suppressMessages(library(devtools)) suppressMessages(install_github("ropensci/plotly")) suppressMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(library(plyr)) suppressMessages(library(plotly)) py <- plotly(username="r_user_guide", key="mw5isa4yqp") # open plotly connection # grab data from Tableau df <- read.csv("") # verify, show first 5 rows df[1:5,] ggplot(df, aes(x=Latitude..generated.)) + geom_histogram() suppressMessages(py$ggplotly(session="notebook")) # send to plotly, embed in Notebook plotly_iframe <- function(url) { # set width and height from options or default square w <- "600" h <- "600" html <- paste("", sep = "") return(html) } display_html( plotly_iframe("")) # edit in GUI, embed # CSS styling within IPython notebook display_html(getURL(""))