import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal # IPython "magic" to allow plots to be displayed inline %matplotlib inline SIZE = 1000 x = np.arange(0, SIZE) noise = np.random.uniform(low=-50, high=50, size=SIZE) sin_wave = 100 * np.sin( (np.pi/180) * x ) trend = np.linspace(-500, 500, SIZE) plt.plot(x, noise, label='noise') plt.plot(x, sin_wave, label='sin wave') plt.plot(x, trend, label = 'trend') plt.legend() noisy_sin = noise + sin_wave noisy_trending_sin = noisy_sin + trend plt.plot(x, noisy_sin, label='noisy sin wave') plt.plot(x, noisy_trending_sin, label='noisy, trending, sin wave') plt.legend() lin_detrend = scipy.signal.detrend(noisy_trending_sin, type='linear') con_detrend = scipy.signal.detrend(noisy_trending_sin, type='constant') plt.plot(x, noisy_trending_sin, label='noisy trending sin') plt.plot(x, lin_detrend, label='linear detrend') plt.plot(x, scipy.signal.detrend(noisy_trending_sin, type='constant'), label='constant detrend') plt.legend() offset_lin_detrend = lin_detrend + (noisy_trending_sin[0] - lin_detrend[0]) plt.plot(x, noisy_trending_sin, label='noisy trending sin') plt.plot(x, offset_lin_detrend, label='offset linear detrend') plt.legend() %reset -f import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal import rasterio import netCDF4 # Not using this yet, but may want to write netcdf file?? # Create a list of the files we'd like to include # in our virtual dataset. For starters, we'll # just pick January for all years: !ls ../../snap-data/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_2001_2100/tas_mean_C_iem_cccma_cgcm3_1_sresa1b_01* > janfiles.txt # Next, we ask gdalbuildvrt to create a .vrt file # from all the files in the list we just created. # -seperate each file to a stacked band # -b 1 use band number 1 from each input file %time !gdalbuildvrt -separate -b 1 -input_file_list janfiles.txt jan.vrt month_temperature_file ="jan.vrt") # this one takes a while... %time temperature_data = # dimensions are (time, y, x) # from upper left corner of image # (not sure which corner of the pixel) print "Type of data: ", type(temperature_data) print "Size of data: ", temperature_data.nbytes/1024/1024, "(Mbs)" print "Shape of data: ", temperature_data.shape print "Min value: ", np.min(temperature_data) print "Max value: ", np.max(temperature_data) print "Using mask?:", temperature_data.mask print "Fill value:", temperature_data.fill_value print "First value (should be masked):", temperature_data[0,0,0] temperature_data =, -500, 500, copy=False) print "First value: (should be masked):", temperature_data[0,0,0] print "" plt.imshow(temperature_data[0,:,:]) plt.colorbar() # Next, we can look at the timeseries for a # pixel in central alaska that should have data plt.plot(temperature_data[:, 550, 1050]) # Another 15 seconds or so and a lot of memory. There might # be a better way to do this. %time dtrd = scipy.signal.detrend(temperature_data, axis=0) Y = 550 X = 1050 plt.suptitle("Pixel(y,x): (%s, %s)" % (Y, X)) plt.plot(temperature_data[:,Y,X], label='original') plt.plot(dtrd[:,Y,X], label='detrended') plt.plot((dtrd[:,Y,X] + (temperature_data[0,Y,X] - dtrd[0,Y,X])), label='dtrend+offset') plt.legend() %time dtrd[:,:,:] += (temperature_data[0,:,:] - dtrd[0,:,:]) def check_pixel(orig, detrended, Y = 550, X = 1050): plt.suptitle("Pixel(y,x): (%s, %s)" % (Y, X)) plt.plot(orig[:,Y,X], label='original') plt.plot(detrended[:,Y,X], label='detrended') plt.legend() check_pixel(temperature_data, dtrd, Y=550,X=1050) check_pixel(temperature_data, dtrd, Y=1200, X=780) # Yikes, lots of memory use! # See what we are using: print dtrd.nbytes/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0, "GBs" print temperature_data.nbytes/1024.0/1024.0/1024.0, "GBs" %reset -f import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import rasterio ds_orig ='orig.vrt', 'r') ds_new ='month-12-new.vrt', 'r') ds_orig_data = ds_orig_data = ds_new_data = plt.imshow(ds_orig_data[0]) plt.ion() ds_orig_data =, -500, 500, copy=False) ds_new_data =, -500, 500, copy=False) plt.imshow(ds_orig_data[0]) f0 = plt.figure() f1 = plt.figure() plt.plot(ds_new_data[0,550,1050]) plt.plot(ds_new_data[:,550, 1050]) plt.plot(ds_orig_data[:,550,1050], label='orig') plt.plot(ds_new_data[:,550,1050], label='detrended') ds_orig_data[0,0,0] ds_orig_data[0,550,1050] ds_new_data[0,550,1050] plt.plot(ds_new_data[:,551,1050], label='detrended') plt.plot(ds_orig_data[:,551,1050], label='orig') plt.plot(scipy.signal.detrend(ds_orig_data[:,551,1050], label='fresh detrend') ) import scipy.signal plt.plot(scipy.signal.detrend(ds_orig_data[:,551,1050], label='fresh detrend') ) plt.plot(scipy.signal.detrend(ds_orig_data[:,551,1050], axis=0), label='fresh detrend') ) plt.plot(scipy.signal.detrend(ds_orig_data[:,551,1050], axis=0), label='fresh detrend') fdt = scipy.signal.detrend(ds_orig_data[:,551,1050], axis=0 ) fdt[0] ds_orig_data[0,551,1050] ds_new_data[0,551,1050] fdt[0]+=ds_orig_data[0,551,1051] fdt[0]-=ds_orig_data[0,551,1051] fdt[0] + ds_orig_data[0,551,1051] plt.plot(fdt + ds_orig_data[0,551,1050], label='fresh detrend + offset') plt.legend() plt.plot(fdt + (ds_orig_data[0,551,1050]-fdt[0]), label='fresh detrend + offset2') plt.legend() history