#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Table of Contents #

1  Population Snythesis
1.1  Input (Data Sources)
1.2  Output (Deliverables)
2  Results (V&V)
2.1  Percentage Errors
2.2  Network Statistics
2.3  A Sample Map
3  Preprocessing
3.1  Road Network
3.2  Work Commute Data
3.3  Establishment Counts & Sizes
3.4  Schools & Daycares
4  Main Methods
4.1  Create Individuals
4.2  Create Households
4.3  Assign Workplaces
4.4  Space Creation
4.4.1  Houses
4.4.2  Workplaces
4.5  Populate Households
4.6  Get Errors
4.7  Assign Students to Schools
5  Synthesize
6  Social Networks
7.1  One Tract
7.2  Two Counties
# # Population Snythesis # Notes: # - This notebook is best viewed [on nbviewer](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/gist/oztalha/a1c167f3879c5b95f721acef791c8111). # - This work is part of a [project](https://socialcomplexity.gmu.edu/projectsdtra/) conducted in the Center for Social Complexity, and is funded by DTRA. # # To simulate ["What Happens If a Nuclear Bomb Goes Off in Manhattan?"](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/03/nuclear-bomb-manhattan-simulation/519585/) # we first need to create the population (~20 million) living in the area. This notebook shows how we generate our synthetic population on a sample of two counties in New York (Sullivan and Ulster): # # - Create the road topology # - Clean the shapefiles to get a giant connected road network # - Create living spaces # - Houses, work places, and schools # - Create individuals # - Age and sex # - Create relationships # - Households: Families (Husband-wife family, etc.), non-families (Householder living alone, etc.) # - Group quarters (Institutionalized and noninstitutionalized) # - School mate (pre-k, elementary, middle, high school) # - Work colleague (inter-tract and inter-county relations) # # ## Input (Data Sources) # # We use five datasets to synthesize our population: # - **Roads:** 2010 Census TIGER [shapefiles](https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/shapefiles/index.php?year=2010&layergroup=Roads) (all roads separately downloaded and combined) # - **Demographics:** Census-tract level Demographic Profile (DP) TIGER [shapefiles](https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-data.html) (particular [shapefile ZIP](http://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010DP1/Tract_2010Census_DP1.zip)) # - **School info:** The Educational Institution [dataset](https://geodata.epa.gov/arcgis/rest/services/OEI/ORNL_Education/MapServer) # - **Establishment numbers:** Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns ([CBP](https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/2010/econ/cbp/2010-cbp.html)) # - **Workflow:** Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics (LEHD) Origin-Destination Employment Statistics ([LODES](https://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/)) # # ## Output (Deliverables) # The output of this notebook is basically a population with six tuples: # >`individual id, age, sex, social network (a list of ids), household id, workplace/school id` # # The files in particular are # - population.csv: `iid,age,sex,hhid,sid` # - space.shp: `sid,point,stype` (hhold(1-11), school(12), wp(13)) # - network.gml: undirected multiplex network (3 types of edges) # # Results (V&V) # # To verify and validate the synthesized population we examine # # - Percentage errors (w.r.t. actual population demographics) at tract level: # 1. households with senior/minor # 2. average household/family size # - Network statistics for the entire population: # 1. average degree, network diameter, clustering coefficient, avg path length # 2. comparison of household, school, and work networks # - Map of a census tract: # 1. visualization of roads and living spaces # ## Percentage Errors # In[4]: with open('errors.pkl', 'rb') as f: errors = pd.concat(pickle.load(f),axis=1).T # In[55]: ax = err.plot(style=['x','+','*','.'],figsize=(12,3)) ax.set(xticklabels='',xlabel='Census Tracts (N=71)',ylabel='Percentage Error (%)',#ylim=(-45,45), xlim=(-1,72),title='Synthesized Household Metrics w.r.t. Actual (Ulster & Sullivan Counties, NY)'); # ## Network Statistics # In[3]: with open('population.pkl','rb') as f: people = pd.concat(pickle.load(f)) # In[262]: G = gt.load_graph('k4p3-2.gml') print('# of nodes: {}\n# of edges: {}'.format(G.num_vertices(),G.num_edges())) print('Clustering coefficient: {:.2f}'.format(gt.clustering.global_clustering(G)[0])) print('Pseudo diameter: {}'.format(int(gt.topology.pseudo_diameter(G)[0]))) print('Average degree: {:.2f}'.format(gt.stats.vertex_average(G, 'total')[0])) counts,bins = gt.stats.distance_histogram(G,samples=1000) print('Average path length (N=1000): {:.2f}'.format((counts*bins[:-1]).sum()/counts.sum())) # In[263]: hhold = gt.load_graph('hhold-2.gml') work = gt.load_graph('work-2.gml') school = gt.load_graph('school-2.gml') hcounts,hbins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(hhold, 'total', float_count=False) wcounts,wbins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(work, 'total', float_count=False) scounts,sbins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(school, 'total', float_count=False) with open('population2.pkl','rb') as f: people = pd.concat(pickle.load(f)) print('# of employed:',len(people[(people.age >= 18) & (people.wp.notnull())])) print('# of students:',len(people[people.age < 18])) # In[264]: counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(G, 'total') print('total number of edges: {:.0f}'.format(sum(counts*bins[:-1]))) counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(hhold, 'total', float_count=False) print('household edges: {:.0f}'.format(sum(counts*bins[:-1]))) counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(work, 'total', float_count=False) print('work edges: {:.0f}'.format(sum(counts*bins[:-1]))) counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(school, 'total', float_count=False) print('school edges: {:.0f}'.format(sum(counts*bins[:-1]))) # In[267]: labels = ['household','work','school'] sizes = [569912,565500,283014] fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(2,2)) ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct='%1.2f%%') ax1.axis('equal'); # In[ ]: #prepare a 2-hops (FoF) ego network g = nx.read_gml('k4p3-2.gml') #start with a single individual i0 = '36105952300i550' #get friends + friends of friends (FoF) hop2 = set().union(*[[n]+g.neighbors(n) for n in g.neighbors(i0)]) g2 = nx.Graph(g.edges(hop2,data=True)) hholdm = [i0] + [k for k,v in g[i0].items() if v['etype']=='hhold'] hhold_edges = [e for e in g2.edges(hholdm,data=True) if e[2]['etype'] == 'hhold'] work_edges = [e for e in g2.edges(hholdm,data=True) if e[2]['etype'] == 'work'] school_edges = [e for e in g2.edges(hholdm,data=True) if e[2]['etype'] == 'school'] # In[5]: #draw the graph labels = people.loc[[i0] + g.neighbors(i0)] #[k for k,v in g[i0].items()] labels = (labels['age'].astype(str)+','+labels['sex']).to_dict() pos = nx.spring_layout(g2) fig,ax = plt.subplots(); blues = plt.get_cmap('Blues') nx.draw_networkx_nodes(g2,pos,nodelist=[i0],alpha=.5) nx.draw_networkx(g2,pos,nodelist=hop2, node_color=[1]*len(hop2),cmap=blues,vmin=0,vmax=1,alpha=0.15, node_size=50,font_size=13, labels=labels, ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g2,pos, edge_color='red',edgelist = hhold_edges,width=2,alpha=.3,ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g2,pos, edge_color='blue',edgelist = school_edges,width=2,alpha=.3,ax=ax) nx.draw_networkx_edges(g2,pos, edge_color='green',edgelist = work_edges,width=2,alpha=.3,ax=ax) ax.axis('off'); # In[99]: f,axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2,figsize=(18,11)) ax = axes[0,0] counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(G, 'total') ax.bar(bins[:-1],counts,tick_label=bins[:-1]) ax.set(xlabel='Degree',ylabel='Frequency',#yscale='log', title='Total Degree Distribution',xlim=(-0.5,len(counts)-0.5)); ax = axes[0,1] counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(hhold, 'total', float_count=False) counts[0] = G.num_vertices() - sum(counts) ax.bar(bins[:-1],counts,tick_label=bins[:-1]) ax.set(xlabel='Degree',ylabel='Frequency',#yscale='log', title='Household Degree Distribution',xlim=(-0.5,len(counts)-0.5)); ax = axes[1,0] counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(work, 'total', float_count=False) counts[0] = len(people[(people.age >= 18) & (people.wp.notnull())]) - sum(counts) ax.bar(bins[:-1],counts,tick_label=bins[:-1]) ax.set(xlabel='Degree',ylabel='Frequency',#yscale='log', title='Work Degree Distribution',xlim=(-0.5,len(counts)-0.5)); ax = axes[1,1] counts,bins = gt.stats.vertex_hist(school, 'total', float_count=False) counts[0] = len(people[people.age < 18]) - sum(counts) ax.bar(bins[:-1],counts,tick_label=bins[:-1]) ax.set(xlabel='Degree',ylabel='Frequency',#yscale='log', title='School Degree Distribution',xlim=(-0.5,len(counts)-0.5)); # ## A Sample Map # In[34]: with open('wps2.pkl', 'rb') as f: wps = pd.concat(pickle.load(f)) # In[47]: tract = dp.iloc[-5] # roads = road.intersection(tract.geometry) #tract houses and wps thouses = gpd.GeoSeries(people[people.hhold.str.startswith(tract.name)].geometry) twps = gpd.GeoSeries(wps[wps.index.str.startswith(tract.name)]) #tract ax = gpd.GeoDataFrame(tract).T.plot(ls='--',color='white') #draw tract borders ax = roads.plot(color='grey',ax=ax) #draw roads markers = {} ax = thouses.plot(ax=ax,markersize=3,color='orange',linestyle='None') #draw houses markers['house'] = ax.get_lines()[-1] ax = twps.plot(ax=ax,markersize=4,color='purple',linestyle='None') #draw workplaces markers['workplace'] = ax.get_lines()[-1] edu = school[school.intersects(tract.geometry)] #schools and daycares ax = edu.plot(ax=ax,markersize=5,color='red',linestyle='None') #draw educational inst markers['school'] = ax.get_lines()[-1] ax.axis('off') ax.legend(title=tract.NAMELSAD10, *list(zip(*markers.items()))[::-1]); # # Preprocessing # ## Road Network # Three steps to clean and get the giant connected component from the road shapefile. # # - Run GRASS `v.clean.advanced` tools `snap,break,rmdupl,rmsa` with tolerance values `0.0001,0.0,0.0,0.0`, save the result to `cleaned.shp` # - Run GRASS `v.net.components` tool (`weak` or `strong` does not matter since the network is undirected), save the result as `giant_component.csv` # - Using geoPandas combine the two files (shp and csv), filter the roads in the giant component, and save the result as `gcc.shp`: # # ``` # components = pd.read_csv('../nWMDmap2/giant_component.csv', usecols=[0]) # cleaned = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/cleaned.shp') # # roads = cleaned[['LINEARID','MTFCC','STATEFP','COUNTYFP','geometry']].join(components) # roads = roads[roads.comp == 1610].drop('comp',axis=1) # # roads.to_file('../nWMDmap2/gcc.shp') # ``` # The output: # # # ## Work Commute Data # # To get inter-tract commuting data at census-tract level: # # - Download the datasets (6*2 = 12 files in total) # - Aggregate them at tract level (originial data is at block level, i.e. more granular) # - Remove unincluded tracts # # ``` # # DOWNLOAD SCRIPT # pre = 'https://lehd.ces.census.gov/data/lodes/LODES7/' # #two separate files for the workers living in the same state and for those not # for state in ['ny','nj','ct','pa','ri','ma']: # for res in ['main','aux']: # post = '_JT00_2010.csv.gz' if state != 'ma' else '_JT00_2011.csv.gz' # os.system('wget {0:}{1:}/od/{1:}_od_{2:}{3:}'.format(pre,state,res,post)) # ``` # # We are interested in these columns only (ripping off the rest by `usecols=range(6)`): # # - S000: Total number of jobs # - SA01: Number of jobs of workers age 29 or younger # - SA02: Number of jobs for workers age 30 to 54 # - SA03: Number of jobs for workers age 55 or older # # # ``` # # CREATE TRACT LEVEL O-D PAIRS # #GEOID: state(2)-county(3)-tract(6): e.g. 09-001-030300 # census = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/censusclip1.shp').set_index('GEOID10') #demographic profiles # read_workflow = partial(pd.read_csv,usecols=range(6),dtype={0:str,1:str}) # wf = pd.concat([read_workflow(f) for f in glob('../od/*JT00*')]) #workflow # wf['work'] = wf.w_geocode.str[:11] # wf['home'] = wf.h_geocode.str[:11] # od = wf[(wf.work.isin(census.index)) | (wf.home.isin(census.index))] # od = od.groupby(['work','home']).sum() # od.reset_index().to_csv('../od/tract-od.csv',index=False) # ``` # ## Establishment Counts & Sizes # ``` # Workplace count in tract = |wp in county| * |# of employed in tract| / |# of employed in county| # ``` # Establishment numbers per size at county level is available in [CBP dataset]( https://www.census.gov/data/datasets/2010/econ/cbp/2010-cbp.html). # Note: "An establishment is a single physical location at which business is conducted or services or industrial operations are performed" [ref](https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/cbp/technical-documentation/methodology/universe-of-cbp.html) # # In this section we create (tract_id,wp_count) tuples/series. # In[1]: def number_of_wp(dp, od, cbp): """ calculate number of workplaces for each tract wp_tract = wp_cty * (tract_employed / county_employed) """ # get the number of employees per tract dwp = od[['work','S000']].groupby('work').sum() dwp = pd.merge(dp.portion.to_frame(),dwp,left_index=True,right_index=True,how='left').fillna(0) # dwp = dwp.portion*dwp.S000/10 wp_class = ["n1_4","n5_9","n10_19","n20_49","n50_99","n100_249","n250_499","n500_999","n1000","n1000_1","n1000_2","n1000_3","n1000_4"] dwp['county'] = dwp.index.str[:5] a = dwp.groupby('county').sum() a = a.join(cbp[wp_class].sum(axis=1).to_frame('wpcty')) # note: as Dr. Crooks suggested agents not living in our region included dwp = (dwp.portion * dwp.S000 / dwp.county.map(a.S000)) * dwp.county.map(a.wpcty) return dwp.apply(np.ceil).astype(int) def wp_proba(x): """ probability of an employee working in that workplace is lognormal: http://www.haas.berkeley.edu/faculty/pdf/wallace_dynamics.pdf """ if x == 0: return np.zeros(0) b = np.random.lognormal(mean=2,size=x).reshape(-1, 1) return np.sort(normalize(b,norm='l1',axis=0).ravel()) # ## Schools & Daycares # # There were two columns for each info data such that anding them leading to all nulls, i.e. # the result of this test was 0: `[(p[0],len(school[school[p[0]].isnull() & school[p[1]].isnull()])) for p in pairs]` # # I cleaned these pairs and removed the rest, and saved the results as a new shapefile: # ``` # school = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/schoolsclip1.shp') # pairs=[('ENROLLMENT','ENROLLME_2'),('START_GRAD','START_GR_2'),('END_GRADE','END_GRAD_2'),('LEVEL','LEVEL_2')] # for p in pairs: # school[p[0]] = school[p[0]].fillna(school[p[1]]) # school[[p[0] for p in pairs+[('geometry',)]]].to_file('../nWMDmap2/school.shp') # ``` # # And, for the daycares, filled the null values with the median: # ``` # dc = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/daycareclip1.shp') # dc['POPULATION'] = dc.POPULATION.fillna(dc.POPULATION.median()).astype(int) # dc[['POPULATION','geometry']].to_file('../nWMDmap2/daycare.shp') # ``` # # Main Methods # In[21]: def clean_schools(school,daycare): school = school[school.START_GRAD != 'N'] #Unknown """ Codes for Grade Level PK = PreKindergarten KG = Kindergarten TK = Transitional Kindergarten T1 = Transitional First Grade 01-12 = Grade 1-12 """ grade2age = {'PK':3,'KG':5,'UG':5, 'TK':5,'T1':6} grade2age.update({'{:02d}'.format(i+1):i+6 for i in range(12)}) school = school.assign(start_age = school.START_GRAD.map(grade2age)) school = school.assign(end_age = school.END_GRADE.map(grade2age) +1) school.loc[school.END_GRADE=='PK','end_age'] = 6 #not 4 mask = school.ENROLLMENT<=0 #non-positive enrollments? school.loc[mask,'ENROLLMENT'] = school[~mask].ENROLLMENT.median() school = school[['start_age','end_age','ENROLLMENT','geometry']] daycare = daycare.assign(start_age = 0, end_age = 5) daycare = daycare.rename(columns={'POPULATION':'ENROLLMENT'}) daycare = daycare[['start_age','end_age','ENROLLMENT','geometry']] school = school.append(daycare, ignore_index=True) school['current'] = 0 return school # ## Create Individuals # Each individual gets an age and a sex. # For each census-tract, DP table provides the number of individuals for 18 age bands for two sexes. # In age creation, we assume a uniform distribution within each band (Note: if the number of individuals in a band are not divisible by 5, then the remainder is added to the latest age in the band) # In[22]: def create_individuals(tract): """Generate a population of ages and sexes as a DataFrame Given the number of individuals for 18 age groups of each sex, return a two column DataFrame of age ([0,89]) and sex ('m','f') """ portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area # what portion of the tract is included age_sex_groups = (tract[22:59].drop('DP0010039') * portion).astype(int) dfs=[] for code,count in enumerate(age_sex_groups): base_age = (code % 18)*5 gender = 'm' if code < 18 else 'f' ages = [] for offset in range(4): ages.extend([offset+base_age]*(count//5)) ages.extend([base_age+4]*(count-len(ages))) dfs.append(pd.DataFrame({'code':code, 'age':ages,'sex':[gender]*count})) df = pd.concat(dfs).sample(frac=1,random_state=123).reset_index(drop=True) df.index = tract.name + 'i' + df.index.to_series().astype(str) df['friends'] = [set()] * len(df) return df # ## Create Households # # Number of households for 11 types are given in the DP table: # # 0 h&w (no<18) # 1 h&w&ch (ch<18) # 2 male (no<18) # 3 male (ch<18) # 4 female (no<18) # 5 female (ch<18) # 6 nonfamily group # 7 lone male <65 # 8 lone male >65 # 9 lone female<65 # 10 lone female>65 # # Using this information as a constraint, we assign individuals to households. # We also added other constraints such as # - `-4 < husband.age - wife.age < 9` # - father (mother) and the child age difference not to exceed 50 (40) # # Also, those who live in the group quarters given one place. # No assumption is made on their ages since we do not have information about the instutitions within the tract such as the number universities (college dorm), nursing houses, jails, or military bases. # In[23]: def create_households(tract, people): hh_cnt = get_hh_cnts(tract) hholds = pd.DataFrame() hholds['htype'] = np.repeat(hh_cnt.index,hh_cnt) hholds = hholds[hholds.htype != 6].sort_values('htype',ascending=False).append(hholds[hholds.htype == 6]) populate_households(tract, people, hholds) def get_hh_cnts(tract): """ Eleven household types: 0 h&w (no<18) 1 h&w&ch (ch<18) 2 male (no<18) 3 male (ch<18) 4 female (no<18) 5 female (ch<18) 6 nonfamily group 7 lone male <65 8 lone male >65 9 lone female<65 10 lone female>65 """ portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area # what portion of the tract is included householdConstraints = (tract[150:166] * portion).astype(int) #HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE hh_cnt = pd.Series(np.zeros(11),dtype=int) #11 household types (group quarters are not household) # husband/wife families hh_cnt[0] = householdConstraints[4] - householdConstraints[5]; # husband-wife family hh_cnt[1] = householdConstraints[5]; # husband-wife family, OWN CHILDREN < 18 # male householders hh_cnt[2] = householdConstraints[6] - householdConstraints[7]; # single male householder hh_cnt[3] = householdConstraints[7]; # single male householder, OWN CHILDREN < 18 # female householders hh_cnt[4] = householdConstraints[8] - householdConstraints[9]; # single female householder hh_cnt[5] = householdConstraints[9]; # single female householder, OWN CHILDREN < 18 # nonfamily householders hh_cnt[6] = householdConstraints[10] - householdConstraints[11]; # nonfamily group living hh_cnt[7] = householdConstraints[12] - householdConstraints[13]; # lone male < 65 hh_cnt[8] = householdConstraints[13]; # lone male >= 65 hh_cnt[9] = householdConstraints[14] - householdConstraints[15]; # lone female < 65 hh_cnt[10] = householdConstraints[15]; # lone female >= 65 return hh_cnt def populate_households(tract, people, hholds): """ Eleven household types: 0 h&w (no<18) 1 h&w&ch (ch<18) 2 male (no<18) 3 male (ch<18) 4 female (no<18) 5 female (ch<18) 6 nonfamily group 7 lone male <65 8 lone male >65 9 lone female<65 10 lone female>65 """ mask = pd.Series(True,index=people.index) #[True]*len(people) hholds['members'] = hholds.htype.apply(gen_households,args=(people, mask,)) """The seven types of group quarters are categorized as institutional group quarters (correctional facilities for adults, juvenile facilities, nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities, and other institutional facilities) or noninstitutional group quarters (college/university student housing, military quarters, and other noninstitutional facilities).""" portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area # what portion of the tract is included group_population = int(tract.DP0120014 * portion) #people living in group quarters (not in households) #gq_indices = people[(people.age>=65) | (people.age<18)].index[:group_population] gq_indices = people[mask].index[:group_population] #for i in gq_indices: mask[i] = False mask.loc[gq_indices] = False #now distribute the remaining household guys as relatives... relatives = people[mask].index it = iter(relatives) #sample by replacement relative_hhs = hholds[hholds.htype<7].sample(n=len(relatives),replace=True) relative_hhs.members.apply(lambda x: x.append(next(it))) #appends on mutable lists #for i in relatives: mask[i] = False mask.loc[relatives]= False #print('is anyone left homeless:',any(mask)) #add those living in group quarters as all living in a house of 12th type if group_population > 0: hholds.loc[len(hholds)] = {'htype':11, 'members':gq_indices} hholds = hholds.set_index(tract.name+'h'+pd.Series(np.arange(len(hholds)).astype(str))) def hh_2_people(hh,people): for m in hh.members: people.loc[m,'hhold'] = hh.name people.loc[m,'htype'] = hh.htype hholds.apply(hh_2_people,args=(people,),axis=1) people['htype'] = people.htype.astype(int) def gen_households(hh_type, people, mask): """Helper """ members = [] head_ranges = [range(4,18), range(4,14), range(4,18), range(4,14), range(22,36), range(22,30), chain(range(1,18),range(19,36)), range(4,13), range(13,18), range(21,31), range(31,36)] # head_age = [range(15,99), range(20,70), range(15,99), range(20,70), range(15,99), # range(20,70), range(15,99), range(15,65), range(65,99), range(15,65), range(65,99)] # head_sex= [('m'),('m'),('m'),('m'),('f'),('f'),('m','f'),('m'),('m'),('f'),('f')] #add the householder pot = people[mask].code iindex = pot[pot.isin(head_ranges[hh_type])].index[0] h1 = people.loc[iindex] #age & sex of h1 mask[iindex] = False members.append(iindex) #if living alone then return the household if hh_type > 6: return members #if husband and wife, add the wife if hh_type in (0,1): pot = people[mask].code iindex = pot[pot.isin(range(h1.code+17,h1.code+19))].index[0] h2 = people.loc[iindex] # -4 < husband.age - wife.age < 9 mask[iindex] = False members.append(iindex) #if may have children 18+ then add them # if (hh_type <= 5) and (h1.age > 36) and (np.random.random() < 0.3): # #to have a child older than 18, h1 should be at least 37 # pot = people[mask] # iindex = pot[pot.age.isin(range(18,h1.age-15))].index[0] # ch18 = people.ix[iindex] #child should be at least 19 years younger than h1 # mask[iindex] = False # members.append(iindex) """A child includes a son or daughter by birth (biological child), a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder, regardless of the child’s age or marital status. The category excludes sons-in-law, daughters- in-law, and foster children.""" #household types with at least one child (18-) if hh_type in (1,3,5): #https://www.census.gov/hhes/families/files/graphics/FM-3.pdf if hh_type == 1: num_of_child = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(2)))) #gaussian touch elif hh_type == 3: num_of_child = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(1.6)))) #gaussian touch elif hh_type == 5: num_of_child = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(1.8)))) #gaussian touch pot = people[mask] if hh_type == 1: iindices = pot[(pot.age<18) & (45>h2.age-pot.age)].index[:num_of_child] else: #father (mother) and child age difference not to exceed 50 (40) age_diff = 45 if hh_type == 5 else 55 iindices = pot[(pot.age<18) & (age_diff>h1.age-pot.age)].index[:num_of_child] for i in iindices: child = people.loc[i] mask[i] = False members.append(i) #if nonfamily group then either friends or unmarried couples if hh_type == 6: pot = people[mask].code num_of_friends = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(1.3)))) #gaussian touch iindices = pot[pot.isin(range(h1.code-2,h1.code+3))].index[:num_of_friends] for i in iindices: friend = people.loc[i] mask[i] = False members.append(i) return members # ## Assign Workplaces # In[26]: def assign_workplaces(tract,people,od): """ if the destination tract of a worker is not in our DP dataset then we assign his wp to 'DTIDw', otherwise 'DTIDw#' the actual size distribution of establishments is lognormal https://www.princeton.edu/~erossi/fsdae.pdf """ #get true od numbers considering the proportions portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area td = od[od['home'] == tract.name].set_index('work').S000 td = (td*portion).apply(np.ceil).astype(int) #from this tract to others # 58.5%: US population (16+) - employment rate # https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/LNS12300000 employed = people[people.age>=18].sample(td.sum()).index #get the employed dtract = pd.Series(np.repeat(td.index.values, td.values)) #get the destination tract # if 'wp' in people.columns: people.drop('wp',axis=1,inplace=True) people.loc[employed,'wp'] = dtract.apply(lambda x: x+'w'+str(np.random.choice(dp.loc[x,'WP_CNT'],p=dp.loc[x,'WP_PROBA'])) if x in dp.index else x+'w').values # ## Space Creation # # The first step of population synthesis is creating the environment (buildings): # - the houses in which the households live # - the workplaces where the employed adults (18+) work # - the daycare and the schools that the children (<18) attend # # Note that around NY (40N,74W), 1 degree is ~100km (1-lat = 111km, 1-lon = 85km). # # ### Houses # # - Houses are either on top of each other or at least 50m = 0.0005 degrees apart # - Create potential places for houses on residential roads (MTFCC codes S1400 and S1740) # - From DP table get occupied housing units (DP0180002) == # of households (DP0130001) # - Sample actual houses from potential locations with replacement (N = DP0130001) # # ### Workplaces # # - Populate workplaces pool by placing wp ~20 meters apart from each other on secondary roads # - Also add all road starting coords (intersections) as potential workplaces to the pool # - OD table gives us the number of jobs per census tract (od[od.work==tract.name].S000.sum()) # - Sample workplaces (with replacement) from the pool (N = number of jobs // 10) # # In[18]: #shapely geometries are not hashable, here is my hash function to check the duplicates def hash_geom(x): if x.geom_type == 'MultiLineString': return tuple((round(lat,6),round(lon,6)) for s in x for lat,lon in s.coords[:]) else: return tuple((round(lat,6),round(lon,6)) for lat,lon in x.coords[:]) # In[28]: # create spaces def create_spaces(tract, hcnt, od, road, HD=0.0005, WD=0.0002, avg_wp = 10): portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area # what portion of the tract is included # create houses # DP0180001: Total housing units, DP0180002: Occupied housing units # hcnt = int(tract.DP0180002 * portion) #number of households DP0130001 == DP0180002 if tract.DP0120014 > 0: hcnt += 1 #people living in group quarters (not in households) mask = road.intersects(tract.geometry) hmask = mask & road.MTFCC.str.contains('S1400|S1740') hrd = road[hmask].intersection(tract.geometry) hrd = hrd[hrd.geom_type.isin(['LinearRing', 'LineString', 'MultiLineString'])] hrd = hrd[~hrd.apply(hash_geom).duplicated()] houses = hrd.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([x.interpolate(seg) for seg in np.arange(HD,x.length,HD)])) houses = houses.unstack().dropna().reset_index(drop=True) #flatten houses = houses.sample(n=hcnt,replace=True).reset_index(drop=True) houses.index = tract.name + 'h' + houses.index.to_series().astype(str) #create workplaces #jcnt = int(portion * od[od.work==tract.name].S000.sum() / avg_wp) wmask = mask & road.MTFCC.str.contains('S1200') wrd = road[wmask].intersection(tract.geometry) wrd = wrd[wrd.geom_type.isin(['LinearRing', 'LineString', 'MultiLineString'])] wrd = wrd[~wrd.apply(hash_geom).duplicated()] #workplaces on S1200 swps = wrd.apply(lambda x: pd.Series([x.interpolate(seg) for seg in np.arange(x.length,WD)])) #workplaces on the joints of S1400|S1740 rwps = hrd.apply(lambda x: Point(x.coords[0]) if type(x) != MultiLineString else Point(x[0].coords[0])) wps = rwps.append(swps.unstack().dropna().reset_index(drop=True)) wps = wps.sample(n=tract.WP_CNT,replace=True).reset_index(drop=True) wps.index = tract.name + 'w' + wps.index.to_series().astype(str) return gpd.GeoSeries(houses), gpd.GeoSeries(wps) # ## Populate Households # Individuals populate the households # In[ ]: def populate_households(tract, people, hholds): """ Eleven household types: 0 h&w (no<18) 1 h&w&ch (ch<18) 2 male (no<18) 3 male (ch<18) 4 female (no<18) 5 female (ch<18) 6 nonfamily group 7 lone male <65 8 lone male >65 9 lone female<65 10 lone female>65 """ def gen_households(hh_type, mask): """Helper """ members = [] head_ranges = [range(4,18), range(4,14), range(4,18), range(4,14), range(22,36), range(22,30), chain(range(1,18),range(19,36)), range(4,13), range(13,18), range(21,31), range(31,36)] # head_age = [range(15,99), range(20,70), range(15,99), range(20,70), range(15,99), # range(20,70), range(15,99), range(15,65), range(65,99), range(15,65), range(65,99)] # head_sex= [('m'),('m'),('m'),('m'),('f'),('f'),('m','f'),('m'),('m'),('f'),('f')] #add the householder pot = people[mask].code iindex = pot[pot.isin(head_ranges[hh_type])].index[0] h1 = people.loc[iindex] #age & sex of h1 mask[iindex] = False members.append(iindex) #if living alone then return the household if hh_type > 6: return members #if husband and wife, add the wife if hh_type in (0,1): pot = people[mask].code iindex = pot[pot.isin(range(h1.code+17,h1.code+19))].index[0] h2 = people.loc[iindex] # -4 < husband.age - wife.age < 9 mask[iindex] = False members.append(iindex) #if may have children 18+ then add them # if (hh_type <= 5) and (h1.age > 36) and (np.random.random() < 0.3): # #to have a child older than 18, h1 should be at least 37 # pot = people[mask] # iindex = pot[pot.age.isin(range(18,h1.age-15))].index[0] # ch18 = people.ix[iindex] #child should be at least 19 years younger than h1 # mask[iindex] = False # members.append(iindex) """A child includes a son or daughter by birth (biological child), a stepchild, or an adopted child of the householder, regardless of the child’s age or marital status. The category excludes sons-in-law, daughters- in-law, and foster children.""" #household types with at least one child (18-) if hh_type in (1,3,5): #https://www.census.gov/hhes/families/files/graphics/FM-3.pdf if hh_type == 1: num_of_child = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(2)))) #gaussian touch elif hh_type == 3: num_of_child = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(1.6)))) #gaussian touch elif hh_type == 5: num_of_child = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(1.8)))) #gaussian touch pot = people[mask] if hh_type == 1: iindices = pot[(pot.age<18) & (45>h2.age-pot.age)].index[:num_of_child] else: #father (mother) and child age difference not to exceed 50 (40) age_diff = 45 if hh_type == 5 else 55 iindices = pot[(pot.age<18) & (age_diff>h1.age-pot.age)].index[:num_of_child] for i in iindices: child = people.loc[i] mask[i] = False members.append(i) #if nonfamily group then either friends or unmarried couples if hh_type == 6: pot = people[mask].code num_of_friends = max(1,abs(int(np.random.normal(1.3)))) #gaussian touch iindices = pot[pot.isin(range(h1.code-2,h1.code+3))].index[:num_of_friends] for i in iindices: friend = people.loc[i] mask[i] = False members.append(i) return members mask = pd.Series(True,index=people.index) #[True]*len(people) hholds['members'] = hholds.htype.apply(gen_households,args=(mask,)) """The seven types of group quarters are categorized as institutional group quarters (correctional facilities for adults, juvenile facilities, nursing facilities/skilled-nursing facilities, and other institutional facilities) or noninstitutional group quarters (college/university student housing, military quarters, and other noninstitutional facilities).""" portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area # what portion of the tract is included group_population = int(tract.DP0120014 * portion) #people living in group quarters (not in households) #gq_indices = people[(people.age>=65) | (people.age<18)].index[:group_population] gq_indices = people[mask].index[:group_population] #for i in gq_indices: mask[i] = False mask.loc[gq_indices] = False #now distribute the remaining household guys as relatives... relatives = people[mask].index it = iter(relatives) #sample by replacement relative_hhs = hholds[hholds.htype<7].sample(n=len(relatives),replace=True) relative_hhs.members.apply(lambda x: x.append(next(it))) #appends on mutable lists #for i in relatives: mask[i] = False mask.loc[relatives]= False #print('is anyone left homeless:',any(mask)) #add those living in group quarters as all living in a house of 12th type if group_population > 0: hholds.loc[len(hholds)] = {'htype':11, 'members':gq_indices} hholds.set_index(tract.name+'h'+hholds.index.values) def hh_2_people(hh,people): for m in hh.members: people.loc[m,'hhold'] = hh.name people.loc[m,'htype'] = hh.htype hholds.apply(hh_2_people,args=(people,),axis=1) # ## Get Errors # In[29]: def get_errors(tract,people): """Percentage errors """ err = {} portion = tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area # what portion of the tract is included senior_actual = int(tract.DP0150001 * portion) # Households with individuals 65 years and over minor_actual = int(tract.DP0140001 * portion) # Households with individuals under 18 years # err['tract'] = tract.name err['population'] = tract.DP0010001 err['in_gq'] = tract.DP0120014 avg_synthetic_family = people[people.htype<6].groupby('hhold').size().mean() err['avg_family'] = 100*(avg_synthetic_family - tract.DP0170001) / tract.DP0170001 err['avg_hh'] = 100*(people[people.htype!=11].groupby('hhold').size().mean() - tract.DP0160001) / tract.DP0160001 err['senior_hh'] = 100*(people[people.age>=65].hhold.nunique() - senior_actual) / senior_actual err['minor_hh'] = 100*(people[people.age<18].hhold.nunique() - minor_actual) / minor_actual return pd.Series(err,name=tract.name) # In[30]: def assign_hholds_to_houses(hholds,houses,people): hholds['house'] = houses.sample(frac=1,random_state=123).index def hh_2_people(hh,people): for m in hh.members: people.loc[m,'house']=hh.house people.loc[m,'htype']=hh.htype people['house'] = 'homeless' people['htype'] = 'homeless' people['work'] = 'unemployed' hholds.apply(hh_2_people,args=(people,),axis=1) people['geometry'] = people.house.map(houses) return gpd.GeoDataFrame(people) # ## Assign Students to Schools # In[31]: def assign_students_to_schools(tract,people,school,buffer=0.3): """ Get the schools within 30km that accepts students at this age. loop over schools from nearest to farest: if school has any space then enroll if no school available then enroll to the school with the lowest enrollment rate update the enrollment of the school PERCENTAGE ERRORS """ def assign_school(x,pot,school): sch = pot.distance(x.geometry).sort_values() for s in sch.index: #from nearest to farest if school.loc[s,'current'] < school.loc[s,'ENROLLMENT']: school.loc[s,'current'] += 1 return s #if no space left at any school within the buffer least_crowded = (pot.current/pot.ENROLLMENT).idxmin() school.loc[least_crowded,'current'] += 1 return least_crowded kids = people.age<18 buff = tract.geometry.buffer(buffer) sch_pot = school[school.intersects(buff)] #filter potential schools and daycares people.loc[kids,'wp'] = people[kids].apply(assign_school,args=(sch_pot,school),axis=1) # # Synthesize # In[20]: def synthesize(tract, od, road, school, errors, population, wps): start_time = timeit.default_timer() print(tract.name,'started...',end=' ') people = create_individuals(tract) create_households(tract,people) assign_workplaces(tract,people,od) #create spaces houses, wp = create_spaces(tract, people.hhold.nunique(), od, road) #assign households to houses people['geometry'] = people.hhold.map(houses) assign_students_to_schools(tract,people,school) # people['friends'] = create_networks(people) err = get_errors(tract,people) wps.append(wp) population.append(people) errors.append(err) # giant = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key=len) # nms.append(net_metrics(giant)) print(tract.name,'now ended ({:.1f} secs)'.format(timeit.default_timer() - start_time)) # # Social Networks # Individuals living in the same house, or working in the same workplace, or attending the same school have relations at different levels. # It has been argued that the intimate social network size is 5 (Dunbar). # Following it, we create Newman–Watts–Strogatz small-world graphs with k=4 and p=0.3 for each network (home/work/school). # In[260]: def create_networks(people,k=4,p=.3): g = nx.Graph() g.add_nodes_from(people.index) grouped = people.groupby('hhold') grouped.apply(lambda x: create_edges(x,g,etype='hhold',k=k,p=p)) grouped = people[people.age>=18].groupby('wp') grouped.apply(lambda x: create_edges(x,g,etype='work',k=k,p=p)) grouped = people[people.age<18].groupby('wp') grouped.apply(lambda x: create_edges(x,g,etype='school',k=k,p=p)) return g #max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key=len) def create_edges(x,g,etype=None,k=4,p=.3): """Creates the edges within group `g` and adds them to `edges` if the group size is <=5, then a complete network is generated. Otherwise, a Newman–Watts–Strogatz small-world graph is generated with k=4 and p=0.3 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960199007574 """ if len(x)<=5: sw = nx.complete_graph(len(x)) else: sw = nx.newman_watts_strogatz_graph(len(x),k,p) sw = nx.relabel_nodes(sw,dict(zip(sw.nodes(), x.index.values))) if etype: g.add_edges_from(sw.edges(),etype=etype) else: g.add_edges_from(sw.edges()) # # DEMO # In[1]: #imports import networkx as nx from graph_tool.all import graph_tool as gt import pickle from shapely.prepared import prep from shapely.ops import snap, linemerge, nearest_points from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString, LineString, Point, Polygon, GeometryCollection from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from functools import partial from itertools import chain from glob import glob import sys import timeit import os from io import StringIO from IPython.display import display, HTML, Image from simpledbf import Dbf5 import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rcParams.update(mpl.rcParamsDefault) import seaborn as sns plt.style.use('ggplot') Set1 = plt.get_cmap('Set1') get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') mpl.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 150 mpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 150 mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 12, 8 mpl.rcParams['axes.facecolor']='white' mpl.rcParams['savefig.facecolor']='white' mpl.rcParams['axes.formatter.useoffset']=False # For demo, we work on three census tracts, so created a road shapefile for faster reading # ``` # tracts = '36105952300 36105952400 36105952500'.split() # fields = dp.loc[tracts,:].unary_union # road = road[road.intersects(fields)] # road.to_file('../road.shp') # ``` # In[16]: #read in the preprocessed files # road = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/gcc.shp') #road file # road = gpd.read_file('../road.shp') #road file road = gpd.read_file('../data/SU/comp1.shp') #road file # demographic profiles # dp = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/censusclip1.shp').set_index('GEOID10') dp = gpd.read_file('../data/SU/SU_census.shp').set_index('GEOID10') dp['portion'] = dp.apply(lambda tract: tract.geometry.area / tract.Shape_Area, axis=1) # origin (home) - destination (job) at census-tract level od = pd.read_csv('../od/tract-od.csv',dtype={i:(str if i<2 else int) for i in range(6)}) #Number of establishments per county per size cbp = pd.read_csv('../data/cbp10co.zip') cbp = cbp[(cbp.naics.str.startswith('-'))] #All types of establishments included cbp['fips'] = cbp.fipstate.map("{:02}".format) + cbp.fipscty.map("{:03}".format) cbp = cbp.set_index('fips') #add workplace counts and sizes to dp dp['WP_CNT'] = number_of_wp(dp,od,cbp) dp['WP_PROBA'] = dp.WP_CNT.map(wp_proba) # school = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/school.shp') # daycare = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/daycare.shp') # school = clean_schools(school,daycare) # school.to_file('../nWMDmap2/education.shp') school = gpd.read_file('../nWMDmap2/education.shp') # ## One Tract # In[259]: tracts = '36105952300 36105952400 36105952500'.split() dp.loc[tracts] # In[283]: tract = dp.loc['36111952600'] people = create_individuals(tract) create_households(tract,people) assign_workplaces(tract,people,od) # In[284]: #create spaces houses, wp = create_spaces(tract, people.hhold.nunique(), od, road) #assign households to houses people['geometry'] = people.hhold.map(houses) assign_students_to_schools(tract,people,school) # In[285]: g = create_networks(people) err = get_errors(tract,people) # In[95]: err = get_errors(tract,people) ax = err.drop(['population','in_gq']).plot.bar() ax.set(ylabel='Percentage errors',title=err.name); # In[71]: #networks g = nx.Graph() nodes = people[people.index.str.startswith(tract.name)] grouped = nodes.groupby('hhold') grouped.apply(lambda x: create_edges(x,g,etype='hhold')) grouped = nodes[nodes.age>=18].groupby('wp') grouped.apply(lambda x: create_edges(x,g,etype='work')) grouped = nodes[nodes.age<18].groupby('wp') grouped.apply(lambda x: create_edges(x,g,etype='school')) giant = max(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key=len) giant.number_of_nodes() # ## Two Counties # In[34]: population = [] errors = [] wps = [] # %prun dp.apply(lambda t: synthesize(t,od,road,school,errors, population, wps),axis=1); # In[36]: #save the results with open('errors2.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(errors, f) with open('population2.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(population, f) with open('wps2.pkl', 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(wps, f) # create and save the networks g = create_networks(people,k=4,p=.3) nx.write_gml(g,'k4p3-2.gml') # people['friends'] = people.index.map(lambda x: set(g.neighbors(x))) for etype in ['hhold','work','school']: sg = nx.Graph([(u,v) for u,v,d in g.edges(data=True) if d['etype']==etype]) nx.write_gml(sg,etype+'-2.gml') work_school = nx.Graph([(u,v) for u,v,d in g.edges(data=True) if d['etype'] in ['work','school']]) nx.write_gml(work_school,'work_school-2.gml')