import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import * import as tls import pandas as pd import plotly plotly.__version__ py.sign_in('Python-Demo-Account','gwt101uhh0') df = pd.read_csv("") df.head() # take a look at data histogram_plot = [{'x': df['% of women managers'], 'type': 'histogram', 'name': '% of women managers', }] data_histogram = Data(histogram_plot) fig_histogram = Figure(data=data_histogram) py.iplot(fig_histogram, filename='% of women managers') tls.embed('MattSundquist',8651) # style in GUI fig = py.get_figure('MattSundquist',8651) # or, I can get the data fig_data = fig.get_data() str(fig_data) from IPython.core.display import HTML import urllib2 HTML(urllib2.urlopen('').read())