using Base64 using Pkg using Random endof(a) = lastindex(a) linspace(start, stop, length) = range(start, stop=stop, length=length) const srand = Random.seed! displayfile(mime, file) = open(file) do f base64 = base64encode(f) display("text/html", """""") end using Distributions import PyPlot import Plotly import Plots import PyPlot PyPlot.plt[:style][:use]("default") PyPlot.rc("figure", titlesize=10) PyPlot.rc("lines", linewidth=1) PyPlot.rc("lines", markersize=5) PyPlot.rc("axes", grid=true) PyPlot.rc("axes", labelsize=10) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.rc("xtick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("ytick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("legend", fontsize=8) srand(12345) N = 20 PyPlot.figure(figsize=(5,5)) PyPlot.plot(rand(N), rand(N), label="1", marker="o") PyPlot.plot(rand(N), rand(N), label="2", marker="^", ls="--") PyPlot.plot(rand(N), rand(N), label="3", marker="s", ls="-.") PyPlot.legend() PyPlot.xlim(-0.05, 1.05) PyPlot.ylim(-0.05, 1.05) PyPlot.xlabel("x") PyPlot.ylabel("y") PyPlot.axes()[:set_aspect]("equal") PyPlot.title("2-dimensional uniform distribution") import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() Plots.pyplot( legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0, ) srand(12345) N = 20 Plots.plot(size=(450, 450)) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="1", marker=:circle) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="2", marker=:utriangle, ls=:dash) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="3", marker=:square, ls=:dashdot) Plots.plot!(legend=true) Plots.plot!(xlim=(-0.05, 1.05)) Plots.plot!(ylim=(-0.05, 1.05)) Plots.plot!(xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(ylabel="y") Plots.plot!(aspect_ratio=1) Plots.title!("2-dimensional uniform distribution") import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0, ) srand(12345) N = 20 Plots.plot(size=(450, 450)) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="1", marker=:circle) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="2", marker=:utriangle, ls=:dash) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="3", marker=:square, ls=:dashdot) Plots.plot!(legend=true) Plots.plot!(xlim=(-0.05, 1.05)) Plots.plot!(ylim=(-0.05, 1.05)) Plots.plot!(xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(ylabel="y") Plots.plot!(aspect_ratio=1) Plots.title!("2-dimensional uniform distribution") import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() #Plots.plotlyjs( Plots.plotly( legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0, ) srand(12345) N = 20 Plots.plot(size=(500,420)) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="1", marker=:circle) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="2", marker=:utriangle, ls=:dash) Plots.plot!(rand(N), rand(N), label="3", marker=:square, ls=:dashdot) Plots.plot!(legend=true) Plots.plot!(xlim=(-0.05, 1.05)) Plots.plot!(ylim=(-0.05, 1.05)) Plots.plot!(xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(ylabel="y") Plots.plot!(aspect_ratio=0.85) Plots.title!("2-dimensional uniform distribution") using KernelDensity srand(2018) X = vcat(2 .+ 2*randn(6000), -3 .+ 0.5*randn(4000)) ik = InterpKDE(kde(X)) pdfik(x) = pdf(ik, x) x = linspace(minimum(X), maximum(X), 401) y = pdfik.(x) import PyPlot PyPlot.plt[:style][:use]("default") PyPlot.rc("figure", titlesize=10) PyPlot.rc("lines", linewidth=1) PyPlot.rc("axes", grid=true) PyPlot.rc("axes", labelsize=10) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.rc("xtick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("ytick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("legend", fontsize=10) PyPlot.figure(figsize=(5, 3.5)) PyPlot.plt[:hist](X, normed=true, bins=100, alpha=0.3, label="sample") PyPlot.plot(x, y, label="kde") PyPlot.legend() PyPlot.xlabel("x") PyPlot.ylabel("probability density") PyPlot.title("sample of mixture normal distribution") using KernelDensity srand(2018) X = vcat(2 .+ 2*randn(6000), -3 .+ 0.5*randn(4000)) ik = InterpKDE(kde(X)) pdfik(x) = pdf(ik, x) x = linspace(minimum(X), maximum(X), 401) y = pdfik.(x) import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() Plots.pyplot( legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), ) Plots.plot(size=(450, 315)) Plots.histogram!(X, normed=true, bins=100, alpha=0.2, label="sample", legend=true) Plots.plot!(x, y, label="kde", legend=true, ylims=(0, 0.33)) Plots.plot!(xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(ylabel="probability density") Plots.title!("sample of mixture normal distribution") using KernelDensity srand(2018) X = vcat(2 .+ 2*randn(6000), -3 .+ 0.5*randn(4000)) ik = InterpKDE(kde(X)) pdfik(x) = pdf(ik, x) x = linspace(minimum(X), maximum(X), 401) y = pdfik.(x) import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), ) Plots.plot(size=(450, 315)) Plots.histogram!(X, normed=true, bins=100, alpha=0.2, label="sample", legend=true) Plots.plot!(x, y, label="kde", legend=true, ylims=(0, 0.33)) Plots.plot!(xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(ylabel="probability density") Plots.title!("sample of mixture normal distribution") using KernelDensity srand(2018) n = 2^10 X, Y = randn(n), randn(n) X, Y = 2X, X.^2 + X + 1.2Y ik = InterpKDE(kde((X,Y))) pdfik(x,y) = pdf(ik,x,y) c = pdfik.(X, Y) x = linspace(minimum(X), maximum(X), 201) y = linspace(minimum(Y), maximum(Y), 201) z = pdfik.(x', y) import PyPlot PyPlot.plt[:style][:use]("default") PyPlot.rc("lines", markersize=2) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.rc("axes", facecolor="gray") PyPlot.figure(figsize=(8,3.4)) PyPlot.subplot(121) PyPlot.scatter(X, Y, c=c, cmap="CMRmap") PyPlot.colorbar() PyPlot.title("scatter") PyPlot.subplot(122) PyPlot.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap="CMRmap") PyPlot.colorbar() PyPlot.title("pcolormesh") PyPlot.tight_layout() PyPlot.savefig("PyPlot_scatter_pcolormesh.png") displayfile("image/png", "PyPlot_scatter_pcolormesh.png") using KernelDensity srand(2018) n = 2^10 X, Y = randn(n), randn(n) X, Y = 2X, X.^2 + X + 1.2Y ik = InterpKDE(kde((X,Y))) pdfik(x,y) = pdf(ik,x,y) c = pdfik.(X, Y) x = linspace(minimum(X), maximum(X), 201) y = linspace(minimum(Y), maximum(Y), 201) z = pdfik.(x', y) import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() Plots.pyplot( legend=false, markersize=3, markerstrokewidth=0, background_color_inside="gray", ) p1 = Plots.scatter(X, Y, zcolor=c, color=:thermal, colorbar=true, title="scatter") p2 = Plots.heatmap(x, y, z, color=:thermal, colorbar=true, title="heatmap") Plots.plot(p1, p2, size=(720, 320)) Plots.savefig("Plots_pyplot_scatter_heatmap.png") displayfile("image/png", "Plots_pyplot_scatter_heatmap.png") using KernelDensity srand(2018) n = 2^10 X, Y = randn(n), randn(n) X, Y = 2X, X.^2 + X + 1.2Y ik = InterpKDE(kde((X,Y))) pdfik(x,y) = pdf(ik,x,y) c = pdfik.(X, Y) x = linspace(minimum(X), maximum(X), 201) y = linspace(minimum(Y), maximum(Y), 201) z = pdfik.(x', y) import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() legend=false, markersize=3, markerstrokewidth=0, background_color_inside="gray", ) p1 = Plots.scatter(X, Y, zcolor=c, color=:thermal, colorbar=true, title="scatter") p2 = Plots.heatmap(x, y, z, color=:thermal, colorbar=true, title="heatmap") Plots.plot(p1, p2, size=(800, 320)) Plots.savefig("Plots_gr_scatter_heatmap.png") Plots.plot(p1, p2, size=(800, 320)) displayfile("image/png", "Plots_gr_scatter_heatmap.png") R = 10 r = 3 f(u,v) = R*cos(u) + cos(u)*r*cos(v) g(u,v) = R*sin(u) + sin(u)*r*cos(v) h(u,v) = r*sin(v) u = linspace(0, 2π, 21) v = linspace(0, 2π, 21) x = f.(u',v) y = g.(u',v) z = h.(u',v) t = 0.2π y, z = cos(t)*y-sin(t)*z, sin(t)*y + cos(t)*z import PyPlot PyPlot.plt[:style][:use]("default") PyPlot.rc("figure", titlesize=10) PyPlot.rc("axes", labelsize=10) PyPlot.rc("xtick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("ytick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("legend", fontsize=8) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) s = PyPlot.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap="rainbow") PyPlot.colorbar(s) PyPlot.zlim(-10,10) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="y", rotation=-15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="z", rotation=-10) PyPlot.xlabel("x") PyPlot.ylabel("y") PyPlot.title("torus") PyPlot.figure(figsize=(5, 4)) PyPlot.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, cmap="rainbow") PyPlot.zlim(-10,10) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="y", rotation=-15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="z", rotation=-10) PyPlot.xlabel("x") PyPlot.ylabel("y") PyPlot.title("torus") R = 10 r = 3 f(u,v) = R*cos(u) + cos(u)*r*cos(v) g(u,v) = R*sin(u) + sin(u)*r*cos(v) h(u,v) = r*sin(v) u = linspace(0, 2π, 21) v = linspace(0, 2π, 21) x = f.(u',v) y = g.(u',v) z = h.(u',v) t = 0.2π y, z = cos(t)*y-sin(t)*z, sin(t)*y + cos(t)*z import PyPlot PyPlot.plt[:style][:use]("default") PyPlot.rc("figure", titlesize=10) PyPlot.rc("axes", labelsize=10) PyPlot.rc("xtick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("ytick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("legend", fontsize=8) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.figure(figsize=(10, 4)) ax1 = PyPlot.subplot2grid((1,11), (0,0), rowspan=1, colspan=6, projection="3d") ax1[:view_init](30, -120) s1 = PyPlot.plot_surface(x, y, z, cmap="rainbow") PyPlot.colorbar(s1) PyPlot.zlim(-10,10) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="y", rotation=-15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="z", rotation=-10) PyPlot.xlabel("x") PyPlot.ylabel("y") PyPlot.title("torus") PyPlot.subplot2grid((1,11), (0,6), rowspan=1, colspan=5, projection="3d") PyPlot.plot_wireframe(x, y, z, cmap="rainbow") PyPlot.zlim(-10,10) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="x", rotation=15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="y", rotation=-15) PyPlot.tick_params(axis="z", rotation=-10) PyPlot.xlabel("x") PyPlot.ylabel("y") PyPlot.title("torus") PyPlot.tight_layout() PyPlot.savefig("PyPlot_3D.png") R = 10 r = 3 f(u,v) = R*cos(u) + cos(u)*r*cos(v) g(u,v) = R*sin(u) + sin(u)*r*cos(v) h(u,v) = r*sin(v) u = linspace(0, 2π, 21) v = linspace(0, 2π, 21) x = f.(u',v) y = g.(u',v) z = h.(u',v) t = 0.2π y, z = cos(t)*y-sin(t)*z, sin(t)*y + cos(t)*z import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() Plots.pyplot( legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0, ) #Plots.clibrary(:misc) Plots.clibrary(:colorcet) p1 = Plots.surface(x, y, z, color=:rainbow, colorbar=true, camera=(-30, 30)) Plots.plot!(p1, zlim=(-10,10)) Plots.plot!(p1, xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(p1, ylabel="y") Plots.title!(p1, "torus") p2 = Plots.wireframe(x, y, z) Plots.plot!(p2, zlim=(-10,10)) Plots.plot!(p2, xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(p2, ylabel="y") Plots.title!(p2, "torus") #Plots.plot(p1, p2, size=(900, 360)) Plots.plot(p1, size=(450, 360)) Plots.savefig("Plots_pyplot_3D.png") R = 10 r = 3 f(u,v) = R*cos(u) + cos(u)*r*cos(v) g(u,v) = R*sin(u) + sin(u)*r*cos(v) h(u,v) = r*sin(v) u = linspace(0, 2π, 21) v = linspace(0, 2π, 21) x = f.(u',v) y = g.(u',v) z = h.(u',v) t = 0.2π y, z = cos(t)*y-sin(t)*z, sin(t)*y + cos(t)*z import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() #Plots.plotlyjs( Plots.plotly( legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), markersize=5, markerstrokewidth=0, ) #Plots.clibrary(:misc) Plots.clibrary(:colorcet) Plots.plot(size=(500, 400)) Plots.surface!(x, y, z, color=:rainbow)#, colorbar=true) Plots.plot!(zlim=(-10,10)) Plots.plot!(xlabel="x") Plots.plot!(ylabel="y") Plots.title!("torus") using Distributions function asset_update!(asset, taxfunc, niters) n = endof(asset) ur = UnitRange{Int32}(1:n) for iter in 1:niters k = rand(ur) l = rand(ur) d = taxfunc(asset[k]) asset[k] -= d asset[l] += d end end function sim!(asset, taxfunc; niters=5*10^5, nframes=100, thin=niters÷nframes) n = endof(asset) T = eltype(asset) niters = thin * nframes Asset = zeros(T, n, nframes+1) #Array{T, 2}(undef, n, nframes+1) Asset[:,1] .= asset for t in 1:nframes asset_update!(asset, taxfunc, thin) Asset[:,t+1] .= asset end Asset end function Elog(Asset) n, L = size(Asset) ElogA = Array{eltype(Asset),1}(undef, L) for l in 1:L ElogA[l] = mean(log(Asset[k,l]) for k in 1:n) end ElogA end mutable struct ConstantRateTax{T<:AbstractFloat}; rate::T; end ConstantRateTax(; rate = 0.2) = ConstantRateTax(rate) (f::ConstantRateTax)(x) = f.rate * x srand(2018) n = 2^16 asset = rand(Exponential(1.0), n) taxfunc = ConstantRateTax(rate=0.05) @time Asset = sim!(asset, taxfunc, niters=4*10^6, nframes=40); import PyPlot PyPlot.rc("figure", titlesize=10) PyPlot.rc("lines", linewidth=1) PyPlot.rc("lines", markersize=5) PyPlot.rc("axes", grid=true) PyPlot.rc("axes", labelsize=10) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.rc("xtick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("ytick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("legend", fontsize=8) using PyCall anim = pyimport("matplotlib.animation") using Distributions function PyPlot_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA; xmax=4.0, ymax=2.0) n, L = size(Asset) bins = max(41, Int(fld(sqrt(n), 2))) PyPlot.clf() PyPlot.subplot(121) PyPlot.plt[:hist](@view(Asset[:,t+1]), normed=true, bins=bins, alpha=0.5, range=(0,xmax), label="asset dist") fitdist = fit(Gamma, @view(Asset[:,t+1])) x = linspace(0, xmax, 201) PyPlot.plot(x, pdf.(fitdist, x), label="Gamma dist") PyPlot.ylim(0,ymax) PyPlot.legend() PyPlot.title("t = $t") PyPlot.subplot(122) PyPlot.plot(0:t, ElogA[1:t+1]) PyPlot.xlim(0, L-1) PyPlot.ylim(minimum(ElogA), 0) PyPlot.title("mean of log(asset)") PyPlot.tight_layout() PyPlot.plot() end function PyPlot_makegif(giffile, Asset) L = size(Asset)[2]-1 ElogA = Elog(Asset) # t = 0~L について1フレーム分の画像を作成 update(t) = PyPlot_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA) # アニメーション作成開始 fig = PyPlot.figure(figsize=(7, 2.5)) # t の動かし方 frames = [0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0:L;L;L;L;L;L;L;L;L;L:-1:0] # アニメ―ションオブジェクトの作成 myanim = anim[:FuncAnimation](fig, update, frames=frames, interval=100) # GIFファイルの作成 myanim[:save](giffile, writer="imagemagick") # 無駄な表示を削除 PyPlot.clf() end giffile = "PyPlot_asset_dist.gif" @time PyPlot_makegif(giffile, Asset) displayfile("image/gif", giffile) import PyPlot PyPlot.rc("figure", titlesize=10) PyPlot.rc("lines", linewidth=1) PyPlot.rc("lines", markersize=5) PyPlot.rc("axes", grid=true) PyPlot.rc("axes", labelsize=10) PyPlot.rc("grid", linestyle=":") PyPlot.rc("xtick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("ytick", labelsize=8) PyPlot.rc("legend", fontsize=8) using PyCall anim = pyimport("matplotlib.animation") using Distributions function PyPlot_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA; xmax=4.0, ymax=2.0) n, L = size(Asset) bins = max(41, Int(fld(sqrt(n), 2))) PyPlot.clf() PyPlot.subplot(121) PyPlot.plt[:hist](@view(Asset[:,t+1]), normed=true, bins=bins, alpha=0.5, range=(0,xmax), label="asset dist") fitdist = fit(Gamma, @view(Asset[:,t+1])) x = linspace(0, xmax, 201) PyPlot.plot(x, pdf.(fitdist, x), label="Gamma dist") PyPlot.ylim(0,ymax) PyPlot.legend() PyPlot.title("t = $t") PyPlot.subplot(122) PyPlot.plot(0:t, ElogA[1:t+1]) PyPlot.xlim(0, L-1) PyPlot.ylim(minimum(ElogA), 0) PyPlot.title("mean of log(asset)") PyPlot.tight_layout() PyPlot.plot() end function PyPlot_makehtml(Asset) L = size(Asset)[2]-1 ElogA = Elog(Asset) # t = 0~L について1フレーム分の画像を作成 update(t) = PyPlot_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA) # アニメーション作成開始 fig = PyPlot.figure(figsize=(7, 2.5)) # t の動かし方 frames = [0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0:L;L;L;L;L;L;L;L;L;L:-1:0] # アニメ―ションオブジェクトの作成 myanim = anim[:FuncAnimation](fig, update, frames=frames, interval=100) # Javascript animation の作成 myanim_html = myanim[:to_jshtml]() # 無駄な表示を削除 PyPlot.clf() return myanim_html end @time myanim_html = PyPlot_makehtml(Asset) display("text/html", myanim_html) # import Plots # Plots.reset_defaults() # Plots.pyplot( # legend=false, # titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), # legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), # guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), # tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), # markerstrokewidth=0, # ) # function Plots_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA; xmax = 4.0, ymax = 2.0) # n, L = size(Asset) # fitdist = fit(Gamma, @view(Asset[:,t+1])) # x = linspace(0, xmax, 201) # p1 = Plots.histogram(@view(Asset[:,t+1]), normed=true, alpha=0.5, linealpha=0, label="asset dist") # Plots.plot!(p1, xlim=(0,xmax), ylim=(0,ymax)) # Plots.plot!(p1, x, pdf.(fitdist, x), label="Gamma dist", legend=true) # Plots.title!(p1, "t = $t") # p2 = Plots.plot(0:t, ElogA[1:t+1]) # Plots.plot!(p2, [L], [0], xlim=(0,L-1)) # Plots.title!(p2, "mean of log(asset)") # Plots.plot(p1, p2, size=(700,250)) # end # function Plots_makegif(giffile, Asset) # N = size(Asset)[2]-1 # ElogA = Elog(Asset) # # t = 0~L について1フレーム分の画像を作成 # update(t) = Plots_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA) # # t の動かす範囲の指定 # frames = [0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0:N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N:-1:0] # # アニメーションオブジェクトの作成 # myanim = Plots.Animation() # # アニメーションのすべてのフレームを作成 # for t in frames # update(t) # Plots.frame(myanim) # end # # GIFファイルの作成 # Plots.gif(myanim, giffile, fps=10) # end # giffile = "Plots_pyplot_asset_dist.gif" # #@time Plots_makegif(giffile, Asset[:,1:8:41]) # for test # @time Plots_makegif(giffile, Asset) # displayfile("image/gif", giffile) # この環境変数が設定されていると dpi_factor = 1 となる. ENV["PLOTS_TEST"] = "true" ###### バージョンを現在バージョンの 0.15.0 の一つ前に戻す. ###### 生成される画像ファイルのサイズが6倍になる問題対策. ###### これを実行したら, juliaを立ち上げ直す. (Kernel Restart する.) #"Plots", v"0.14.2") ###### もとに戻すには次を実行する #"Plots") ###### Plots.jl のバージョンの表示 # #Pkg.status("Plots") # import Plots: gr_display, Plot, DPI, gr_plot_size, gr_fill_viewport, px, pt, _gr_point_mult # function gr_display(plt::Plot, fmt="") # GR.clearws() # # collect some monitor/display sizes in meters and pixels # display_width_meters, display_height_meters, display_width_px, display_height_px = GR.inqdspsize() # display_width_ratio = display_width_meters / display_width_px # display_height_ratio = display_height_meters / display_height_px # # compute the viewport_canvas, normalized to the larger dimension # viewport_canvas = Float64[0,1,0,1] # w, h = plt[:size] # if !haskey(ENV, "PLOTS_TEST") # dpi_factor = plt[:dpi] / DPI # # if fmt == "png" # # dpi_factor *= 6 # # end # else # dpi_factor = 1 # end # gr_plot_size[:] = [w, h] # if w > h # ratio = float(h) / w # msize = display_width_ratio * w * dpi_factor # GR.setwsviewport(0, msize, 0, msize * ratio) # GR.setwswindow(0, 1, 0, ratio) # viewport_canvas[3] *= ratio # viewport_canvas[4] *= ratio # else # ratio = float(w) / h # msize = display_height_ratio * h * dpi_factor # GR.setwsviewport(0, msize * ratio, 0, msize) # GR.setwswindow(0, ratio, 0, 1) # viewport_canvas[1] *= ratio # viewport_canvas[2] *= ratio # end # # fill in the viewport_canvas background # gr_fill_viewport(viewport_canvas, plt[:background_color_outside]) # # update point mult # px_per_pt = px / pt # _gr_point_mult[1] = 1.5 * px_per_pt / max(h,w) # # subplots: # for sp in plt.subplots # gr_display(sp, w*px, h*px, viewport_canvas) # end # GR.updatews() # end # sleep(0.1) import Plots Plots.reset_defaults() legend=false, titlefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 12), legendfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), guidefont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 10), tickfont=Plots.font("sans-serif", 8), markerstrokewidth=0, ) function Plots_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA; xmax = 4.0, ymax = 2.0) n, L = size(Asset) fitdist = fit(Gamma, @view(Asset[:,t+1])) x = linspace(0, xmax, 201) p1 = Plots.histogram(@view(Asset[:,t+1]), normed=true, alpha=0.5, linealpha=0, label="asset dist") Plots.plot!(p1, xlim=(0,xmax), ylim=(0,ymax)) Plots.plot!(p1, x, pdf.(fitdist, x), label="Gamma dist", legend=true) Plots.title!(p1, "t = $t") p2 = Plots.plot(0:t, ElogA[1:t+1]) Plots.plot!(p2, [L], [0], xlim=(0,L-1)) Plots.title!(p2, "mean of log(asset)") Plots.plot(p1, p2, size=(700, 250)) end function Plots_makegif(giffile, Asset) N = size(Asset)[2]-1 ElogA = Elog(Asset) # t = 0~L について1フレーム分の画像を作成 update(t) = Plots_plot_Asset(t, Asset, ElogA) # t の動かす範囲の指定 frames = [0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0:N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N:-1:0] # アニメーションオブジェクトの作成 myanim = Plots.Animation() # アニメーションのすべてのフレームを作成 for t in frames update(t) Plots.frame(myanim) end # GIFファイルの作成 Plots.gif(myanim, giffile, fps=10) end giffile = "Plots_gr_asset_dist.gif" #@time Plots_makegif(giffile, Asset[:,1:8:41]) # for test @time Plots_makegif(giffile, Asset) displayfile("image/gif", giffile)