#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Phase II Power Analysis # # Using the sample information from the phase I trial, we can calculate power for a phase II trial. # # ![Table 2](http://d.pr/i/O9Y6+) # ## Proper Bayesian power analysis # # We wish to identify sample sizes for high dose and standard dose (in a 2:1 ratio) that will be able to detect a positive difference in the probability $p$ of a $\ge 4$ fold titer rise to H3N2 influenza. That is, we wish to be able to detect: # # $$\delta = p^{(HD)} - p^{(SD)} > 0$$ # # with 80% power. This analysis will be conducted using the *proper Bayesian* approach (Spiegelhalter et al. 2004). The advantage of this approach for power analysis over a frequentist power analysis is that it does not assume that the underlying probabilities are known. Failure to do so will tend to underestimate variance and result in underpowered experiments. # # A sample leading to a successful trial (one in which a difference is detected) under a particular sample size $n$ is: # # $$E_n = \left\{\mathbf{x}; Pr( \delta > 0 | \mathbf{x} ) \ge 0.95\right\}$$ # # so the probability of a successful trial is: # # $$\psi(n) = P_{X^{(n)}}(X^{(n)} \in E_n)$$ # # which is the **expected Bayesian power**. # # In our case, the power is: # # $$\psi(n) = \Phi\left(\frac{\pi_{hd} - \pi_{sd}}{\sqrt{\pi_{hd}(1-\pi_{hd})/n_{hd} - \pi_{sd}(1-\pi_{sd})/n_{sd}}}\right)$$ # # where the $\pi_i$ are the posterior probabilities, parameterized by a beta distribution with a binomial likelihood for the data. # We will use the sample data from the phase I trial (GiaQuinta et al. 2014) to construct prior distributions for $p^{(HD)}$ and $p^{(SD)}$. # In[27]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import pymc3 as pm import theano.tensor as tt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from theano.tensor.shared_randomstreams import RandomStreams # In[3]: xvals = np.linspace(0, 1) hd_dist = pm.Beta.dist(alpha=13, beta=11).logp(xvals) sd_dist = pm.Beta.dist(alpha=3, beta=14).logp(xvals) plt.plot(xvals, np.exp(hd_dist.eval())) plt.plot(xvals, np.exp(sd_dist.eval())) # In[30]: # Standard normal from complimentary error function Φ = lambda x: 0.5*tt.erfc(-x/tt.sqrt(2)) def power_analysis(n): # Allocate samples 2:1 n_hd = int(2*n/3) n_sd = n - n_hd with pm.Model() as model: # probabilities of >= 4-fold-rise taken from Beta priors constructed from phase I data π_hd = pm.Beta('π_hd', 12, 10) π_sd = pm.Beta('π_sd', 2, 13) # Draw binomial samples from probabilities rng = RandomStreams(seed=20090425) #x_hd = pm.Binomial('x_hd', n_hd, π_hd) x_hd = rng.binomial(n=n_hd, p=π_hd) #x_sd = pm.Binomial('x_sd', n_sd, π_sd) x_sd = rng.binomial(n=n_sd, p=π_sd) # Empirical probabilities π_hd_post = x_hd/n_hd π_sd_post = x_sd/n_sd # Convert difference in probabilities to standard normal d = pm.Deterministic('d', (π_hd_post - π_sd_post) / tt.sqrt(π_hd_post*(1-π_hd_post)/n_hd + π_sd_post*(1-π_sd_post)/n_sd)) # P-value p = 1 - Φ(d) # Successful detection power = pm.Deterministic('power', (p<0.05).astype('int32')) return model # Use model to estimate power for a range of sample sizes. # # n=60: # In[31]: iterations = 1000 tune = 2000 mod60 = power_analysis(60) with mod60: tr = pm.sample(iterations, tune=tune, cores=2) # In[32]: pm.summary(tr, varnames=['power'])[['mean', 'mc_error']] # n=48: # In[34]: mod48 = power_analysis(48) with mod48: tr = pm.sample(iterations, tune=tune, cores=2) pm.summary(tr, varnames=['power'])[['mean', 'mc_error']] # n=42: # In[35]: mod42 = power_analysis(42) with mod42: tr = pm.sample(iterations, tune=tune, cores=2) pm.summary(tr, varnames=['power'])[['mean', 'mc_error']] # n=36: # In[36]: mod36 = power_analysis(36) with mod36: tr = pm.sample(iterations, tune=tune, cores=2) pm.summary(tr, varnames=['power'])[['mean', 'mc_error']] # n=27: # In[37]: mod27 = power_analysis(27) with mod27: tr = pm.sample(iterations, tune=tune, cores=2) pm.summary(tr, varnames=['power'])[['mean', 'mc_error']] # The power analysis suggests that a sample size in the low- to mid-30s would be sufficient to detect a difference between high and standard dose with 80% power in a similar population. A sample size over 60 would be required for 90% power. # ## References # # 1. GiaQuinta, S., Michaels, M. G., McCullers, J. A., Wang, L., Fonnesbeck, C., O'Shea, A., et al. (2014). Randomized, double-blind comparison of standard-dose vs. high-dose trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in pediatric solid organ transplant patients. Pediatric Transplantation, 19(2), 219–228. http://doi.org/10.1111/petr.12419 # 1. Spiegelhalter, D. J., Abrams, K. R., and Myles, J. P. (2004). Bayesian approaches to Clinical Trials and Health Care Evaluation. Wiley, New York.