate a histogram using twenty uniformly-spaced bins. var xAxis = d3.svg.axis() .ticks(4) .scale(x) .orient("bottom"); function appendHistogram(series, domainSeries, height, width, x_offset, y_offset, interpolation){ var svg2 = svg.append("g") y_offset=Math.round(y_offset) height=Math.round(height) height+=y_offset width+=x_offset x.range([x_offset, width]) .domain(domainSeries) var data = d3.layout.histogram() .bins(x.ticks(resolution)) .frequency(0) (series); var seriesMax=d3.max([imposeMax, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y; })]); var y = d3.scale.linear() //.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d) { return d.y; })]) .domain([0, seriesMax]) .range([height, y_offset]); var area = d3.svg.area() .interpolate(interpolation) .x(function(d) { if(interpolation=="step-before") return x(d.x+d.dx/2) return x(d.x); }) .y0(height) .y1(function(d) { return d3.max([y(d.y),y(seriesMax)]); }); svg2.append("path") .datum(data) .attr("class", "area") .attr("d", area); svg2.append("g") .attr("class", "axis") .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")") .call(xAxis); } appendHistogram(data, domainRange, height, width/2-15, 10, 0, interpolation1) appendHistogram(data, domainRange, height, width/2-15, width/2+20, 0, interpolation2) ''') d3.addCss(''' .polyline{ stroke: #000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; } .area{ shape-rendering: geometricPrecision; stroke: #000 !important; stroke-width:1 !important; fill: #ddd !important; } .axis path, .axis line { fill: none; stroke: #000; stroke-width: 1px; color-rendering: optimizeQuality !important; shape-rendering: crispEdges !important; text-rendering: geometricPrecision !important; } ''') d3.addVar(data=np.random.randn(1000)) html=d3.render(mode=('show','html')) display(html) d3.addVar(data=np.random.randn(300000)) html=d3.render(mode=('show','html')) display(html) d3.addVar(data=np.random.randn(300000)) png=d3.render(mode=('show','png')) display(png) html=d3.render(mode=('show','html')) display(html) d3.render(mode=['html', 'file'], renderTime=10000, fileName='PATH/TO/THE/FILE') d3 = d3object(width=800, height=400, style='JFTable', number=1, d3=None, title='Example table with d3js', desc='An example table created created with d3js with data generated with Python.') data=[[1277.0, 654.0, 288.0, 1976.0, 3281.0, 3089.0, 10336.0, 4650.0, 4441.0, 4670.0, 944.0, 110.0], [1318.0, 664.0, 418.0, 1952.0, 3581.0, 4574.0, 11457.0, 6139.0, 7078.0, 6561.0, 2354.0, 710.0], [1783.0, 774.0, 564.0, 1470.0, 3571.0, 3103.0, 9392.0, 5532.0, 5661.0, 4991.0, 2032.0, 680.0], [1301.0, 604.0, 286.0, 2152.0, 3282.0, 3369.0, 10490.0, 5406.0, 4727.0, 3428.0, 1559.0, 620.0], [1537.0, 1714.0, 724.0, 4824.0, 5551.0, 8096.0, 16589.0, 13650.0, 9552.0, 13709.0, 2460.0, 720.0], [5691.0, 2995.0, 1680.0, 11741.0, 16232.0, 14731.0, 43522.0, 32794.0, 26634.0, 31400.0, 7350.0, 3010.0], [1650.0, 2096.0, 60.0, 50.0, 1180.0, 5602.0, 15728.0, 6874.0, 5115.0, 3510.0, 1390.0, 170.0], [72.0, 60.0, 60.0, 10.0, 120.0, 172.0, 1092.0, 675.0, 408.0, 360.0, 156.0, 100.0]] data=[list(i) for i in zip(*data)] sRows=[['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'Deecember']] sColumns=[['Prod {0}'.format(i) for i in xrange(1,9)], [None, '', None, None, 'Group 1', None, None, 'Group 2']] d3.addSimpleTable( data, fontSizeCells=[12,], sRows=sRows, sColumns=sColumns, sRowsMargins=[5,50,0], sColsMargins=[5,20,10], spacing=0, addBorders=1, addOutsideBorders=-1, rectWidth=45, rectHeight=0 ) html=d3.render(mode=['html', 'show']) display(html) d3 = d3object(width=800, height=400, style='JFTable', number=1, d3=None, title='Example table with d3js', desc='An example table created created with d3js with data generated with Python.') d3.addSimpleTable( data, fontSizeCells=[12,], sRows=sRows, sColumns=sColumns, sRowsMargins=[5,50,0], sColsMargins=[5,20,10], spacing=2, addBorders=0, addOutsideBorders=-1, rectWidth=45, rectHeight=0 ) html=d3.render(mode=['html', 'show']) display(html) d3 = d3object(width=800, height=400, style='JFTable', number=1, d3=None, title='Example table with d3js', desc='An example table created created with d3js with data generated with Python.') d3.addTable(data, dataAdd=[], pVals=-1, fontSizeCells=[11,5], fontSizeCellsLabels=[11,5], sRows=sRows, sColumns=sColumns, sRowsMargins=[5,50,0], sColsMargins=[5,20,10], fontSizeHeaders=11, shrinkHeadersBorders=1.5, heatmapIgnoreText=1, varLabels=[], heatmap={ 'draw':1, 'spacing':2, 'fillProportion':21, 'addText':1, 'addTextRows':1, 'addBorders':0, 'addOutsideBorders':-1, 'rectWidth':45, 'rectHeight':21, }, smallHeatmap={ 'draw':0, 'spacing':0, 'fillProportion':5, 'addText':0, 'addTextRows':0, 'addBorders':1, 'addOutsideBorders':-1, 'rectWidth':5, 'rectHeight':5, }, heatmapLegendVert=1, legend= { 'draw':0, 'width':2, 'height':15, 'rectWidth':60, 'rectHeight':60 }, rightPaneOffset=0, colorDomainAuto=1, #colorDomainAutoIgnoreRows=[5], colorRange=['#ffffff', '#dddddd', '#cccccc', '#bbbbbb', '#aaaaaa', '#999999'] ) d3 = d3object(width=800, height=400, style='JFTable', number=1, d3=d3, keepTempDir='c:\sandbox', title='Example table with d3js with a small heatmap', desc='An example table created created with d3js with data generated with Python.') d3.addTable(data, dataAdd=[], pVals=-1, fontSizeCells=[11,5], fontSizeCellsLabels=[11,5], sRows=sRows, sColumns=sColumns, sRowsMargins=[5,50,0], sColsMargins=[5,20,10], fontSizeHeaders=11, shrinkHeadersBorders=1.5, heatmapIgnoreText=1, varLabels=['Sales'], heatmap={ 'draw':1, 'spacing':2, 'fillProportion':0, 'addText':1, 'addTextRows':1, 'addBorders':0, 'addOutsideBorders':-1, 'rectWidth':45, 'rectHeight':21, }, smallHeatmap={ 'draw':1, 'spacing':0, 'fillProportion':10, 'addText':0, 'addTextRows':0, 'addBorders':0, 'addOutsideBorders':0, 'rectWidth':10, 'rectHeight':10, }, heatmapLegendVert=1, legend= { 'draw':1, 'width':2, 'height':15, 'rectWidth':45, 'rectHeight':30 }, rightPaneOffset=100, colorDomainAuto=1, colorRange=['#ffffff', '#eeeeee', '#aaaaaa', '#111111', '#000000'] ) html=d3.render(mode=['html', 'show']) display(html) d3 = d3object(width=800, height=400, style='JFTable', number=1, d3=None, title='Example table with d3js', desc='An example table created created with d3js with data generated with Python.') sRows=[['Long/Short Eq. Hedge', 'FoF', 'Not L/S nor FoF', 'All', 'Not FoFs', ]] sColumns=[ ['N', 'Initial', 'Average', 'Incentive', 'Management', 'Median', 'Mean [%]', 'Std. dev.', 'Skewness', 'Kurtosis' ], [ '', None, 'AUM [M, USD]', None, 'Fees [%]', None, None, None, None, 'Returns' ] ] data=[[3452, 3, 22, 20.0, 1.5, 0.666, 0.656, 3.538, -0.1, 1.0], [5791, 7, 22, 10.0, 1.5, 0.502, 0.27, 1.17, -0.9, 1.8], [6718, 4, 23, 20.0, 1.5, 0.7, 0.637, 1.448, -0.2, 1.2], [15961,5,23, 20.0, 1.5, 0.6, 0.467, 1.467, -0.4, 1.3], [10170,4, 23, 20.0, 1.5, 0.69, 0.646, 2.633, -0.1, 1.1], ] dataAdd=[['', '', '', '', '', '', 0.015, '', '', 0.084], ['', '', '', '', '', '', 0.016, '', '', 0.015], ['', '', '', '', '', '', 0.024, '', '', 0.162], ['', '', '', '', '', '', 0.058, '', '', 0.126], ['', '', '', '', '', '', 0.093, '', '', 0.149], ] dataAdd=[dataAdd,[[i for i in j] for j in dataAdd]] d3.precision=2 data=d3.convertVar(data) d3.precision=4 d3.addSimpleTable( data, dataAdd=dataAdd, fontSizeCells=[12,10,10], pVals=0, sRows=sRows, sColumns=sColumns, sRowsMargins=[5,100,0], sColsMargins=[5,20,10], spacing=2, addBorders=0, addOutsideBorders=-1, rectWidth=45, rectHeight=0 ) html=d3.render(mode=('show','html')) display(html)